Payment API Client


  • Java 11
  • VueJS
  • Maven
  • Postgres


Swagger documentation

Project setup

├─┬ backend     → backend module with Spring Boot code
│ ├── src
│ └── pom.xml
├─┬ frontend    → frontend module with Vue.js code
│ ├── src
│ └── pom.xml
└── pom.xml     → Maven parent pom managing both modules



VasPublicPaymentApi requires an OAuth2 access token for interaction.
This application automatically handles token fetching and refreshing by using Spring Security.
Configuration values are set in application.yml

# "XXX" Should be replaced by value provided by PayEx
# CLIENT_ID/CLIENT_SECRET/VAS_AUTH_SERVER_URL can also be set in docker-compose.yml as environment variables if running with docker
# The application will see if environment variables are present, if not fall back to "XXX" values.
            grantType: client_credentials
            clientId: "${CLIENT_ID}:XXX"
            clientSecret: "${CLIENT_SECRET}:XXX"
            accessTokenUri: "${VAS_AUTH_SERVER_URL}:XXX"
            scope: publicapi

And the implementation of these are located in

public class Oauth2RestTemplateConfiguration {
   protected ClientCredentialsResourceDetails oAuthDetails() {
       return new ClientCredentialsResourceDetails();

   protected RestTemplate restTemplate() {
        var restTemplate = new OAuth2RestTemplate(oAuthDetails());
       return restTemplate;


The API also requires HMAC authentication to be present in a request.
In this client the HMAC value is automatically calculated by and added to all outgoing requests in

HMAC is implemented using SHA-512 secure hash algorithm. 

Expected Hmac header format is:

HmacSHA512 <user>:<nonce>:<digest> 

where digest is a Base64 formatted HMAC SHA512 digest of the following string: 


METHOD (mandatory) the requested method (in upper case) RESOURCE (mandatory) the path to desired resource (without hostname and any query parameters)
NONSE (mandatory) a unique value for each request (UUID) DATE(optional) same as Transmission-Time if provided as seperate header. Uses ISO8601 standard PAYLOAD (optional) body of request 

Example request:

curl -X POST \ \
 -H 'Accept: */*' \
 -H 'Agreement-Merchant-Id: XXX' \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXX' \
 -H 'Hmac: HmacSHA512 user:21a0213e-30eb-85ab-b355-a310d31af30e:oY5Q5Rf1anCz7DRm3GyWR0dvJDnhl/psylfnNCn6FA0NOrQS3L0fvyUsQ1IQ9gQPeLUt9J3IM2zwoSfZpDgRJA==' \
 -H 'Transmission-Time: 2019-06-18T09:19:15.208257Z' \
 -H 'Session-Id: e0447bd2-ab64-b456-b17b-da274bb8428e' \
 -d '{
 "accountIdentifier": {
  "accountKey": "7013369000000000000",
  "cvc": "123",
  "expiryDate": "2019-12-31",
  "instrument": "GC"

In this example USER is user and SECRET is secret. 

The plain string to digest would then be:

 "accountIdentifier": {
  "accountKey": "7013360000000000000",
  "cvc": "123",
  "expiryDate": "2020-12-31",
  "instrument": "CC"

The plain digest string is then hashed with HmacSHA512 algorithm and the SECRET. Finally we Base64 encode the hashed value. This is the final digest to be provided in the Hmac header.

Final Hmac header value: 

HmacSHA512 user:21a0213e-30eb-85ab-b355-a310d31af30e:oY5Q5Rf1anCz7DRm3GyWR0dvJDnhl/psylfnNCn6FA0NOrQS3L0fvyUsQ1IQ9gQPeLUt9J3IM2zwoSfZpDgRJA==

Postman example script

In pre-request script copy/paste the following snippet:

var user = 'user';
var secret = 'secret';
var transmissionTime = (new Date()).toISOString();
var sessionId = guid();

var hmac = generateHMAC(user, secret, transmissionTime);
console.log('hmac: ' + hmac);

//Set header values
pm.request.headers.add({key: 'Hmac', value: hmac });
pm.request.headers.add({key: 'Transmission-Time', value: transmissionTime });
pm.request.headers.add({key: 'Session-Id', value: sessionId });

function generateHMAC(user, secret, transmissionTime) {

   var algorithm = "HmacSHA512";
   var separator = ":";
   var method = request.method.toUpperCase();
   var nonce = generateNonce(); //UUID
   var date = transmissionTime;
   var uri_path = replaceRequestEnv(request.url.trim()).trim().replace(new RegExp('^https?://[^/]+/'), '/'); // strip hostname
   uri_path = uri_path.split("?")[0]; //Remove query paramters
   var payload = _.isEmpty( ? "" :;
   var macData = method + '\n'
       + uri_path + '\n'
       + user + '\n'
       + nonce + '\n'
       + date + '\n'
       + payload + '\n';

    macData = replaceRequestEnv(macData);
    console.log('data to mac: ' + macData);

   var hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA512(macData, secret);
   var digest = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hash);
   return algorithm + " " + user + separator + nonce + separator + digest;

function replaceRequestEnv(input) { //manually set environments to they are populated before hashing
   return input.replace(/{{([^)]+)}}/g, function (str, key) {
       var value = pm.environment.get(key);
       return value === null ? pm.varables.get(key) : value;

function generateNonce() {
   return guid();

function guid() {
   function s4() {
       return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000)

   return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' +
        s4() + '-' + s4() + s4() + s4();

Security documentation

First App run

NB! The application expects a PostgreSQL server to be running on localhost with a username test and password test to exist.
This can automatically be configured if PostgreSQL server is started in docker with environment variables POSTGRES_USER=test and POSTGRES_PASSWORD=test are set (See docker-compose.yml).

Inside the root directory, do a: 

mvn clean install

Run the Spring Boot App:

mvn --projects backend spring-boot:run

Now go to http://localhost:8080/ and have a look at your new client.

Testing application

  1. Add a new card with provided details from PayEx.
  2. Click on newly added Card
  3. Click on "initiate payment" to create a new transaction

Build docker image:

mvn --projects backend clean compile jib:dockerBuild

Deploy to local docker:

docker-compose up -d    
Created by Thomas Warren on 2020/01/23 13:25


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