If errors are encountered during processing of files (CustomerContract or ContractBilling) sent to PayEx an error log will be created and returned, describing what type of error i.e. logical, format or xml-validation error.

Error log file


If any error occur during the process of any of the XML files sent to PayEx, an error log file is generated and sent back with detailed description of all the errors that occured. Depending of the type of error you may need to fix the invalid elements and send it again in a new file.

Error Codes

Below is a list of some errorcodes that may occur in the errorfile

1210AccountName must be unique
1024Registration number XXXXX is invalid

Name convention

ErrCustomerContract_<CompanyNumber>_<DateTime>_<SerialNumber>[Original related filename].xml

ErrContractBilling_<CompanyNumber>_<DateTime>_<SerialNumber>[Original related filename].xml

Names ComponentDescription
CompanyNumberThe company number in our ledger system
DateTimeDate created, Should be in the format  ISO 8601 format, YYYYMMDDhhmmdd
SerialNumberShould follow an uninterupted number series, 00001, and so on.

Current XML schema description

A detailed description of the elements in the current version of the XML schema definition file (XSD) can be found here

Download current XML schema file


Change Log

Version 2.0

September, 2016


 Initial version (latest documented version)

Download sample files


Created by David Persson on 2020/06/26 01:05