Changes for page 4. BillJournal

Last modified by David Persson on 2019/09/12 12:46
From empty
To version 39.1
edited by David Persson
on 2019/09/12 12:46
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
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1 +4. BillJournal
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2 +Go to the main page and follow the menu (Ledger & factoring) [[https:~~/~~/>>url:]] ===
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1 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 +<xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="">
3 + <xs:element name="BillJournal">
4 + <xs:complexType>
5 + <xs:sequence>
6 + <xs:element name="BillJournalInfo" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
7 + <xs:annotation>
8 + <xs:documentation>Contains events affecting an invoice.</xs:documentation>
9 + </xs:annotation>
10 + <xs:complexType>
11 + <xs:sequence>
12 + <xs:element name="InvoiceNo" type="InvoiceIdentifier15" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" nillable="false">
13 + <xs:annotation>
14 + <xs:documentation>InvoiceNo is your unique invoice identifier in the accounts receivable.</xs:documentation>
15 + </xs:annotation>
16 + </xs:element>
17 + <xs:element name="CustomerNo" type="Identifier15" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" nillable="false">
18 + <xs:annotation>
19 + <xs:documentation>CustomerNo is your unique identifier of the customer in the accounts receivable.</xs:documentation>
20 + </xs:annotation>
21 + </xs:element>
22 + <xs:element name="InvoiceClaimEvents" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
23 + <xs:annotation>
24 + <xs:documentation>Containing claim events on an invoice.</xs:documentation>
25 + </xs:annotation>
26 + <xs:complexType>
27 + <xs:sequence>
28 + <xs:element name="InvoiceClaimEvent" type="InvoiceClaimEvent" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
29 + <xs:annotation>
30 + <xs:documentation>Contains an invoice claim event.</xs:documentation>
31 + </xs:annotation>
32 + </xs:element>
33 + </xs:sequence>
34 + </xs:complexType>
35 + </xs:element>
36 + <xs:element name="InvoiceStatusEvents" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
37 + <xs:annotation>
38 + <xs:documentation>Containing status events on an invoice.</xs:documentation>
39 + </xs:annotation>
40 + <xs:complexType>
41 + <xs:sequence>
42 + <xs:element name="InvoiceStatusEvent" type="InvoiceStatusEvent" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
43 + <xs:annotation>
44 + <xs:documentation>Contains an invoice status event.</xs:documentation>
45 + </xs:annotation>
46 + </xs:element>
47 + </xs:sequence>
48 + </xs:complexType>
49 + </xs:element>
50 + <xs:element name="InvoiceClaimProcessPauseEvents" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
51 + <xs:annotation>
52 + <xs:documentation>Containing claim process pause events on an invoice.</xs:documentation>
53 + </xs:annotation>
54 + <xs:complexType>
55 + <xs:sequence>
56 + <xs:element name="InvoiceClaimProcessPauseEvent" type="InvoiceClaimProcessPauseEvent" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
57 + <xs:annotation>
58 + <xs:documentation>Contains an invoice claim process pause event</xs:documentation>
59 + </xs:annotation>
60 + </xs:element>
61 + </xs:sequence>
62 + </xs:complexType>
63 + </xs:element>
64 + <xs:element name="InvoiceComplaintEvents" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
65 + <xs:annotation>
66 + <xs:documentation>Containing complaint events on an invoice.</xs:documentation>
67 + </xs:annotation>
68 + <xs:complexType>
69 + <xs:sequence>
70 + <xs:element name="InvoiceComplaintEvent" type="InvoiceComplaintEvent" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
71 + <xs:annotation>
72 + <xs:documentation>Contains an invoice complaint event</xs:documentation>
73 + </xs:annotation>
74 + </xs:element>
75 + </xs:sequence>
76 + </xs:complexType>
77 + </xs:element>
78 + <xs:element name="InvoiceNotificationEvents" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
79 + <xs:annotation>
80 + <xs:documentation>Containing Notification events on an invoice.</xs:documentation>
81 + </xs:annotation>
82 + <xs:complexType>
83 + <xs:sequence>
84 + <xs:element name="InvoiceNotificationEvent" type="InvoiceNotificationEvent" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
85 + <xs:annotation>
86 + <xs:documentation>Contains an invoice claim event.</xs:documentation>
87 + </xs:annotation>
88 + </xs:element>
89 + </xs:sequence>
90 + </xs:complexType>
91 + </xs:element>
92 + </xs:sequence>
93 + </xs:complexType>
94 + </xs:element>
95 + </xs:sequence>
96 + <xs:attribute name="Version" type="xs:string" fixed="1.1" use="required" >
97 + <xs:annotation>
98 + <xs:documentation>The version of the schema-file (XSD) to be used for validation of the xml-file</xs:documentation>
99 + </xs:annotation>
100 + </xs:attribute>
101 + <xs:attribute name="CreatedDateTime" type="xs:dateTime" use="required">
102 + <xs:annotation>
103 + <xs:documentation>The date and time when the file was created</xs:documentation>
104 + </xs:annotation>
105 + </xs:attribute>
106 + <xs:attribute name="CompanyNo" type="CompanyNumber" use="required" >
107 + <xs:annotation>
108 + <xs:documentation>Your accounts receivable number at PayEx</xs:documentation>
109 + </xs:annotation>
110 + </xs:attribute>
111 + <xs:attribute name="CompanyName" type="xs:string" use="required" >
112 + <xs:annotation>
113 + <xs:documentation>The name of your company/accounts recievable at PayEx</xs:documentation>
114 + </xs:annotation>
115 + </xs:attribute>
116 + </xs:complexType>
117 + </xs:element>
118 + <xs:simpleType name="Identifier15">
119 + <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
120 + <xs:pattern value="[a-zA-Z0-9äåöÄÅÖ&amp;/_ -.]*" />
121 + <xs:minLength value="1" />
122 + <xs:maxLength value="15" />
123 + </xs:restriction>
124 + </xs:simpleType>
125 + <xs:simpleType name="ISO3166">
126 + <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
127 + <xs:pattern value="[A-Z]*" />
128 + <xs:minLength value="2" />
129 + <xs:maxLength value="2" />
130 + </xs:restriction>
131 + </xs:simpleType>
132 + <xs:simpleType name="CompanyNumber">
133 + <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
134 + <xs:pattern value="[0-9]*" />
135 + <xs:minLength value="1" />
136 + <xs:maxLength value="15" />
137 + </xs:restriction>
138 + </xs:simpleType>
139 + <xs:simpleType name="ISO639">
140 + <xs:restriction base="PXString">
141 + <xs:enumeration value="SV" />
142 + <xs:enumeration value="NO" />
143 + <xs:enumeration value="DA" />
144 + <xs:enumeration value="FI" />
145 + <xs:enumeration value="EN" />
146 + </xs:restriction>
147 + </xs:simpleType>
148 + <xs:simpleType name="String35">
149 + <xs:restriction base="PXString">
150 + <xs:maxLength value="35" />
151 + </xs:restriction>
152 + </xs:simpleType>
153 + <xs:simpleType name="Email">
154 + <xs:restriction base="PXString">
155 + <xs:maxLength value="60" />
156 + </xs:restriction>
157 + </xs:simpleType>
158 + <xs:simpleType name="String15">
159 + <xs:restriction base="PXString">
160 + <xs:maxLength value="15" />
161 + </xs:restriction>
162 + </xs:simpleType>
163 + <xs:simpleType name="ZipCode">
164 + <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
165 + <xs:pattern value="[A-Z0-9\-]+" />
166 + <xs:maxLength value="9" />
167 + </xs:restriction>
168 + </xs:simpleType>
169 + <xs:simpleType name="VatNumber">
170 + <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
171 + <xs:pattern value="[A-Z]{2}.*" />
172 + <xs:minLength value="7" />
173 + <xs:maxLength value="14" />
174 + </xs:restriction>
175 + </xs:simpleType>
176 + <xs:simpleType name="String50">
177 + <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
178 + <xs:maxLength value="50" />
179 + </xs:restriction>
180 + </xs:simpleType>
181 + <xs:complexType name="InvoiceClaimEvent">
182 + <xs:sequence>
183 + <xs:element name="ClaimEvent" type="eClaimEvent" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" nillable="false">
184 + <xs:annotation>
185 + <xs:documentation>Type of claim event from enumeration.</xs:documentation>
186 + </xs:annotation>
187 + </xs:element>
188 + <xs:element name="ClaimEventDate" type="xs:date" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" nillable="false">
189 + <xs:annotation>
190 + <xs:documentation>The date when the event occurred.</xs:documentation>
191 + </xs:annotation>
192 + </xs:element>
193 + <xs:element name="BillAmount" type="BillAmount" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" nillable="false">
194 + <xs:annotation>
195 + <xs:documentation>The claim amount at the time of the claimevent.</xs:documentation>
196 + </xs:annotation>
197 + </xs:element>
198 + </xs:sequence>
199 + </xs:complexType>
200 + <xs:complexType name="InvoiceStatusEvent">
201 + <xs:sequence>
202 + <xs:element name="InvoiceStatus" type="eInvoiceStatus" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" nillable="false">
203 + <xs:annotation>
204 + <xs:documentation>Type of status event from enumeration.</xs:documentation>
205 + </xs:annotation>
206 + </xs:element>
207 + <xs:element name="StatusEventDate" type="xs:date" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" nillable="false">
208 + <xs:annotation>
209 + <xs:documentation>The date when the event occurred</xs:documentation>
210 + </xs:annotation>
211 + </xs:element>
212 + </xs:sequence>
213 + </xs:complexType>
214 + <xs:complexType name="InvoiceClaimProcessPauseEvent">
215 + <xs:sequence>
216 + <xs:element name="ClaimProcessPauseEvent" type="eClaimProcessPauseEventType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" nillable="false">
217 + <xs:annotation>
218 + <xs:documentation>Type of claim process pause event from enumeration.</xs:documentation>
219 + </xs:annotation>
220 + </xs:element>
221 + <xs:element name="ClaimProcessPauseEventDate" type="xs:date" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" nillable="false">
222 + <xs:annotation>
223 + <xs:documentation>The date when the event occurred</xs:documentation>
224 + </xs:annotation>
225 + </xs:element>
226 + <xs:element name="ValidToDate" type="xs:date" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" nillable="false">
227 + <xs:annotation>
228 + <xs:documentation>If exists, the date to which the claim process pause is valid to.</xs:documentation>
229 + </xs:annotation>
230 + </xs:element>
231 + </xs:sequence>
232 + </xs:complexType>
233 + <xs:complexType name="InvoiceComplaintEvent">
234 + <xs:sequence>
235 + <xs:element name="ComplaintStatus" type="eComplaintStatus" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" nillable="false">
236 + <xs:annotation>
237 + <xs:documentation>Type of complaint status from enumeration.</xs:documentation>
238 + </xs:annotation>
239 + </xs:element>
240 + <xs:element name="ComplaintEventDate" type="xs:date" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" nillable="false">
241 + <xs:annotation>
242 + <xs:documentation>The date when the event occurred</xs:documentation>
243 + </xs:annotation>
244 + </xs:element>
245 + </xs:sequence>
246 + </xs:complexType>
247 + <xs:complexType name="InvoiceNotificationEvent">
248 + <xs:sequence>
249 + <xs:element name="NotificationType" type="eNotificationType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" nillable="false">
250 + <xs:annotation>
251 + <xs:documentation>Type of Notification event from enumeration.</xs:documentation>
252 + </xs:annotation>
253 + </xs:element>
254 + <xs:element name="NotificationEventDate" type="xs:date" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" nillable="false">
255 + <xs:annotation>
256 + <xs:documentation>The date when the event occurred.</xs:documentation>
257 + </xs:annotation>
258 + </xs:element>
259 + </xs:sequence>
260 + </xs:complexType>
261 + <xs:complexType name="BillAmount">
262 + <xs:sequence>
263 + <xs:element name="AmountInclVat" type="Money" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" nillable="false"/>
264 + </xs:sequence>
265 + <xs:attribute name="Currency" type="eCurrencyType" use="required" />
266 + </xs:complexType>
267 + <xs:simpleType name="eClaimProcessPauseEventType">
268 + <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
269 + <xs:enumeration value="Stop">
270 + <xs:annotation>
271 + <xs:documentation>The claim is stopped for further claim process steps until stop is removed.</xs:documentation>
272 + </xs:annotation>
273 + </xs:enumeration>
274 + <xs:enumeration value="Respite">
275 + <xs:annotation>
276 + <xs:documentation>The claim is stopped for further claimprocess steps until valid to data of respite or respite is removed.</xs:documentation>
277 + </xs:annotation>
278 + </xs:enumeration>
279 + <xs:enumeration value="StopRemoved">
280 + <xs:annotation>
281 + <xs:documentation>Stop has been removed from claim.</xs:documentation>
282 + </xs:annotation>
283 + </xs:enumeration>
284 + <xs:enumeration value="RespiteRemoved">
285 + <xs:annotation>
286 + <xs:documentation>Respite has been removed fro claim</xs:documentation>
287 + </xs:annotation>
288 + </xs:enumeration>
289 + </xs:restriction>
290 + </xs:simpleType>
291 + <xs:simpleType name="eComplaintStatus">
292 + <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
293 + <xs:enumeration value="ComplaintReceived">
294 + <xs:annotation>
295 + <xs:documentation>Complaint has been registered</xs:documentation>
296 + </xs:annotation>
297 + </xs:enumeration>
298 + <xs:enumeration value="ComplaintResolved">
299 + <xs:annotation>
300 + <xs:documentation>Complaint has been resolved</xs:documentation>
301 + </xs:annotation>
302 + </xs:enumeration>
303 + </xs:restriction>
304 + </xs:simpleType>
305 + <xs:simpleType name="eInvoiceStatus">
306 + <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
307 + <xs:enumeration value="Closed">
308 + <xs:annotation>
309 + <xs:documentation>Status of the invoice in the accounts receivable has been set to closed</xs:documentation>
310 + </xs:annotation>
311 + </xs:enumeration>
312 + <xs:enumeration value="Rest">
313 + <xs:annotation>
314 + <xs:documentation>Status of the invoice in the accounts receivable has been set to rest, meaning that remaing amount to settle is below or egual to configured amount.</xs:documentation>
315 + </xs:annotation>
316 + </xs:enumeration>
317 + </xs:restriction>
318 + </xs:simpleType>
319 + <xs:simpleType name="eClaimEvent">
320 + <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
321 + <xs:enumeration value="ReminderSent">
322 + <xs:annotation>
323 + <xs:documentation>An invoice reminder has been sent to the customer</xs:documentation>
324 + </xs:annotation>
325 + </xs:enumeration>
326 + <xs:enumeration value="SecondReminderSent">
327 + <xs:annotation>
328 + <xs:documentation>A second invoice reminder has been sent to the customer</xs:documentation>
329 + </xs:annotation>
330 + </xs:enumeration>
331 + <xs:enumeration value="CollectionClaimSent">
332 + <xs:annotation>
333 + <xs:documentation>A collection claim has been sent to the customer</xs:documentation>
334 + </xs:annotation>
335 + </xs:enumeration>
336 + <xs:enumeration value="RestReminderSent">
337 + <xs:annotation>
338 + <xs:documentation>A reminder including only interest and fees has been sent to the customer</xs:documentation>
339 + </xs:annotation>
340 + </xs:enumeration>
341 + <xs:enumeration value="DebtCollection">
342 + <xs:annotation>
343 + <xs:documentation>The invoice has been transferred to collection</xs:documentation>
344 + </xs:annotation>
345 + </xs:enumeration>
346 + </xs:restriction>
347 + </xs:simpleType>
348 + <xs:simpleType name="eNotificationType">
349 + <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
350 + <xs:enumeration value="PreDueDate">
351 + <xs:annotation>
352 + <xs:documentation>Notification before the invoice due date</xs:documentation>
353 + </xs:annotation>
354 + </xs:enumeration>
355 + </xs:restriction>
356 + </xs:simpleType>
357 + <xs:simpleType name="eCurrencyType">
358 + <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
359 + <xs:enumeration value="SEK" />
360 + <xs:enumeration value="NOK" />
361 + <xs:enumeration value="DKK" />
362 + <xs:enumeration value="EUR" />
363 + </xs:restriction>
364 + </xs:simpleType>
365 + <xs:simpleType name="Money">
366 + <xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
367 + <xs:fractionDigits value="2" />
368 + <xs:minInclusive value="-100000000" />
369 + <xs:maxInclusive value="100000000" />
370 + </xs:restriction>
371 + </xs:simpleType>
372 + <xs:simpleType name="String10">
373 + <xs:restriction base="PXString">
374 + <xs:maxLength value="10" />
375 + </xs:restriction>
376 + </xs:simpleType>
377 + <xs:simpleType name="String30">
378 + <xs:restriction base="PXString">
379 + <xs:maxLength value="30" />
380 + </xs:restriction>
381 + </xs:simpleType>
382 + <xs:simpleType name="String25">
383 + <xs:restriction base="PXString">
384 + <xs:maxLength value="25" />
385 + </xs:restriction>
386 + </xs:simpleType>
387 + <xs:simpleType name="InvoiceIdentifier15">
388 + <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
389 + <xs:pattern value="[A-Za-z0-9\-]+" />
390 + <xs:maxLength value="15" />
391 + </xs:restriction>
392 + </xs:simpleType>
393 + <xs:simpleType name="PXString">
394 + <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
395 + <xs:pattern value="[a-zA-Z0-9_:!;&quot;#&lt;&gt;=?\[\]@{}´&#xA;&#xD; %-/À-ÖØ-öø-ú]*" />
396 + <xs:minLength value="1" />
397 + </xs:restriction>
398 + </xs:simpleType>
399 +</xs:schema>
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BillJournal (3).svg
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