Invoice layout


When using PayEx Ledger Service, the following parameters shall be taken in consideration before billing and distributing invoices.

Payment Reference

When producing and distributing the invoice, correct payment reference needs to be calculated and presented in order for PayEx to settle the payments.

The invoice or similar must show that only an OCR reference number must be used for payment to the Bankgiro number.

Payment Reference is sent to PayEx using PaymentRefNo in cusin.

Example of OCR-number payment reference:



OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is used as payment reference.

N.B. Is set by Company in Ledger Service.

OCR number at PayEx always consists of 14 digits by default, e.g. 5123450001234X.

digit = ledger id number length, in this example 5.

5 digits = PayEx ledger id number.

1-6 digits = Unique payment reference serial number per ledger: e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and so on.

1 digit = length digit that defines the reference number length including the check digit. If the reference number is 14 digits in length, the correct length digit is 4.

1 digit (X) = check digit using modulus 10.


KID (Kundeidetifikasjon) is used in Norway both as payment reference and customer identifier for e.g. direct payment (AvtaleGiro)

N.B. Is set by Company in Ledger Service

KID number at PayEx always consists of 12 digits by default, e.g. 12345670000X

When used as Payment reference:

digits = customer number sent to PayEx

4 digits = Unique payment reference serial number, per end customer and ledger: e.g. 0001, 0002, 0003, and so on.

1 digit (X) = check digit using modulus 10.

When used as Customer identifier:

When used as customer identifier only (i.e. for Avtalegiro sign up) the 4 digits in invoice serial number can be replaced with all zeroes.


OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is used as payment reference.

N.B. Is set by Company in Ledger Service.

OCR number at PayEx always consists of 13 digits by default, e.g. 512345000123X.

digit = ledger id number length, in this example 5.

5 digits = PayEx ledger id number.

1-6 digits = Unique payment reference serial number per ledger: e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and so on.

1 digit (X) = check digit using modulus 10.

Invoice Reference

In order for PayEx to send claims an Invoice reference text needs to be added, referring to the goods or services on the original invoice, i.e. "IT support services"

If Invoice Reference is not sent, a ledger default text will be used.

Invoice Reference is sent to PayEx using InvoiceReferenceText in cusin.

Administration text

The invoice or similar should show contact information and info about PayEx as an payment administrator.


Denna fakturafordran administreras av PayEx Sverige AB, 621 88 Visby, Betalning skall ske till PayEx Sverige AB på angivet bankgiro. Eventuella anmärkningar eller förfrågningar kring fakturan skall ställas till <CompanyName>. Betalning skall vara oss tillhanda senast på förfallodagen. Vid betalning efter förfallodagen debiteras påminnelseavgift samt dröjsmålsränta enligt räntelagen.


Denne fakturafordringen administreres av PayEx Norge AS, NO-0106 Oslo, Befriende betaling kan kun skje til angitt konto innen oppgitt forfallsdato. Eventuelle spørsmål om faktura må rettes til <CompanyName>. Ved betaling etter forfallsdato kan purregebyr og forsinkelsesrente påløpe i henhold til gjeldende lov.


Denne faktura administreres af PayEx Danmark A/S, DK-1155 København K, Frigørende betaling kan kun ske til den angivne konto inden den angivne forfaldsdato. Eventuelle spørgsmål om fakturaen må rettes til <CompanyName>. Ved betaling efter forfald kan rykkergebyr påløbe samt rente i henhold til gældende lov.

Created by Fredrik Nilsson on 2022/01/28 14:26