InvoiceOrderResponse (XML)

InvoiceOrderResponse file


The xml response file for FB01 reports the customer numbers that were sorted out as they have "soft" logic errors that are accepted and thus configured  in PayEx Billing, e.g. "Missing Customer"

Error Codes

Below is a list of some errorcodes that may occur in the errorfile

All message codes (Error/Warning) are listed in BERR030

15232Customer [Test Testson] not registred in database

Name convention


Names ComponentDescription
CompanyNumberThe company number in our ledger system
DateTimeDate created, Should be in the format  ISO 8601 format, YYYYMMDDhhmmss
SerialNumberShould follow an uninterupted number series, 00001, and so on.

Download current XML schema file


Change Log

September, 2023


 Initial version (latest documented version)

Download sample files

Exempelfil (ResponseWithErrors)

Exempelfil (OkResponse)

Created by Anders Göthberg on 2023/06/13 15:48