Receipt Split (BRCP050)

Name convention


Names ComponentDescription
CompanyNumberThe company number in PayEx ledger system
DateTimeDate created in format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
SEQNOAlways = 0 in this report
ReceiptInvoiceOrderFile description
BatchIdThe identification number from the creation of the FB01 creation process ID

For example: BRCP050_99999_20191128093539_0[ReceiptInvoiceOrder_1234567].DAT

The file is semicolon-separated.

Change log

VersionDateDescriptionCreated by

Document created

Jacob de Boer
2.02023-09-01New record description due to new internal invoice order split process. Removing internal PFB file which is replaced by a more dynamic database storage model. Jakob Flodman

General information and explanation of records

The BRCP050-file is used to report about the FB-file split process.

This file split process is used to split FB-files into split parts stored in database to be used as a base in the billing invoice process. 

The split process will divide the original FB file into smaller parts depending on the number of customer numbers. The number of customer numbers has been agreed with PayEx.

Each split part receives an unique sequence number for identification together with the split run unique processid

For example:
FB file name: FB01_99999_230609105400_1.DAT

Results in: 
Part 1 :FB01_99999_230609105400_1.DAT:3456789
Part 2 :FB01_99999_230609105400_1.DAT:3456789
Part 3 :FB01_99999_230609105400_1.DAT:3456789
Part 4 :FB01_99999_230609105400_1.DAT:3456789

The BRCP050-file is showing an overview about the split of the FB-file into parts, for example:


Record description

H - Header record

Required record

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Record type1HReq.Header record
Firm number2N(5)Req.You receive the firm number from PayEx.
Firm name3X(40)Req.Your firm name.
Runtime process id4N(10) Internal process identification number
Created date5N(6)Req.YYMMDD – Same date as in the file name.
Created time6N(4)Req.HHMM – Time when the file was created.

Example on the records appearance.


I - Information record

Required record

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Record type1IReq.Information record type
Code2N(15)Req.Information code
Description3X(1000)Req.Description of information code


Example on the records appearance.

I;15291;Name of processed file;FB01_99999_20191128093539_113.DAT
I;15328;Total number of orderrows processed;170000
I;15329;Total number of orderrows approved;169999

W - Warning record

Required record

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Record type1WReq.Warning record type
Code2N(15)Req.Warning code
Description3X(1000)Req.Description of warning code


Example on the records appearance.

W;15331;Number of rejected orderrows to responsefile;1

F - File Split record

Required record

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Record type1FReq.Record type
Code2N(15)Req.Information code
Original file name3X(120)Req.The name of the original FB file
Split part description4X(120)Req.Split part sequence descriptiontext
Number of Customers5N(7)Req.Number of customers for each part
Split part sequence number6N(2)Req.Split part sequence number

Example on the records appearance.

F;15330;Number of orderrows for part[1];100000;1
F;15330;Number of orderrows for part[2];70000;2

S - Trailer record

Required record

Field nameField noFormatTypeDescription
Record type1SReq.Trailer record
Total number of records2N(8)Req.Number of records, header record and trailer record included.

Example on the records appearance.



Created by Anders Göthberg on 2023/06/07 11:33