От версии 1.3
отредактировано Anders Göthberg
на 2020/12/29 09:23
К версии 2.1
отредактировано Tomas Kristoffersson
на 2020/12/29 10:45
Комментарий к изменению: К данной версии нет комментариев



Page properties
Автор документа
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
1 -xwiki:XWiki.ang
1 +xwiki:XWiki.tkr
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1 +{{xslt syntax="html" xsl="attach:Main.billing.technical-reference.WebHome@viewXSD.xsl"}}
2 +
3 +<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:vc="http://www.w3.org/2007/XMLSchema-versioning" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" vc:minVersion="1.1">
4 + <xs:element name="UnbilledProduct">
5 + <xs:annotation>
6 + <xs:documentation>Contains general ledger accounting associated to unbilled products at reportdate</xs:documentation>
7 + </xs:annotation>
8 + <xs:complexType>
9 + <xs:sequence>
10 + <xs:element name="Customers">
11 + <xs:annotation>
12 + <xs:documentation>Contains multiple customers</xs:documentation>
13 + </xs:annotation>
14 + <xs:complexType>
15 + <xs:sequence>
16 + <xs:element name="Customer" maxOccurs="unbounded">
17 + <xs:annotation>
18 + <xs:documentation>Contains information associated to one customer</xs:documentation>
19 + </xs:annotation>
20 + <xs:complexType>
21 + <xs:sequence>
22 + <xs:element name="Accountings">
23 + <xs:annotation>
24 + <xs:documentation>Contains accountings associated to one customer</xs:documentation>
25 + </xs:annotation>
26 + <xs:complexType>
27 + <xs:sequence>
28 + <xs:element name="Accounting" maxOccurs="unbounded">
29 + <xs:annotation>
30 + <xs:documentation>Contains information associated to one accounting</xs:documentation>
31 + </xs:annotation>
32 + <xs:complexType>
33 + <xs:attribute name="AccountingAction" type="eAccountingAction" use="required">
34 + <xs:annotation>
35 + <xs:documentation>Accountingaction </xs:documentation>
36 + </xs:annotation>
37 + </xs:attribute>
38 + <xs:attribute name="GLAccount" type="fIdentifier" use="required">
39 + <xs:annotation>
40 + <xs:documentation>General ledger account</xs:documentation>
41 + </xs:annotation>
42 + </xs:attribute>
43 + <xs:attribute name="Amount" use="required">
44 + <xs:annotation>
45 + <xs:documentation>Amount with two decimals</xs:documentation>
46 + </xs:annotation>
47 + <xs:simpleType>
48 + <xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
49 + <xs:fractionDigits value="2"/>
50 + </xs:restriction>
51 + </xs:simpleType>
52 + </xs:attribute>
53 + <xs:attribute name="GLProduct" type="fIdentifier" use="optional">
54 + <xs:annotation>
55 + <xs:documentation>General ledger product associated to the product in the productcatalog</xs:documentation>
56 + </xs:annotation>
57 + </xs:attribute>
58 + <xs:attribute name="ProductId" type="fIdentifier" use="optional">
59 + <xs:annotation>
60 + <xs:documentation>Identifier of the product in the productcatalog</xs:documentation>
61 + </xs:annotation>
62 + </xs:attribute>
63 + <xs:attribute name="ProductType" type="fIdentifier" use="optional">
64 + <xs:annotation>
65 + <xs:documentation>ProductType associated to the product in the productcatalog</xs:documentation>
66 + </xs:annotation>
67 + </xs:attribute>
68 + <xs:attribute name="CostCenter" type="fIdentifier" use="optional">
69 + <xs:annotation>
70 + <xs:documentation>Costcenter associated to the product in the productcatalog</xs:documentation>
71 + </xs:annotation>
72 + </xs:attribute>
73 + </xs:complexType>
74 + </xs:element>
75 + </xs:sequence>
76 + </xs:complexType>
77 + </xs:element>
78 + </xs:sequence>
79 + <xs:attribute name="CustomerNo" type="xs:string" use="required">
80 + <xs:annotation>
81 + <xs:documentation>Customernumber of the customer</xs:documentation>
82 + </xs:annotation>
83 + </xs:attribute>
84 + <xs:attribute name="InterCompanyCode" type="xs:string" use="optional">
85 + <xs:annotation>
86 + <xs:documentation>Possible intercompanycode of the customer</xs:documentation>
87 + </xs:annotation>
88 + </xs:attribute>
89 + <xs:attribute name="CurrencyCode" use="required">
90 + <xs:annotation>
91 + <xs:documentation>Currencycode according to ISO4217</xs:documentation>
92 + </xs:annotation>
93 + <xs:simpleType>
94 + <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
95 + <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
96 + </xs:restriction>
97 + </xs:simpleType>
98 + </xs:attribute>
99 + </xs:complexType>
100 + </xs:element>
101 + </xs:sequence>
102 + </xs:complexType>
103 + </xs:element>
104 + </xs:sequence>
105 + <xs:attribute name="Version" type="Version" use="required">
106 + <xs:annotation>
107 + <xs:documentation>The XSD version of the xml format. XSD</xs:documentation>
108 + </xs:annotation>
109 + </xs:attribute>
110 + <xs:attribute name="CreatedDateTime" type="xs:dateTime" use="required">
111 + <xs:annotation>
112 + <xs:documentation>Date and time when the file was created</xs:documentation>
113 + </xs:annotation>
114 + </xs:attribute>
115 + <xs:attribute name="CompanyNo" type="CompanyNumber" use="required">
116 + <xs:annotation>
117 + <xs:documentation>Your billing/accountsreceivablenumber at PayEx</xs:documentation>
118 + </xs:annotation>
119 + </xs:attribute>
120 + <xs:attribute name="CompanyName" type="xs:string" use="required">
121 + <xs:annotation>
122 + <xs:documentation>The name of your company</xs:documentation>
123 + </xs:annotation>
124 + </xs:attribute>
125 + <xs:attribute name="ValueDate" type="xs:date" use="required">
126 + <xs:annotation>
127 + <xs:documentation>Date in general ledger</xs:documentation>
128 + </xs:annotation>
129 + </xs:attribute>
130 + </xs:complexType>
131 + </xs:element>
132 + <xs:simpleType name="CompanyNumber">
133 + <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
134 + <xs:minLength value="1"/>
135 + <xs:maxLength value="15"/>
136 + <xs:pattern value="[0-9]*"/>
137 + </xs:restriction>
138 + </xs:simpleType>
139 + <xs:simpleType name="Version">
140 + <xs:annotation>
141 + <xs:documentation>Versions supported by this schema</xs:documentation>
142 + </xs:annotation>
143 + <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
144 + <xs:enumeration value="1.0"/>
145 + </xs:restriction>
146 + </xs:simpleType>
147 + <xs:simpleType name="eAccountingAction">
148 + <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
149 + <xs:enumeration value="D"/>
150 + <xs:enumeration value="C"/>
151 + </xs:restriction>
152 + </xs:simpleType>
153 + <xs:simpleType name="fIdentifier">
154 + <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
155 + <xs:maxLength value="15"/>
156 + <xs:pattern value="[A-Za-z0-9]*"/>
157 + </xs:restriction>
158 + </xs:simpleType>
159 +</xs:schema>
160 +{{/xslt}}