Changes for page CPITP

Last modified by Anders Göthberg on 2021/04/15 10:45
From empty
To version 2.1
edited by Anders Göthberg
on 2021/04/14 13:16
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
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1 +Main.Invoicing.billing.technical-reference.Usage.CPI.WebHome
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1 -XWiki.XWikiGuest
1 +xwiki:XWiki.ang
Default language
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1 +en
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1 +px-custom-page-content
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1 += Name convention =
2 +
3 +CPITP_<CompanyNumber>_<DateTime>_<SEQNO>[Info].DAT
4 +
5 +
6 +(% border="1" %)
7 +|=Names Component|=Description
8 +|CompanyNumber|The company number in PayEx ledger system
9 +|DateTime|Date created in format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
10 +|SEQNO|Unbroken serial number sequence.
11 +|Info|Provider specific code supplied by Payex
12 +
13 +**For example: CPITP_99999_210102132603_1[XXXXXX].DAT**
14 +
15 +
16 +(% id="HChangelog" %)
17 += Change log =
18 +
19 +(% border="1" %)
20 +|=**Version**|=**Date**|=**Description**|=**Created by**
21 +|1.0|2020-03-10|(((
22 +Created document
23 +)))|Daniel Olsson
24 +
25 +(% id="HGeneralinformationandexplanationofrecords" %)
26 +=
27 +General information and explanation of records =
28 +
29 +(% style="font-size:14px" %)**Content Provider Information (CPI)**
30 +
31 +Due to regulations, premium services are obligated to present name and contact information of the service provider on the invoice.
32 +
33 +The purpose of the CPI file is to provide content provider information to the PayEx Billing system.
34 +
35 +The content provider information data is an addition to the data sent in the CDRs.
36 +
37 +In the CDR, the ID to a service provider is expected for premium services.
38 +
39 +The data will be stored in one single source in the PayEx Billing system and may be used by all usage groups within a ledger.
40 +
41 +Multiple ledgers can use information from this single source. The file should always be completed and contain all entries ever made for a certain provider code.
42 +
43 +
44 +== Format description ==
45 +
46 +All fields are separated with semicolons ”;”.
47 +
48 +The format field is written in the way that numerical values are written as N and alphanumerical characters are written as X. where ”n” is the maximum number of characters/digits or in certain cases number of characters that must exist.
49 +
50 +(((
51 += Record description =
52 +
53 +== H - Header record ==
54 +)))
55 +
56 +(% border="1" %)
57 +|**Field name**|**Field no.**|**Format**|**Type**|**Description**
58 +|Record type|1|H|Req.|Header record
59 +|File provider code|2|X(15)|Req.|File provider specific code supplied by Payex
60 +|File creation date|3|X(19)|Req.|Date on format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
61 +|Version|4|N(2)|Req.|File format version, currently 1
62 +
63 +== P - Provider record ==
64 +
65 +(% border="1" %)
66 +|**Field name**|**Field no.**|**Format**|**Type**|**Description**
67 +|Record type|1|P|Req.|Provider
68 +|Content provider id|2|X(15)|Req.|Unique identifier for a specific content provider
69 +|Organization number|3|X(12)| |Organization number for the content provider
70 +|Contact phone|4|X(60)| |Phone number to the content provider help center
71 +|Contact email|5|X(30)| |Email address to the content provider help center
72 +|Contact url|6|X(30)| |URL to the content provider help center
73 +|VAT number|7|X(15)| |Swedish VAT registration number
74 +|Legal name|8|X(50)| |Content provider company name
75 +|Address line 1|9|X(55)| |Address
76 +|Address line 2|10|X(55)| |Address cont.
77 +|Zip code|11|X(16)| |Postal zip code
78 +|City|12|X(30)| |City
79 +|Country|13|X(30)| |Country
80 +
81 +== ==
82 +
83 +== A - Access record ==
84 +
85 +(% border="1" %)
86 +|**Field name**|**Field no.**|**Format**|**Type**|**Description**
87 +|Record type|1|A|Req.|Access
88 +|Content provider id|2|X(15)|Req.|Must be present in the provider section of the file
89 +|Access Id|3|X(8)| |Unique identifier for a specific access
90 +|B number|4|X(32)| |Phone number connected to the access
91 +|Start date|5|X(19)|Req.|Valid-from date for the access, format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
92 +|End date|6|X(19)| |Valid-to date for the access, format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
93 +|Description|7|X(50)| |Textual description of the content
94 +|Destination code|8|X(5)| |Destination Code for mapping to Payex DP-file
95 +
96 +== ==
97 +
98 +== T - Trailer record ==
99 +
100 +(% border="1" %)
101 +|**Field name**|**Field no.**|**Format**|**Type**|**Description**
102 +|Record type|1|T|Req.|Trailer record
103 +|Number of
104 +provider records|2|N(8)|Req.|Number of provider records
105 +|Number of
106 +access records|3|N(8)|Req.|Number of access records
107 +
108 +== Record constraints ==
109 +
110 +Header- and Trailer-record are allowed only once.
111 +
112 +Provider records are allowed any number of times and should be written directly after the header record. All Provider records should be written before any Access record.
113 +
114 +Access records are allowed any number of times and should be written after the provider records. Please note that all access records must reference a valid provider record.
115 +
116 +
117 +
118 +== Complete file example ==
119 +
120 +Please note that this is a very simple example using a one-to-one relationship between provider and access where Content Provider Id is the reference between the two
121 +records.
122 +
123 +File name: **CPITP_210101120000_1[XXXXXX].DAT**
124 +
125 +H;XXXXX;2021-02-01 12:00:00;1
126 +P;P00234;5770523124;08-123456;;;12378944;The Company;;;;;
127 +P;P00235;5705231245;;;;987445;Sales;;;;;
128 +A;P00234;;;2008-01-01 00:00:00;;Ringtones;
129 +A;P00235;;;2007-01-01 00:00:00;;Tunes;
130 +T;2;2
131 +
132 +
133 +
134 +
135 +