Wiki source code of 09. ARAccounting

Last modified by Fredrik Nilsson on 2023/12/21 09:20
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David Persson 2.1 1 (% class="jumbotron" %)
2 (((
3 (% class="container" %)
4 (((
Fredrik Nilsson 29.1 5 This is a technical overview of the ARAccounting report containing ledger bookkeeping data. The file is created on a daily basis.
David Persson 2.1 6 )))
7 )))
David Persson 57.1 9 = [[image:ARAccounting_[2.0].svg||height="826" width="468"]] =
David Persson 2.1 10
Tobias Karlsson 47.1 11 == ==
David Persson 2.1 12
Rasmus Enekvist 10.1 13 == ARAccounting ==
David Persson 2.1 14
David Persson 49.1 15 ARAccounting describes the accounting records (bookkeeping data) on a transactional level.
Rasmus Enekvist 10.1 16
David Persson 2.1 17 {{warning}}
Rasmus Enekvist 10.1 18 Please note that your ARAccounting file, depending on package type and file version, might only utilize and/or contain a subset of all elements described below. See the XSD for your ARAccounting file version to learn more.
David Persson 2.1 19 {{/warning}}
21 == Encoding ==
23 The file uses [[UTF-8 encoding>>]].
25 (% id="HNameconvention" %)
26 == Name convention ==
David Persson 49.1 28 **For version 1.0**
Daniel Franzén 16.1 29 ##ARAccounting10_<CompanyNumber>_<DateTime>_<SerialNumber>.xml##
David Persson 2.1 30
David Persson 49.1 31 **For version 1.1 and above**
32 ##ARAccounting_<CompanyNumber>_<DateTime>_<SerialNumber>.xml##
David Persson 2.1 34
35 (% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
Jens Kral 35.1 36 |=Name components|=Description
David Persson 2.1 37 |CompanyNumber|The company number in our ledger system
Daniel Franzén 15.1 38 |DateTime|The date and time that the file was created. Uses ISO 8601 format, ##YYYYMMDDhhmmdd##
Jens Kral 35.1 39 |SerialNumber|Should follow an uninterrupted number series, 1, 2, 3 and so on.
David Persson 2.1 40
Fredrik Nilsson 27.1 41 (% id="HImportanttonote21" %)
42 == Important to note! ==
44 * Always use GLAccount and AccountingAction when setting up the processing of ARAccounting in your ERP.
45 * If necessary, map the default PayEx Book Accounts to your own customized book accounts.
Fredrik Nilsson 37.1 46 * All accounting actions can be reversed/mirrored, e.g. when payer withdraws a direct debet payment.
Fredrik Nilsson 58.1 47 * The sum of all book records "Short-term receivable from PayEx" (GLAccount 1684, 1390, 6490 or 1760 depending on country), per BookDate, corresponds to the Client asset disbursement reported in the ARSettlement/Balance Report.
Fredrik Nilsson 27.1 48
Fredrik Nilsson 17.1 49 == Attributes ==
Fredrik Nilsson 20.1 51 The ARAccounting contains the following attributes compared to ARAccountingDetail:
Fredrik Nilsson 17.1 52
53 * InterCompanyCode
54 * VatCode
55 * CustomerNo
Fredrik Nilsson 20.1 56 * GLAccount replacing BookAccount
Fredrik Nilsson 17.1 57
Fredrik Nilsson 33.1 58 {{display reference="Main.Invoicing.invoice-service.Implementation guide.Technical reference.6\. ARAccountingDetail.WebHome" section="HBookAccounts"/}}
Fredrik Nilsson 21.1 59
Fredrik Nilsson 33.1 60 {{display reference="Main.Invoicing.invoice-service.Implementation guide.Technical reference.6\. ARAccountingDetail.WebHome" section="HTransactionCause"/}}
Fredrik Nilsson 26.1 61
Fredrik Nilsson 43.1 62 (% id="HAccountingexamples" %)
63 == Accounting examples ==
Fredrik Nilsson 44.1 65 Examples of typical payment scenarios and corresponding accounting redords (see Book accounts for complete list of accounts)
Fredrik Nilsson 43.1 66 Original invoice amount = 1000 SEK.
68 (% id="HFullpaymentincludingreminderfee2Ccollectionfeeandinterest28resultingininvoicestatus3Dclosed29" %)
69 === Full payment including reminder fee, collection fee and interest (resulting in invoice status ~= closed) ===
71 <Accounting Amount="-1000.00" GLAccount="1510" AccountingAction="C"/>
72 <Accounting Amount="-60.00" GLAccount="3591" AccountingAction="C"/>
73 <Accounting Amount="-180.00" GLAccount="3592" AccountingAction="C"/>
74 <Accounting Amount="-4.69" GLAccount="8313" AccountingAction="C"/>
75 <Accounting Amount="1000.00" GLAccount="1684" AccountingAction="D"/>
76 <Accounting Amount="60.00" GLAccount="1684" AccountingAction="D"/>
77 <Accounting Amount="180.00" GLAccount="1684" AccountingAction="D"/>
78 <Accounting Amount="4.69" GLAccount="1684" AccountingAction="D"/>
80 (% id="HPartpayment" %)
81 === Part payment ===
83 <Accounting Amount="-500.00" GLAccount="1510" AccountingAction="C"/>
84 <Accounting Amount="500.00" GLAccount="1684" AccountingAction="D"/>
86 (% id="HOverpayment28surplusnotaffectingaccounting29" %)
87 === Over payment (surplus not affecting accounting) ===
89 <Accounting Amount="-1000.00" GLAccount="1510" AccountingAction="C"/>
90 <Accounting Amount="1000.00" GLAccount="1684" AccountingAction="D"/>
92 (% id="HSettlecreditinvoiceagainstdebetinvoice28correctionofincorrectinvoices29" %)
93 === Settle credit invoice against debet invoice (correction of incorrect invoices) ===
95 //Debit invoice//
96 <Accounting Amount="-125.00" GLAccount="1510" AccountingAction="C"/>
97 <Accounting Amount="125.00" GLAccount="2499" AccountingAction="D"/>
98 <Accounting Amount="125.00" GLAccount="1510" AccountingAction="D"/>
99 <Accounting Amount="-125.00" GLAccount="2499" AccountingAction="C"/>
101 //Credit invoice//
102 <Accounting Amount="-125.00" GLAccount="2499" AccountingAction="C"/>
103 <Accounting Amount="125.00" GLAccount="2490" AccountingAction="D"/>
104 <Accounting Amount="125.00" GLAccount="2499" AccountingAction="D"/>
105 <Accounting Amount="-125.00" GLAccount="2490" AccountingAction="C"/>
107 (% id="HInvoiceadjustment28generallyusedforwritedownoffeesorbaddebtlosses29" %)
108 === Invoice adjustment (generally used for write down of fees or bad debt losses) ===
110 <Accounting Amount="-150.00" GLAccount="1510" AccountingAction="C"/>
111 <Accounting Amount="150.00" GLAccount="1519" AccountingAction="D"/>
113 (% id="HRemissionofresidualbalances" %)
114 === Remission of residual balances ===
116 <Accounting Amount="-1.00" GLAccount="1510" AccountingAction="C"/>
117 <Accounting Amount="1.00" GLAccount="3710" AccountingAction="D"/>
Fredrik Nilsson 26.1 119 (% class="wikigeneratedheader" id="HXSDValidation" %)
Fredrik Nilsson 25.1 120 == (% style="color:inherit; font-family:inherit" %)XSD Validation(%%) ==
Fredrik Nilsson 22.1 121
David Persson 50.1 122 The ARAccounting file must be validated toward an up-to-date[[ >>attach:ARAccountingDetail_[1.1].xsd]]XSD (##ARAccounting_[x.x].xsd##). You can download the latest version below.
David Persson 2.1 123
David Persson 50.1 124 (% class="box infomessage" %)
125 (((
126 Make sure you are using the correct version of the XSD, ie. that it supports the version of the file you receive from PayEx
127 )))
David Persson 2.1 129 == Current XML schema description ==
131 (% class="wikigeneratedid" %)
Fredrik Nilsson 34.1 132 A detailed description of the elements in the current version of the XML schema definition file (XSD) can be found [[here>>doc:Main.Invoicing.invoice-service.Implementation guide.Technical reference.9\. ARAccounting.XML Schema specification.WebHome]]
David Persson 2.1 133
Fredrik Nilsson 5.1 134 == Download current XML schema file ==
David Persson 2.1 135
136 (% class="row" %)
137 (((
138 (% class="col-xs-12" %)
139 (((
David Persson 51.1 140 (% border="0" class="table-bordered table-striped" style="width:900px" %)
David Persson 2.1 141 |=(% style="width: 267px; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);" %)Fileversion|=(% style="width: 121px; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);" %)Version|=(% style="width: 207px; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);" %)Releasedate|=(% style="width: 331px; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);" %)Comment
David Persson 49.1 142 |(% style="width:267px" %)[[ARAccounting_[2.X].xsd>>attach:Main.Invoicing.invoice-service.Implementation guide.Technical reference.WebHome@ARAccounting_[2.X].xsd]]|(% style="width:121px" %)2.0|(% style="width:207px" %)2023-02-14|(% style="width:331px" %)(((
143 * **BookDate**
David Persson 55.1 144 Added new required field "##BookDate"##
David Persson 49.1 145 * **Change of filename**
146 Generated XML filename is changed ("10" is removed from filename)
David Persson 54.1 147 ##ARAccounting_<CompanyNumber>_<DateTime>_<SerialNumber>.xml##
David Persson 49.1 148 )))
149 |(% style="width:267px" %)[[ARAccounting_[1.X].xsd>>attach:Main.Invoicing.invoice-service.Implementation guide.Technical reference.WebHome@ARAccounting_[1.X].xsd]]|(% style="width:121px" %)1.1|(% style="width:207px" %)2023-02-14|(% style="width:331px" %)(((
150 This version has exactly the same changes as version 2.0 except that the field ##"bookdate"## is optional in the XSD of this version (although it will always be included in the XML content from PayEx in this version).
David Persson 2.1 151
David Persson 49.1 152 If you XSD validate the files from PayEx, this version can be used for an easier transition from 1.0 to 2.0, as it is backwards compatible with version 1.0.
154 If you don't XSD validate the files from PayEx, you can go straight to version 2.0
155 )))
156 |(% style="width:267px" %)[[ARAccounting_[1.0].xsd>>attach:Main.Invoicing.invoice-service.Implementation guide.Technical reference.WebHome@ARAccounting_[1.0].xsd]]|(% style="width:121px" %)1.0|(% style="width:207px" %)2020-01|(% style="width:331px" %)
David Persson 2.1 158 == ChangeLog ==
David Persson 49.1 160
David Persson 2.1 161 (% id="HVersion1.1" %)
David Persson 49.1 162 ==== **Version 2.0** ====
David Persson 2.1 163
164 (% id="HJanuary2C2016" %)
David Persson 49.1 165 ===== february, 2023 =====
167 [[ARAccounting_[2.X].xsd>>attach:Main.Invoicing.invoice-service.Implementation guide.Technical reference.WebHome@ARAccounting_[2.X].xsd]]
169 (% class="box" %)
170 (((
171 * **BookDate**
David Persson 55.1 172 Added new required field "##BookDate"##
David Persson 49.1 173
174 * **Change of filename**
175 Generated XML filename is changed ("10" is removed from filename)
David Persson 54.1 176 ##ARAccounting_<CompanyNumber>_<DateTime>_<SerialNumber>.xml##
David Persson 49.1 177 )))
179 (% id="HVersion1.1" %)
180 ====
181 **Version 1.1** ====
183 (% id="HJanuary2C2016" %)
184 ===== february, 2023 =====
186 [[ARAccounting_[1.X].xsd>>attach:Main.Invoicing.invoice-service.Implementation guide.Technical reference.WebHome@ARAccounting_[1.X].xsd]]
188 (% class="box" %)
189 (((
190 This version has exactly the same changes as version 2.0 except that the field "bookdate" is optional in the XSD of this version (although it will always be included in the XML content from PayEx in this version).
192 If you XSD validate the files from PayEx, this version can be used for an easier transition from 1.0 to 2.0, as it is backwards compatible with version 1.0.
194 If you don't XSD validate the files from PayEx, you can go straight to version 2.0
195 )))
197 (% id="HVersion1.1" %)
198 ====
199 **Version 1.0** ====
201 (% id="HJanuary2C2016" %)
Rasmus Enekvist 11.1 202 ===== january, 2020 =====
David Persson 2.1 203
Tobias Karlsson 47.1 204 [[ARAccounting_[1.0].xsd>>attach:ARAccounting_[1.0].xsd]]
David Persson 2.1 205
206 (% class="box" %)
207 (((
208 Initial version (latest documented version)
209 )))
Fredrik Nilsson 36.1 211 == Download sample file ==
213 [[ARAccounting10_141414_20210827073340_0>>attach:Main.Invoicing.invoice-service.Implementation guide.Technical reference.WebHome@ArAccounting10_141414_20210827073340_0.XML]]
David Persson 2.1 214 )))
215 )))