Wiki source code of 07. SIE4

Last modified by Fredrik Nilsson on 2023/01/20 10:23
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David Persson 2.1 1 (% class="jumbotron" %)
2 (((
3 (% class="container" %)
4 (((
Fredrik Nilsson 3.1 5 The SIE4 file describes the accounting records on an aggregated level, that includes total amounts per book account. Data is exported from PayEx on a daily schedule.
David Persson 2.1 6 )))
7 )))
9 (% id="HAccountingDetail" %)
Fredrik Nilsson 3.1 10 == SIE4 ==
David Persson 2.1 11
12 The SIE format is an open standard for transferring accounting data and describes the accounting on a high level.
14 You can download the record description in swedish or english at [[http:~~/~~/>>url:]]
16 Current version used by PayEx is version SIE4**I.**
18 (% id="HEncoding" %)
19 == Name convention ==
21 ##SIE4I_<CompanyNumber>_<DateTime>_<SerialNumber>[SEK_Claimant_BAS 2000].SI##
23 (% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
Jens Kral 8.1 24 |=Name components|=Description
David Persson 2.1 25 |CompanyNumber|The company number in our ledger system
Daniel Franzén 5.1 26 |DateTime|The date and time that the file was created. Uses ISO 8601 format, ##YYYYMMDDhhmmdd##
Jens Kral 8.1 27 |SerialNumber|Should follow an uninterrupted number series, 1, 2, 3 and so on.
David Persson 2.1 28
29 ##E.g. SIE4I_9999_20180923124422_1[SEK_Claimant_BAS 2000].SI##
Fredrik Nilsson 7.1 31 {{display reference="Main.Invoicing.invoice-service.Implementation guide.Technical reference.6\. ARAccountingDetail.WebHome" section="HBookAccounts"/}}
Fredrik Nilsson 6.1 32
David Persson 2.1 33 == Example ==
35 {{box title="**SIE4**"}}
37 #FLAGGA 0
38 #PROGRAM PayEx.AR.Batch.SIE4I 2016.12.344.1
40 #GEN 20161214 1321557
41 #SIETYP 4
42 #KPTYP "BAS 2000"
44 #FNAMN "TestFirma 10"
45 #ORGNR 556735-56710
46 #KONTO 1510 "Kundfordingar PayEx"
47 #KTYP 1510 O
48 #KONTO 1684 "Kortfristig fordran PayEx"
49 #KTYP 1684 O
50 #KONTO 3710 "Nedskrivningar av int„kter"
51 #KTYP 3710 I
52 #VER C 77002 20161213
53 {
54   #TRANS 1510 {} -250.00 20161213
55   #TRANS 1510 {} 250.00 20161213
56 }
57 #VER C 77003 20161213
58 {
59   #TRANS 1510 {} -2500.00 20161222
60   #TRANS 1684 {} 2499.50 20161222
61   #TRANS 3710 {} 0.50 20161222
62 }
63 {{/box}}
Fredrik Nilsson 4.1 64
65 == Download sample file ==
67 [[SIE4I_10_20161214093949_0[SEK_Claimant_BAS 2000].SI>>attach:Main.Invoicing.invoice-service.Technical reference.WebHome@SIE4I_10_20161214093949_0[SEK_Claimant_BAS 2000].SI]]