The external services manual cover methods used to retrieve Invoice PDFs as well as invoice and customer information.
InvoiceService methods
The complete Wsdl specification for this service can be found at:
(Username/password security model)
Get information about a customer's closed invoice(s) by customer number.
Class diagram
Request parameters
Field | Datatype | Required | Description |
CustomerNo | String | Yes | |
TrackingUserEmail | String | Yes | User info for trackability. |
TraceId | | yes | |
Response parameters
Class diagram
Request parameters
Field | Datatype | Required | Description |
BillNo | String | Yes | |
TrackingUserEMail | String(1-256) | Yes | User info for trackability. |
TraceId | String | Yes | |
Response parameters
Error codes
Code | Name | Description |
5089 | BillsNotFound | Invoice match but invoice not valid. May be older than 1 year. |
Class diagram
Request parameters
GetInvoicePdfByBillNoExternalBillType10Request |
Field | Datatype | Required | Description |
BillNo | String | Yes | |
ExternalBillType | String | Yes | Document type. Existing ExternalBillType can be retrived from GetInvoiceInformationByBillNo20
Possible values: I_Invoice I_Reminder I_Collection I_RestReminder |
TrackingUserEMail | String(1-256) | Yes | User info for trackability. |
TraceId | String | Yes | |
Response parameters
Error codes
GetInvoincePDFResponse |
Code | Name | Description |
5046 | InvalidAccountType | Wrong account type. The requested bill number is not an invoice. |
5080 | InvalidBillNo | Invoice document not found. |
5095 | ExternalBillTypeCode | Invalid ExternalBillType. |
Class diagram
Request parameters
Field | Datatype | Required | Description |
CustomerNo | String | Yes | |
TrackingUserEMail | String(1-256) | Yes | User info for trackability. |
TraceId | String | Yes | |
Response parameters
Field | Datatype | Description |
CompanyNo | String | Yoyr accounts receivable number at PayEx. |
CustomerNo | String | CustomerNo is you Unique identifier of the customer. |
CustomerName | String | |
InvoiceList | List <ClosedInvoice> | |
ResponseCode | String | |
ResponseMessage | String | |
TraceId | String | |
ClosedInvoice |
Field | Datatype | Description |
BillNo | String | |
BillStatusCode | Int | See the bill status code table for available status codes. |
ExternalInvoiceId | String | Additional unique invoice identifier in accounts receivable. |
BillDate | DateTime | |
DueDate | DateTime(Optional) | Empty if BillTypeCode is Invoice. |
BillTypeCode | Byte | See the bill type code table for available bill type codes. |
OriginalAmount | Decimal | |
CurrencyCode | String | |
CustomerService methods
The complete Wsdl specification for this service can be found at:
(Username/password security model)
Class diagram
Request parameters
GetCustomerCurrentStateByRegNo10Request |
Field | Datatype | Required | Description |
RegNo | RegNo | Yes | National identification number |
TrackingUserEMail | String | Yes | |
TraceId | String | Yes | |
Response parameters
CustomerConsent |
Field | Datatype | Description |
ConsentTypeCode | Int | See the consent type codes table for available consent type codes. |
DistributionAddressInfo |
Field | Datatype | Required | Description |
Addresses | Array | Yes | See address. |
EMailAddress | String | No | |
Cellphone | String | No | |
Address |
Field | Datatype | Required | Description |
Addressee | String(72) | Yes | |
StreetAdress | String(35) | No | |
ZipCode | String(9) | Yes | |
City | String(27) | Yes | |
CoAddress | String(35) | No | |
CountryCode | String(2) | Yes | |
Appendix 1 Shared Classes
Response parameters
GetInvoicePDFResponse |
Field | Datatype | Description |
Pdf | Byte[] | |
RegNo | RegNo | |
CustomerNo | String | |
ResponseCode | String | |
ResponseMessage | String | |
TraceId | String | |
Field | Datatype | Description |
CompanyNo | String | |
RegNo | RegNo | |
CustomerNo | String | |
CustomerName | String | |
Invoice | Invoice | |
ResponseCode | String | |
ResponseMessage | String | |
TraceId | String | |
Field | Datatype | Description |
PaymentTypeName | String | |
PaymentBankAccount |
Field | Datatype | Description |
BankAccountNo | String | |
BankAccountType | String | |
BIC | String | |
IBAN | String | |
ActiveRespite |
Field | Datatype | Description |
RespiteValidtoDate | DateTime | |
RespiteTypeCode | int | |
InvoiceHistory |
Field | Datatype | Description |
BillDate | DateTime | |
BillId | long | |
BillTypeCode | byte | See the bill type code table for available bill type codes. |
ClosedInvoice20 |
Field | Datatype | Description |
CurrencyCode | String | |
BillNo | string | |
BillStatusCode | Int | |
ExternalInvoiceId | String | |
BillDate | DateTime | |
DueDate | DateTime? | |
ExternalBillType | String | |
OriginalAmount | Decimal | |
SellerName | String | |
SellerNo | String | |
InvoiceHistory20 |
Field | Datatype | Description |
BillDate | DateTime | |
ExternalBillType | String | |
BillAmount | Decimal? | |
Field | Datatype | Description |
CountryCode | String | |
Value | String | National identification number |
Field | Datatype | Description |
CurrentInterestRate | decimal | |
InterestIntervalCode | byte | See the Interest Interval Codes for available intererest interval codes. |
Field | Datatype | Description |
BalanceTypeCode | int | See the balance type codes table for available balance type codes. |
Amount | decimal | |
Field | Datatype | Description |
PaymentTypeName | String | |
Field | Datatype | Description |
BankAccountNo | String | |
BankAccountType | String | |
BIC | String | |
IBAN | String | |
Field | Datatype | Description |
RespiteValidtoDate | DateTime | |
RespiteTypeCode | int | See the respite type code table for available respite type codes. |
Field | Datatype | Description |
PaymentType | String | |
ExecutionDate | DateTime | |
Field | Datatype | Description |
RespiteValidToDate | DateTime | |
RespiteTypeCode | Int | See the respite type code table for available respite type codes. |
Field | Datatype | Description |
RespiteValidToDate | DateTime | |
RespiteTypeCode | Int | See the respite type code table for available respite type codes. |
Field | Datatype | Description |
BillDate | DateTime | |
ExternalBillType | String | I_Invoice I_Reminder I_Collection I_RestReminder (reminder of fees that has not been payed on the invoice) |
BillAmount | Decimal | |
BillStatusCodes | Description |
1 | Open |
2 | Closed |
3 | Closed_Diff |
4 | Closed_Loss |
5 | Reversed |
6 | Arrears |
7 | Closed_Rest |
8 | Closed_Convert |
9 | Closed_Sold |
10 | Closed_Reversal |
11 | Pending |
ClaimLevelCode | Description |
1 | Invoice |
2 | RestReminderSent |
3 | ReminderSent |
4 | RestReminderSent |
5 | SecondReminderSent |
6 | RestReminderSent |
7 | CollectionClaimSent |
8 | RestReminderSent |
9* | DebtCollection* |
10 | Late Fee, credit account |
11 | TerminationNoticeSent, credit account |
*Additional fees and interest may have occured in collection system, but is not included in the response.
BillTypeCode | Description |
1 | Invoice |
4 | CreditInvoice |
ConsentTypeCode | Description |
1 | BGAGSE |
2 | EInvoiceB2CSE |
3 | EInvoiceB2CNO |
4 | BKAGNO |
5 | KivraSE |
6 | EInvoiceB2CFI |
7 | EInvoice20B2CNO |
8 | AGDK |
9 | PSPRecurringCardConsent |
10 | EcBoks |
CustomerStatusTypeCode | Description |
1 | ConfirmedDeceased |
2 | ConfirmedBankruptcy |
3 | ActiveComplaints |
LegalEntiytCode | Description |
None | None |
1 | Business |
2 | Private |
BalanceTypeCode | Description |
0 | None |
1 | Capital |
2 | ReminderFee |
3 | PenaltyInterest |
4 | CalculatedPenaltyInterest |
5 | CollectionFee |
6 | BusinessReminderFee |
7 | BillingFee |
8 | DelayFee |
9 | DebtInterest |
10 | DebtCollectionCharge |
11 | Rounding |
CollectionStatusCode | Description |
1 | PreDebtCollection |
2 | DebtCollection |
3 | LegalProcess |
4 | Monitoring |
5 | External |
6 | Closed |
7 | ReturnedWrongAddress |
InterestIntervalCode | Description |
1 | Year |
2 | Month |
InterestIntervalCode | Description |
1 | Stop |
2 | Stop, complaint |
3 | Stop, return |
4 | Stop, complaint rejected |
5 | Stop, complaint approved |
6 | Stop, collection inquiry |
7 | Stop, deceased |
10 | Respite |
11 | Respite, interest inquiry |
12 | Respite, interest free |
13 | Respite, installment plan |
20 | Respite, disbursement |
25 | Respite, collection inquiry |
AddressTypeCode | Description |
1 | BillingAddress |
3 | LegalAddress |
AddressTypeCode | Description |
0 | Unknown |
1 | Payment |
2 | DirectPayment |
3 | Adjustment |
4 | SurplusAdjustment |
5 | Writedown |
6 | Collection |
7 | CollectionAccount |
8 | Disbursement |
9 | Monitoring |
10 | Invoice |
11 | Credit |
12 | ReminderFee |
13 | CollectionFee |
14 | Interest |
15 | DisbursementReturned |
16 | InvoiceFee |
17 | Converted |
TransactionCauseCode | Description |
1 | Bankruptcy |
2 | CompositionArrangement |
3 | Settlement |
4 | WrongAddress |
5 | Complaint |
6 | WrongRegNo |
7 | UnderAge |
8 | Deceased |
9 | Fraud |
10 | Dispute |
15 | Monitoring |
20 | ApprovedDiff |
21 | Remission |
22 | Unknown |
23 | PurchasedClaim |
24 | DirectPayment |
25 | Migration |
26 | ReversalCorrection |
27 | PurchaseCorrection |
28 | CashWithdrawalCorrection |
29 | CashWithdrawal |
30 | InterestAsIncome |
ComplaintCauseCode | Description |
1 | InvoiceComplaint |
2 | FraudComplaint |
3 | ContractComplaint |
4 | ImproperComplaint |