From empty
To version 79.1
edited by David Persson
on 2024/04/17 13:57
Change comment: Rollback to version 77.1



Page properties
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
1 +accounttransaction
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
1 +Main.WebHome
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
1 -XWiki.XWikiGuest
1 +xwiki:XWiki.dap
Default language
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
1 +en
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
1 +px-custom-page-content
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1695 @@
1 +(% class="jumbotron" %)
2 +(((
3 +
4 +
5 +(% class="container" %)
6 +(((
7 + Integrate to **PayEx Account transaction API **
8 +)))
9 +)))
10 +
11 +
12 += Changelog =
13 +
14 +
15 + 2022-03-18
16 + Added preAuthorizationStatus property on pre-authorization resource
17 + Added hypermedia reference to reversal from capture response
18 + Added hypermedia reference to split-authorization from pre-authorization response
19 +\\\\
20 +
21 += Introduction =
22 +
23 +
24 +\\(% class="lead" %) The account-transaction API is handle payment flows for split-payments and credit accounts for retail finance scenarios. The api contains redirect scenarios for account onboarding, upgrades and authentication.
25 +
26 +
27 +== [[image:PayEx - Ledger API's - ForDeveloper.png||height="844" width="464"]] ==
28 +
29 +
30 +{{display reference=""/}}
31 +
32 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
33 +== 1. Pre-authorizations ==
34 +
35 +
36 +Gets already created pre authorization
37 +
38 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
39 +==== 1.1 Get specific Pre-authorization ====
40 +
41 +(% class="box" %)
42 +(((
43 +**Request**
44 +
45 +(% class="code" %)
46 +(((
47 +(% style="color:#0000ff" %)GET(%%) (% style="color:#0000ff; font-weight:bold" %)**/ledger/account-transaction/v1/{ownerNo}/pre-authorizations/{preAuthorizationId}**(%%) (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%)
48 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Host(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) -
49 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Authorization(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) Bearer<Token>
50 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
51 +)))
52 +)))
53 +
54 +Initiate new pre-authorization
55 +
56 +(% class="box" %)
57 +(((
58 +**Response**
59 +
60 +(% class="code" %)
61 +(((
62 +(% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%) (% style="color:#666666" %)200(%%) (% style="color:#d2413a; font-weight:bold" %)**OK**(%%)
63 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
64 +\\{
65 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"preAuthorizationId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"8c535338-d92c-49e7-90bf-304dbf38e0bd"(%%),
66 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"preAuthorizationStatus"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"Initialized"(%%),
67 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"customer"**(%%): {
68 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"nationalConsumerIdentifier"**(%%): {
69 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"value"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"19101010-1010"(%%),
70 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"countryCode"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SE"(%%)
71 + },
72 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"email"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)""(%%),
73 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"msisdn"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"4670123456"(%%),
74 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"customerNo"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"456987"(%%)
75 + },
76 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"sellerNo"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"123456"(%%),
77 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"sellerReferenceId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"abc-87465123"(%%),
78 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"profileName"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"configured-profile-name"(%%),
79 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"authorizationAmount"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)100.50(%%),
80 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"currency"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SEK"(%%),
81 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"pointOfSale"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"Test shop"(%%),
82 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"assessment"**(%%): {
83 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"assessmentUrl"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"/score/sca/{claimantNo}/assessments/{assessmentNo}"(%%),
84 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"scaStatus"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"Required"(%%)
85 + },
86 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"operations"**(%%): [
87 + {
88 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"rel"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"redirect"(%%),
89 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"method"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"POST"(%%),
90 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"href"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"/ledger/account-transaction/v1/xxx/pre-authorizations/8c535338-d92c-49e7-90bf-304dbf38e0bd/redirect"(%%)
91 + }
92 + ]
93 +}
94 +)))
95 +)))
96 +
97 +
98 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
99 +==== 1.2 Create Pre-authorization ====
100 +
101 +Check if required conditions are met to begin a transaction. Creates an authentication resource that exposes operation link to redirect if user interaction is required. (Is there an existing account? Is the account's limit sufficient for the new transaction?)
102 +
103 +(% class="box" %)
104 +(((
105 +**Request**
106 +
107 +(% class="code" %)
108 +(((
109 +(% style="color:#0000ff" %)POST(%%) (% style="color:#0000ff; font-weight:bold" %)**/ledger/account-transaction/v1/{ownerNo}/pre-authorizations**(%%) (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%)
110 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Host(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) -
111 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Authorization(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) Bearer<Token>
112 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
113 +\\{
114 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"customer"**(%%): {
115 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"nationalConsumerIdentifier"**(%%): {
116 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"value"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"19101010-1010"(%%),
117 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"countryCode"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SE"(%%)
118 + },
119 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"email"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)""(%%),
120 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"msisdn"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"4670123456"(%%),
121 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"customerNo"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"456987"(%%)
122 + },
123 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"sellerNo"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"123456"(%%),
124 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"sellerReferenceId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"abc-87465123"(%%),
125 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"profileName"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"configured-profile-name"(%%),
126 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"authorizationAmount"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)100.50(%%),
127 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"currency"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SEK"(%%),
128 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"pointOfSale"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"Test shop"(%%),
129 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"assessment"**(%%): {
130 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"assessmentUrl"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"/score/sca/{claimantNo}/assessments/{assessmentNo}"(%%),
131 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"scaStatus"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"Required"(%%)
132 + }
133 +}
134 +)))
135 +)))
136 +
137 +
138 +**Request object specification**
139 +
140 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
141 +|=Property |=Data type|=Format|=Required|=Description
142 +|=customer |object | |Yes |
143 +|= nationalConsumerIdentifier |object | |Yes |
144 +| value |string | |No |The identifier - SSN, Personnummer, CPR, d-nummer, temporary identification number etc. Uniquely identifies the consumer. Visit for information about supported national identifier format
145 +| countryCode |string |Pattern: SE~|NO~|DK~|FI |No |The country code for the identifier value property. Valid values are 'SE', 'NO', 'DK', 'FI'. [[ISO 3166-1 alpha-2>>url:]]
146 +| email |string |Pattern: [^@]+@[^\.]+\..+ |Yes |The customers Email
147 +| msisdn |string |Pattern: [0-9, +, (, ), -]{5,15} |Yes |'Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Digital Network Number', ie. Cellphone number. Countrycode is always required as the example '46720000000'
148 +| customerNo |string |Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,}$ |No |The identifier of the customer. Normally required, exception is when the configuration on the ledger is set for the provider of this API to generate customer numbers, in that case CustomerNo must not be set in request.
149 +|sellerNo |string | |Yes |The seller identifier at the provider of the API
150 +|sellerReferenceId |string |Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9#_:@.\-åäöÅÄÖ]{1,}$ |Yes |Sellers reference id, usually the order id of the purchase / consistent for all captures/deliveries
151 +|profileName |string | |Yes |The profilename of the account to authorize, use 'offers' resource in the Onboarding API to retrieve details about the account profile
152 +|authorizationAmount |number |Type: double
153 +Max: 100000000
154 +Min: 0 |Yes |The original authorized amount, can't have more than 2 decimal places
155 +|currency |string |(((
156 +* SEK
157 +* NOK
158 +* DKK
159 +* EUR
160 +)))|Yes |
161 +|pointOfSale |string | |No |Trade name of the point of sale. Will be displayed to end customer. Only use if agreed with provider of the API
162 +|=assessment |object | |No |
163 +| assessmentUrl |string |Pattern: ^/score/sca/v\d{1,10}/\w{0,15}[0-9aA-zZ]/assessments/\d+$ |Yes |
164 +| scaStatus |string |(((
165 +* Required
166 +* NotRequired
167 +)))|Yes |
168 +
169 +Initiate new pre-authorization. Evaluates and decides what needs to be ready for the requested authorize flow
170 +
171 +(% class="box" %)
172 +(((
173 +**Response**
174 +
175 +(% class="code" %)
176 +(((
177 +(% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%) (% style="color:#666666" %)201(%%) (% style="color:#d2413a; font-weight:bold" %)**Created**(%%)
178 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
179 +\\{
180 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"preAuthorizationId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"8c535338d92c49e790bf304dbf38e0bd"(%%),
181 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"preAuthorizationStatus"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"Initialized"(%%),
182 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"customer"**(%%): {
183 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"nationalConsumerIdentifier"**(%%): {
184 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"value"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"19101010-1010"(%%),
185 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"countryCode"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SE"(%%)
186 + },
187 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"email"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)""(%%),
188 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"msisdn"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"4670123456"(%%),
189 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"customerNo"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"456987"(%%)
190 + },
191 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"sellerNo"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"123456"(%%),
192 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"sellerReferenceId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"abc-87465123"(%%),
193 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"profileName"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"configured-profile-name"(%%),
194 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"authorizationAmount"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)100.50(%%),
195 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"currency"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SEK"(%%),
196 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"pointOfSale"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"Test shop"(%%),
197 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"assessment"**(%%): {
198 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"assessmentUrl"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"/score/sca/{claimantNo}/assessments/{assessmentNo}"(%%),
199 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"scaStatus"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"Required"(%%)
200 + },
201 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"@id"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"/ledger/account-transaction/v1/xxx/pre-authorizations/8c535338d92c49e790bf304dbf38e0bd"(%%),
202 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"operations"**(%%): [
203 + {
204 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"rel"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"redirect"(%%),
205 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"method"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"POST"(%%),
206 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"href"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"/ledger/account-transaction/v1/xxx/pre-authorizations/8c535338d92c49e790bf304dbf38e0bd/redirect"(%%)
207 + }
208 + ]
209 +}
210 +)))
211 +)))
212 +
213 +
214 +**Possible problems**
215 +
216 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
217 +|=Http status |=Problem type |=Description
218 +|400 |validation |occurs if any of the input validation fails, it is described in the problem which parameter that failed the validation
219 +|409 |conflict |May find more information in details
220 +|422 |unprocessable |May find more information in details
221 +|500 |fatal |Unexpected error, logs may give details about the problem
222 +
223 +**Response object specification**
224 +
225 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
226 +|=Property |=Data type|=Format|=Description
227 +|=customer |object | |
228 +|= nationalConsumerIdentifier |object | |
229 +| value |string | |The identifier - SSN, Personnummer, CPR, d-nummer, temporary identification number etc. Uniquely identifies the consumer. Visit for information about supported national identifier format
230 +| countryCode |string |Pattern: SE~|NO~|DK~|FI |The country code for the identifier value property. Valid values are 'SE', 'NO', 'DK', 'FI'. [[ISO 3166-1 alpha-2>>url:]]
231 +| email |string |Pattern: [^@]+@[^\.]+\..+ |The customers Email
232 +| msisdn |string |Pattern: [0-9, +, (, ), -]{5,15} |'Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Digital Network Number', ie. Cellphone number. Countrycode is always required as the example '46720000000'
233 +| customerNo |string |Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,}$ |The identifier of the customer. Normally required, exception is when the configuration on the ledger is set for the provider of this API to generate customer numbers, in that case CustomerNo must not be set in request.
234 +|sellerNo |string | |The seller identifier at the provider of the API
235 +|sellerReferenceId |string |Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9#_:@.\-åäöÅÄÖ]{1,}$ |Sellers reference id, usually the order id of the purchase / consistent for all captures/deliveries
236 +|profileName |string | |The profilename of the account to authorize, use 'offers' resource in the Onboarding API to retrieve details about the account profile
237 +|authorizationAmount |number |Type: double
238 +Max: 100000000
239 +Min: 0 |The original authorized amount, can't have more than 2 decimal places
240 +|currency |string |(((
241 +* SEK
242 +* NOK
243 +* DKK
244 +* EUR
245 +)))|
246 +|pointOfSale |string | |Trade name of the point of sale. Will be displayed to end customer. Only use if agreed with provider of the API
247 +|=assessment |object | |
248 +| assessmentUrl |string |Pattern: ^/score/sca/v\d{1,10}/\w{0,15}[0-9aA-zZ]/assessments/\d+$ |
249 +| scaStatus |string |(((
250 +* Required
251 +* NotRequired
252 +)))|
253 +|preAuthorizationId |string | |Unique identifier of the pre-authorization, generated by the API
254 +|preAuthorizationStatus |string |(((
255 +* Initialized
256 +* Failed
257 +* ReadyForAuthorization
258 +* Completed
259 +)))|
260 +|failReasonCode |string | |Short descriptive code to expand on why PreAuthorizationStatus is Failed. Will be Null when PreAuthorizationStatus ain't Failed
261 +|operations |array | |List of operations that is possible to perform on the current resource, read more about the [[hypermedia part of the response>>]]
262 +|@id |string | |Uri identifier of the current resource
263 +
264 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
265 +== 2. Redirect ==
266 +
267 +
268 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
269 +==== 2.1 Create Redirect ====
270 +
271 +Initiates redirect authentication flow, generates redirect url and accepts return url after redirect process finishes. The operation is exposed by the parent authentication if required.
272 +
273 +(% class="box" %)
274 +(((
275 +**Request**
276 +
277 +(% class="code" %)
278 +(((
279 +(% style="color:#0000ff" %)POST(%%) (% style="color:#0000ff; font-weight:bold" %)**/ledger/account-transaction/v1/{ownerNo}/pre-authorizations/{preAuthorizationId}/redirect**(%%) (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%)
280 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Host(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) -
281 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Authorization(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) Bearer<Token>
282 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
283 +\\{
284 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"returnUrl"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"https:~/~/"(%%),
285 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"redirectOptions"**(%%): {
286 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"nativeAppSwitchingUrl"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"myapp:~/~/{ledgerNo}example"(%%),
287 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"autostartAction"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"MhVrFOAClUaJUx6QqnLgCw"(%%),
288 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"languageCode"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"Sv"(%%)
289 + }
290 +}
291 +)))
292 +)))
293 +
294 +
295 +**Request object specification**
296 +
297 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
298 +|=Property |=Data type|=Format|=Required|=Description
299 +|returnUrl |string | |Yes |Url to return the end user to after process is completed
300 +|=redirectOptions |object | |Yes |
301 +| nativeAppSwitchingUrl |string | |No |Uri pointing to app, used to switch back to app from bankId
302 +| autostartAction |string | |No |Used to automatically start bankId application. Possible actions (null~|se-bankid-this-device)
303 +| languageCode |string | |Yes |Used to set desired language in the authenticate/onboarding web. Possible languageCodes (SV~|EN)
304 +
305 +Setup the redirect for both the sign/identification page and where to be redirect after
306 +
307 +(% class="box" %)
308 +(((
309 +**Response**
310 +
311 +(% class="code" %)
312 +(((
313 +(% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%) (% style="color:#666666" %)201(%%) (% style="color:#d2413a; font-weight:bold" %)**Created**(%%)
314 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
315 +\\{
316 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"redirectUrl"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"/ledger/public-account-transaction/v1/{ledgerNo}/8c535338-d92c-49e7-90bf-304dbf38e0bd"(%%)
317 +}
318 +)))
319 +)))
320 +
321 +
322 +**Possible problems**
323 +
324 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
325 +|=Http status |=Problem type |=Description
326 +|400 |validation |occurs if any of the input validation fails, it is described in the problem which parameter that failed the validation
327 +|404 |not-found |Resource missing, may have been created on different ledger or have expired
328 +|409 |invalid-state |(((
329 +PreAuthorizationStatus for targeted resource is invalid for this method
330 +)))
331 +|409|(((
332 +(% data-pm-slice="1 1 [~"bulletList~",null,~"listItem~",null,~"bulletList~",null,~"listItem~",null,~"bulletList~",null,~"listItem~",null]" %)
333 +account-limit-to-low
334 +)))|Occurs if the credit limit on the account is too low, raise the limit before making the call
335 +|409|account-missing|No Account found for provided profile name and customer, need to create an account before calling
336 +|500 |fatal |Unexpected error, logs may give details about the problem
337 +
338 +**Response object specification**
339 +
340 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
341 +|=Property |=Data type|=Format|=Description
342 +|@id |string | |Uri identifier of the current resource
343 +|redirectUrl |string | |
344 +
345 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
346 +== 3. Authorization-capture-orders ==
347 +
348 +
349 +Get an existing authorization-capture-orders. The authorization-capture-orders, is used when adding transactions to users account when user is pre identified.
350 +
351 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
352 +==== 3.1 Get specific Authorization-capture-order ====
353 +
354 +(% class="box" %)
355 +(((
356 +**Request**
357 +
358 +(% class="code" %)
359 +(((
360 +(% style="color:#0000ff" %)GET(%%) (% style="color:#0000ff; font-weight:bold" %)**/ledger/account-transaction/v1/{ownerNo}/authorization-capture-orders/{captureId}**(%%) (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%)
361 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Host(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) -
362 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Authorization(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) Bearer<Token>
363 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
364 +)))
365 +)))
366 +
367 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
368 +===== Success Example =====
369 +
370 +Response for a successful authorization and capture
371 +
372 +(% class="box" %)
373 +(((
374 +**Response**
375 +
376 +(% class="code" %)
377 +(((
378 +(% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%) (% style="color:#666666" %)200(%%) (% style="color:#d2413a; font-weight:bold" %)**OK**(%%)
379 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
380 +\\{
381 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"status"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"processed"(%%),
382 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"callbackBody"**(%%): {
383 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"success"**(%%): {
384 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"authorization"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"/ledger/account-transaction/v1/XXX/authorizations/{authorizationId}"(%%)
385 + }
386 + },
387 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"captureId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"123456"(%%),
388 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"authorizationId"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)123456789(%%),
389 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"accountNo"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"1234"(%%),
390 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"callbackUrl"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"https:~/~/"(%%),
391 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"sellerReferenceId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"abc-87465123"(%%),
392 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"sellerTransactionId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"654789312"(%%),
393 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"authenticationMethod"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"2FA"(%%),
394 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"currency"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SEK"(%%),
395 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"amount"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)50.00(%%),
396 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"pointOfSale"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"Test shop"(%%),
397 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"operations"**(%%): []
398 +}
399 +)))
400 +)))
401 +
402 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
403 +===== Error Example =====
404 +
405 +Response for a unsuccessful authorization or capture
406 +
407 +(% class="box" %)
408 +(((
409 +**Response**
410 +
411 +(% class="code" %)
412 +(((
413 +(% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%) (% style="color:#666666" %)200(%%) (% style="color:#d2413a; font-weight:bold" %)**OK**(%%)
414 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
415 +\\{
416 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"status"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"processed"(%%),
417 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"callbackBody"**(%%): {
418 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"fail"**(%%): {
419 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"type"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"ledger/account-transaction/v1/problems/validation"(%%),
420 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"title"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"Not found"(%%),
421 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"status"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)404(%%),
422 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"detail"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"A validation error occurred. Please fix the problems mentioned in the problems property below."(%%),
423 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"instance"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"215d4206-ca35-4f43-85ad-169c8f6d4ec1"(%%)
424 + }
425 + },
426 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"captureId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"123456"(%%),
427 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"authorizationId"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)123456789(%%),
428 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"accountNo"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"1234"(%%),
429 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"callbackUrl"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"https:~/~/"(%%),
430 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"sellerReferenceId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"abc-87465123"(%%),
431 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"sellerTransactionId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"654789312"(%%),
432 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"authenticationMethod"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"2FA"(%%),
433 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"currency"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SEK"(%%),
434 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"amount"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)50.000(%%),
435 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"pointOfSale"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"Test shop"(%%),
436 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"operations"**(%%): []
437 +}
438 +)))
439 +)))
440 +
441 +
442 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
443 +==== 3.2 Create Authorization-capture-order ====
444 +
445 +Create authorization-capture-orders is used to add transaction when user is pre identified.
446 +
447 +(% class="box" %)
448 +(((
449 +**Request**
450 +
451 +(% class="code" %)
452 +(((
453 +(% style="color:#0000ff" %)POST(%%) (% style="color:#0000ff; font-weight:bold" %)**/ledger/account-transaction/v1/{ownerNo}/authorization-capture-orders**(%%) (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%)
454 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Host(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) -
455 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Authorization(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) Bearer<Token>
456 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
457 +\\{
458 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"captureId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"123456"(%%),
459 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"authorizationId"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)123456789(%%),
460 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"accountNo"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"1234"(%%),
461 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"callbackUrl"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"https:~/~/"(%%),
462 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"sellerTransactionId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"654789312"(%%),
463 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"authenticationMethod"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"2FA"(%%),
464 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"currency"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SEK"(%%),
465 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"amount"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)50.00(%%),
466 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"pointOfSale"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"Test shop"(%%)
467 +}
468 +)))
469 +)))
470 +
471 +
472 +**Request object specification**
473 +
474 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
475 +|=Property |=Data type|=Format|=Required|=Description
476 +|captureId |string |Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9#_:@.\-åäöÅÄÖ]{1,}$ |Yes |Identifier of the capture, must be unique for all types of captures within the ledger
477 +|authorizationId |number |Type: int64 |Yes |Identifier of the authorization, must be unique for all types of authorizations within the ledger
478 +|accountNo |string | |Yes |The identifier of the account
479 +|callbackUrl |string | |No |If callback should be done on status change, it is done to the callback url. If empty no callback is done.
480 +|sellerNo |string | |Yes |The seller identifier at payex
481 +|sellerReferenceId |string |Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9#_:@.\-åäöÅÄÖ]{1,}$ |Yes |Sellers reference id, usually the order id of the purchase / consistent for all captures/deliveries.
482 +|sellerTransactionId |string |Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9#_:@.\-åäöÅÄÖ]{1,}$ |Yes |The sellers identifier of the capture/transaction, usually the receipt reference
483 +|authenticationMethod |string | |Yes |Authentication method used to identify the user. Possible values 1FA (one factor),2FA (two factor) ,3FA (three factor)
484 +|currency |string |(((
485 +* SEK
486 +* NOK
487 +* DKK
488 +* EUR
489 +)))|Yes |
490 +|amount |number |Type: double
491 +Max: 100000000
492 +Min: 0 |Yes |The amount of the authorization capture order, can't have more than 2 decimal places.
493 +|pointOfSale |string | |No |Trade name of the point of sale. Will be displayed to end customer. Only use if agreed with provider of the API.
494 +
495 +(% class="box" %)
496 +(((
497 +**Response**
498 +
499 +(% class="code" %)
500 +(((
501 +(% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%) (% style="color:#666666" %)201(%%) (% style="color:#d2413a; font-weight:bold" %)**Created**(%%)
502 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
503 +\\{
504 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"status"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"pending"(%%),
505 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"captureId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"123456"(%%),
506 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"authorizationId"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)123456789(%%),
507 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"accountNo"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"1234"(%%),
508 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"callbackUrl"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"https:~/~/"(%%),
509 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"sellerTransactionId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"654789312"(%%),
510 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"authenticationMethod"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"2FA"(%%),
511 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"currency"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SEK"(%%),
512 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"amount"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)50.00(%%),
513 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"pointOfSale"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"Test shop"(%%),
514 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"@id"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"/ledger/account-transaction/v1/xxx/authorization-capture-orders/123456"(%%),
515 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"operations"**(%%): []
516 +}
517 +)))
518 +)))
519 +
520 +
521 +**Response object specification**
522 +
523 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
524 +|=Property |=Data type|=Format|=Description
525 +|@id |string | |Uri identifier of the current resource
526 +|captureId |string |Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9#_:@.\-åäöÅÄÖ]{1,}$ |Identifier of the capture, must be unique for all types of captures within the ledger
527 +|authorizationId |number |Type: int64 |Identifier of the authorization, must be unique for all types of authorizations within the ledger
528 +|accountNo |string | |The identifier of the account
529 +|callbackUrl |string | |If callback should be done on status change, it is done to the callback url. If empty no callback is done.
530 +|sellerNo |string | |The seller identifier at payex
531 +|sellerReferenceId |string |Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9#_:@.\-åäöÅÄÖ]{1,}$ |Sellers reference id, usually the order id of the purchase / consistent for all captures/deliveries.
532 +|sellerTransactionId |string |Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9#_:@.\-åäöÅÄÖ]{1,}$ |The sellers identifier of the capture/transaction, usually the receipt reference
533 +|authenticationMethod |string | |Authentication method used to identify the user. Possible values 1FA (one factor),2FA (two factor) ,3FA (three factor)
534 +|currency |string |(((
535 +* SEK
536 +* NOK
537 +* DKK
538 +* EUR
539 +)))|
540 +|amount |number |Type: double
541 +Max: 100000000
542 +Min: 0 |The amount of the authorization capture order, can't have more than 2 decimal places.
543 +|pointOfSale |string | |Trade name of the point of sale. Will be displayed to end customer. Only use if agreed with provider of the API.
544 +|status |string |(((
545 +* pending
546 +* processed
547 +)))|
548 +|=callbackBody |object | |
549 +|= success |object | |
550 +| authorization |string | |Uri to the created authorizarion.
551 +| fail |dynamic | |Problem definition of the authorization capture transaction. See problem section.
552 +|operations |array | |List of operations that is possible to perform on the current resource, read more about the [[hypermedia part of the response>>]]
553 +
554 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
555 +== 4. Authorizations ==
556 +
557 +
558 +Get an existing authorization.
559 +
560 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
561 +==== 4.1 Get specific Authorization ====
562 +
563 +(% class="box" %)
564 +(((
565 +**Request**
566 +
567 +(% class="code" %)
568 +(((
569 +(% style="color:#0000ff" %)GET(%%) (% style="color:#0000ff; font-weight:bold" %)**/ledger/account-transaction/v1/{ownerNo}/authorizations/{authorizationId}**(%%) (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%)
570 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Host(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) -
571 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Authorization(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) Bearer<Token>
572 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
573 +)))
574 +)))
575 +
576 +Get authorization
577 +
578 +(% class="box" %)
579 +(((
580 +**Response**
581 +
582 +(% class="code" %)
583 +(((
584 +(% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%) (% style="color:#666666" %)200(%%) (% style="color:#d2413a; font-weight:bold" %)**OK**(%%)
585 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
586 +\\{
587 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"authorizationId"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)456789(%%),
588 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"sellerNo"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"654321"(%%),
589 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"validToDate"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"2023-03-01"(%%),
590 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"authorizationAmount"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)3600.00(%%),
591 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"remainingAmount"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)3600.00(%%),
592 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"currency"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SEK"(%%),
593 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"status"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"Open"(%%),
594 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"operations"**(%%): [
595 + {
596 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"rel"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"add-reversal"(%%),
597 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"method"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"POST"(%%),
598 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"href"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"/ledger/account-transaction/v1/xxx/authorizations/456789/reversals"(%%)
599 + },
600 + {
601 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"rel"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"add-capture"(%%),
602 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"method"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"POST"(%%),
603 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"href"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"/ledger/account-transaction/v1/xxx/authorizations/456789/captures"(%%)
604 + },
605 + {
606 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"rel"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"add-cancellation"(%%),
607 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"method"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"POST"(%%),
608 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"href"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"/ledger/account-transaction/v1/xxx/authorizations/456789/cancellations"(%%)
609 + }
610 + ]
611 +}
612 +)))
613 +)))
614 +
615 +
616 +
617 +**Possible problems**
618 +
619 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
620 +|=Http status |=Problem type |=Description
621 +|404 |not-found |Found no authorization for provided id on this ledger
622 +|409 |invalid-account-usage |Provided PreAuthorization is invalid for this kind of authorization
623 +|500 |fatal |Unexpected error, logs may give details about the problem
624 +
625 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
626 +==== 4.2 Create Authorization ====
627 +
628 +Create authorization to see if the account will accept the transaction. When accepted reserves the amount to on the underlying account (may include credit check) and creates the authorization instance. The reservation is time limited, captures will only be excepted until the reservation times out.
629 +
630 +(% class="box" %)
631 +(((
632 +**Request**
633 +
634 +(% class="code" %)
635 +(((
636 +(% style="color:#0000ff" %)POST(%%) (% style="color:#0000ff; font-weight:bold" %)**/ledger/account-transaction/v1/{ownerNo}/authorizations**(%%) (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%)
637 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Host(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) -
638 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Authorization(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) Bearer<Token>
639 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
640 +\\{
641 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"preAuthorizationId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"8c535338-d92c-49e7-90bf-304dbf38e0bd"(%%),
642 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"authorizationId"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)456789(%%)
643 +}
644 +)))
645 +)))
646 +
647 +
648 +**Request object specification**
649 +
650 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
651 +|=Property |=Data type|=Format|=Required|=Description
652 +|preAuthorizationId |string | |Yes |Identifier of the existing pre-authorization
653 +|authorizationId |number |Type: int64
654 +Min: 1 |Yes |Identifier of the authorization, must be unique for all types of authorizations within the ledger
655 +
656 +Create authorization
657 +
658 +(% class="box" %)
659 +(((
660 +**Response**
661 +
662 +(% class="code" %)
663 +(((
664 +(% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%) (% style="color:#666666" %)201(%%) (% style="color:#d2413a; font-weight:bold" %)**Created**(%%)
665 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
666 +\\{
667 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"authorizationId"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)456789(%%),
668 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"sellerNo"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"654321"(%%),
669 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"validToDate"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"2023-03-01"(%%),
670 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"authorizationAmount"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)3600.00(%%),
671 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"remainingAmount"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)3600.00(%%),
672 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"currency"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SEK"(%%),
673 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"status"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"Open"(%%),
674 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"@id"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"/ledger/account-transaction/v1/xxx/authorizations/456789"(%%),
675 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"operations"**(%%): [
676 + {
677 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"rel"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"add-reversal"(%%),
678 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"method"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"POST"(%%),
679 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"href"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"/ledger/account-transaction/v1/xxx/authorizations/456789/reversals"(%%)
680 + },
681 + {
682 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"rel"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"add-capture"(%%),
683 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"method"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"POST"(%%),
684 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"href"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"/ledger/account-transaction/v1/xxx/authorizations/456789/captures"(%%)
685 + },
686 + {
687 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"rel"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"add-cancellation"(%%),
688 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"method"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"POST"(%%),
689 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"href"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"/ledger/account-transaction/v1/xxx/authorizations/456789/cancellations"(%%)
690 + }
691 + ]
692 +}
693 +)))
694 +)))
695 +
696 +
697 +**Possible problems**
698 +
699 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
700 +|=Http status |=Problem type |=Description
701 +|400 |validation |occurs if any of the input validation fails, it is described in the problem which parameter that failed the validation
702 +|409 |credit-check-rejected |Credit check or extend of credit check was rejected
703 +|409 |missing-pre-authorization |Resource missing, may have been created on different ledger or have expired
704 +|409 |invalid-account-usage |Provided PreAuthorization is invalid for this kind of authorization
705 +|409 |amount-exceeds-limit |Amount in PreAuthorization is no longer valid for this authorization
706 +|409 |invalid-state |Provided PreAuthorization resource is in a invalid state for this method
707 +|409 |identifier-already-in-use |AuthorizationId given is already used, provide a new one and try again
708 +|500 |fatal |Unexpected error, logs may give details about the problem
709 +
710 +**Response object specification**
711 +
712 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
713 +|=Property |=Data type|=Format|=Description
714 +|@id |string | |Uri identifier of the current resource
715 +|authorizationId |number |Type: int64 |Identifier of the authorization, must be unique for all types of authorizations within the ledger
716 +|sellerNo |string | |The seller identifier at payex
717 +|validToDate |string | |The authorization is valid for captures until this date. Format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
718 +|authorizationAmount |number |Type: double
719 +Max: 100000000
720 +Min: 0 |The original authorized amount
721 +|remainingAmount |number |Type: double |The remaining amount on the authorization available for capture
722 +|currency |string |(((
723 +* SEK
724 +* NOK
725 +* DKK
726 +* EUR
727 +)))|
728 +|status |string |(((
729 +* Open
730 +* Closed
731 +* Cancelled
732 +)))|
733 +|operations |array | |List of operations that is possible to perform on the current resource, read more about the [[hypermedia part of the response>>]]
734 +
735 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
736 +== 5. Captures ==
737 +
738 +
739 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
740 +==== 5.1 Create Capture ====
741 +
742 +Captures part of (or complete) the authorization, includes options for part payment
743 +
744 +(% class="box" %)
745 +(((
746 +**Request**
747 +
748 +(% class="code" %)
749 +(((
750 +(% style="color:#0000ff" %)POST(%%) (% style="color:#0000ff; font-weight:bold" %)**/ledger/account-transaction/v1/{ownerNo}/authorizations/{authorizationId}/captures**(%%) (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%)
751 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Host(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) -
752 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Authorization(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) Bearer<Token>
753 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
754 +\\{
755 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"captureId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"123456"(%%),
756 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"sellerTransactionId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"654789312"(%%),
757 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"currency"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SEK"(%%),
758 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"amount"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)3600.00(%%)
759 +}
760 +)))
761 +)))
762 +
763 +
764 +**Request object specification**
765 +
766 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
767 +|=Property |=Data type|=Format|=Required|=Description
768 +|captureId |string |Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9#_:@.\-åäöÅÄÖ]{1,}$ |Yes |Identifier of the capture, must be unique for all types of captures within the ledger
769 +|sellerTransactionId |string |Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9#_:@.\-åäöÅÄÖ]{1,}$ |Yes |The sellers identifier of the capture/transaction, usually the receipt reference
770 +|currency |string |(((
771 +* SEK
772 +* NOK
773 +* DKK
774 +* EUR
775 +)))|Yes |
776 +|amount |number |Type: double
777 +Max: 100000000
778 +Min: 0 |Yes |The total amount.
779 +
780 +Capture created
781 +
782 +(% class="box" %)
783 +(((
784 +**Response**
785 +
786 +(% class="code" %)
787 +(((
788 +(% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%) (% style="color:#666666" %)201(%%) (% style="color:#d2413a; font-weight:bold" %)**Created**(%%)
789 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
790 +\\{
791 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"captureId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"123456"(%%),
792 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"operations"**(%%): []
793 +}
794 +)))
795 +)))
796 +
797 +
798 +**Possible problems**
799 +
800 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
801 +|=Http status |=Problem type |=Description
802 +|404 |not-found |Resource missing, may have been created on different ledger or have expired
803 +|400 |validation |Validation error, response should describe the problem/s
804 +|409 |currency-not-supported |Provided Currency does not match the authorization currency
805 +|409 |invalid-amount |Provided Capture Amount is invalid, likely larger than remaining authorized amount
806 +|409 |identifier-already-in-use |Provided Identifier is already in use, probably CaptureTransactionId is not unique
807 +|409 |invalid-account-usage |Provided Authorization is invalid for this kind of capture
808 +|409 |authorization-expired |Provided Authorization is not open or has already expired
809 +|500 |fatal |Unexpected error, logs may give details about the problem
810 +
811 +**Response object specification**
812 +
813 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
814 +|=Property |=Data type|=Format|=Description
815 +|@id |string | |Uri identifier of the current resource
816 +|captureId |string | |Identifier of the capture, must be unique for all types of captures within the ledger
817 +|operations |array | |List of operations that is possible to perform on the current resource, read more about the [[hypermedia part of the response>>]]
818 +
819 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
820 +== 6. Reversals ==
821 +
822 +
823 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
824 +==== 6.1 Create Reversal ====
825 +
826 +For reversing a specific capture
827 +
828 +(% class="box" %)
829 +(((
830 +**Request**
831 +
832 +(% class="code" %)
833 +(((
834 +(% style="color:#0000ff" %)POST(%%) (% style="color:#0000ff; font-weight:bold" %)**/ledger/account-transaction/v1/{ownerNo}/authorizations/{authorizationId}/reversals**(%%) (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%)
835 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Host(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) -
836 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Authorization(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) Bearer<Token>
837 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
838 +\\{
839 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"reversalId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"654321"(%%),
840 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"currency"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SEK"(%%),
841 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"amount"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)512.00(%%),
842 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"sellerTransactionId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"753159"(%%)
843 +}
844 +)))
845 +)))
846 +
847 +
848 +**Request object specification**
849 +
850 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
851 +|=Property |=Data type|=Format|=Required|=Description
852 +|reversalId |string |Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9#_:@.\-åäöÅÄÖ]{1,}$ |Yes |Identifier of the reversal, must be unique for all types of captures within the ledger
853 +|currency |string |(((
854 +* SEK
855 +* NOK
856 +* DKK
857 +* EUR
858 +)))|Yes |
859 +|amount |number |Type: double
860 +Max: 100000000
861 +Min: 0 |Yes |Amount to reverse
862 +|sellerTransactionId |string |Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9#_:@.\-åäöÅÄÖ]{1,}$ |Yes |The sellers identifier of the reversal transaction, usually the receipt reference
863 +
864 +(% class="box" %)
865 +(((
866 +**Response**
867 +
868 +(% class="code" %)
869 +(((
870 +(% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%) (% style="color:#666666" %)201(%%) (% style="color:#d2413a; font-weight:bold" %)**CREATED**(%%)
871 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
872 +\\{
873 +}
874 +)))
875 +)))
876 +
877 +
878 +**Possible problems**
879 +
880 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
881 +|=Http status |=Problem type |=Description
882 +|404 |not-found |Resource missing, may have been created on different ledger or have expired
883 +|400 |validation |Validation error, response should describe the problem/s
884 +|409 |currency-not-supported |Provided Currency does not match the authorization currency
885 +|409 |invalid-amount |Provided Reversal Amount is invalid, likely larger than remaining captured amount
886 +|409 |identifier-already-in-use |Provided Identifier is already in use, probably ReversalTransactionId is not unique
887 +|409 |invalid-account-usage |Provided Authorization is invalid for this kind of reversal
888 +|500 |fatal |Unexpected error, logs may give details about the problem
889 +
890 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
891 +== 7. Cancellations ==
892 +
893 +
894 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
895 +==== 7.1 Create Cancellation ====
896 +
897 +This operation will cancel the specified authorization
898 +
899 +(% class="box" %)
900 +(((
901 +**Request**
902 +
903 +(% class="code" %)
904 +(((
905 +(% style="color:#0000ff" %)POST(%%) (% style="color:#0000ff; font-weight:bold" %)**/ledger/account-transaction/v1/{ownerNo}/authorizations/{authorizationId}/cancellations**(%%) (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%)
906 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Host(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) -
907 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Authorization(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) Bearer<Token>
908 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
909 +\\{
910 +}
911 +)))
912 +)))
913 +
914 +
915 +
916 +(% class="box" %)
917 +(((
918 +**Response**
919 +
920 +(% class="code" %)
921 +(((
922 +(% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%) (% style="color:#666666" %)204(%%) (% style="color:#d2413a; font-weight:bold" %)**NO CONTENT**(%%)
923 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
924 +\\{}
925 +)))
926 +)))
927 +
928 +
929 +**Possible problems**
930 +
931 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
932 +|=Http status |=Problem type |=Description
933 +|404 |missing-pre-authorization |Resource missing, may have been created on different ledger or have expired
934 +|409 |invalid-account-usage |Provided Authorization is invalid for this kind of authorization
935 +|409 |authorization-expired |Provided Authorization is not open or has already expired
936 +|500 |fatal |Unexpected error, logs may give details about the problem
937 +
938 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
939 +== 8. Split-authorizations ==
940 +
941 +
942 +Get an existing split-authorization. The split - authorization, is used when each product has a separate part payment that should be portioned out according to instruction.
943 +
944 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
945 +==== 8.1 Get specific Split-authorization ====
946 +
947 +(% class="box" %)
948 +(((
949 +**Request**
950 +
951 +(% class="code" %)
952 +(((
953 +(% style="color:#0000ff" %)GET(%%) (% style="color:#0000ff; font-weight:bold" %)**/ledger/account-transaction/v1/{ownerNo}/split-authorizations/{authorizationId}**(%%) (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%)
954 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Host(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) -
955 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Authorization(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) Bearer<Token>
956 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
957 +)))
958 +)))
959 +
960 +Get Split authorization resource. Operations can vary based of state of resource
961 +
962 +(% class="box" %)
963 +(((
964 +**Response**
965 +
966 +(% class="code" %)
967 +(((
968 +(% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%) (% style="color:#666666" %)200(%%) (% style="color:#d2413a; font-weight:bold" %)**OK**(%%)
969 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
970 +\\{
971 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"authorizationId"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)456789(%%),
972 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"sellerNo"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"654321"(%%),
973 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"validToDate"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"2023-03-08"(%%),
974 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"authorizationAmount"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)3600.00(%%),
975 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"remainingAmount"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)3600.00(%%),
976 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"currency"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SEK"(%%),
977 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"status"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"Open"(%%),
978 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"operations"**(%%): [
979 + {
980 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"rel"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"add-capture"(%%),
981 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"method"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"POST"(%%),
982 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"href"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"/ledger/account-transaction/v1/xxx/split-authorizations/456789/captures"(%%)
983 + },
984 + {
985 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"rel"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"add-cancellation"(%%),
986 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"method"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"POST"(%%),
987 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"href"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"/ledger/account-transaction/v1/xxx/split-authorizations/456789/cancellations"(%%)
988 + }
989 + ]
990 +}
991 +)))
992 +)))
993 +
994 +
995 +
996 +**Possible problems**
997 +
998 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
999 +|=Http status |=Problem type |=Description
1000 +|404 |not-found |Found no authorization for provided id on this ledger
1001 +|500 |fatal |Unexpected error, logs may give details about the problem
1002 +
1003 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
1004 +==== 8.2 Create Split-authorization ====
1005 +
1006 +Create split-authorization to see if the account will accept the transaction. When accepted reserves the amount to on the underlying account (may include credit check) and creates the authorization instance. The reservation is time limited, captures will only be excepted until the reservation times out. The 'split' authorization, is used when each product has a separate part payment that should be portioned out according to instruction.
1007 +
1008 +(% class="box" %)
1009 +(((
1010 +**Request**
1011 +
1012 +(% class="code" %)
1013 +(((
1014 +(% style="color:#0000ff" %)POST(%%) (% style="color:#0000ff; font-weight:bold" %)**/ledger/account-transaction/v1/{ownerNo}/split-authorizations**(%%) (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%)
1015 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Host(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) -
1016 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Authorization(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) Bearer<Token>
1017 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
1018 +\\{
1019 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"preAuthorizationId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"8c535338-d92c-49e7-90bf-304dbf38e0bd"(%%),
1020 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"authorizationId"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)456789(%%)
1021 +}
1022 +)))
1023 +)))
1024 +
1025 +
1026 +**Request object specification**
1027 +
1028 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
1029 +|=Property |=Data type|=Format|=Required|=Description
1030 +|preAuthorizationId |string | |Yes |Identifier of the existing pre-authorization
1031 +|authorizationId |number |Type: int64 |Yes |Identifier of the authorization, must be unique for all types of authorizations within the ledger
1032 +
1033 +Create Split authorization
1034 +
1035 +(% class="box" %)
1036 +(((
1037 +**Response**
1038 +
1039 +(% class="code" %)
1040 +(((
1041 +(% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%) (% style="color:#666666" %)201(%%) (% style="color:#d2413a; font-weight:bold" %)**Created**(%%)
1042 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
1043 +\\{
1044 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"authorizationId"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)456789(%%),
1045 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"sellerNo"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"654321"(%%),
1046 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"validToDate"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"2023-03-08"(%%),
1047 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"authorizationAmount"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)3600.00(%%),
1048 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"remainingAmount"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)3600.00(%%),
1049 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"currency"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SEK"(%%),
1050 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"status"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"Open"(%%),
1051 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"@id"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"/ledger/account-transaction/v1/xxx/split-authorizations/456789"(%%),
1052 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"operations"**(%%): [
1053 + {
1054 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"rel"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"add-capture"(%%),
1055 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"method"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"POST"(%%),
1056 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"href"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"/ledger/account-transaction/v1/xxx/split-authorizations/456789/captures"(%%)
1057 + },
1058 + {
1059 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"rel"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"add-cancellation"(%%),
1060 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"method"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"POST"(%%),
1061 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"href"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"/ledger/account-transaction/v1/xxx/split-authorizations/456789/cancellations"(%%)
1062 + }
1063 + ]
1064 +}
1065 +)))
1066 +)))
1067 +
1068 +
1069 +**Possible problems**
1070 +
1071 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
1072 +|=Http status |=Problem type |=Description
1073 +|400 |validation |occurs if any of the input validation fails, it is described in the problem which parameter that failed the validation
1074 +|409 |credit-check-rejected |Credit check or extend of credit check was rejected
1075 +|409 |missing-pre-authorization |Resource missing, may have been created on different ledger or have expired
1076 +|409 |invalid-account-usage |Provided PreAuthorization is invalid for this kind of authorization
1077 +|409 |invalid-state |Provided PreAuthorization resource is in a invalid state for this method
1078 +|409 |identifier-already-in-use |AuthorizationId given is already used, provide a new one and try again
1079 +|500 |fatal |Unexpected error, logs may give details about the problem
1080 +
1081 +**Response object specification**
1082 +
1083 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
1084 +|=Property |=Data type|=Format|=Description
1085 +|@id |string | |Uri identifier of the current resource
1086 +|authorizationId |number |Type: int64
1087 +Min: 1 |Identifier of the authorization, must be unique for all types of authorizations within the ledger
1088 +|sellerNo |string | |The seller identifier at payex
1089 +|validToDate |string | |The split-authorization is valid for captures until this date. Format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
1090 +|authorizationAmount |number |Type: double |The original authorized amount
1091 +|remainingAmount |number |Type: double |The remaining amount on the split-authorization available for capture
1092 +|currency |string |(((
1093 +* SEK
1094 +* NOK
1095 +* DKK
1096 +* EUR
1097 +)))|
1098 +|status |string |(((
1099 +* Open
1100 +* Closed
1101 +* Cancelled
1102 +)))|
1103 +|operations |array | |List of operations that is possible to perform on the current resource, read more about the [[hypermedia part of the response>>]]
1104 +
1105 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
1106 +== 9. Captures ==
1107 +
1108 +
1109 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
1110 +==== 9.1 Create Capture ====
1111 +
1112 +Captures part of (or complete) the split-authorization, includes options for part payment
1113 +
1114 +(% class="box" %)
1115 +(((
1116 +**Request**
1117 +
1118 +(% class="code" %)
1119 +(((
1120 +(% style="color:#0000ff" %)POST(%%) (% style="color:#0000ff; font-weight:bold" %)**/ledger/account-transaction/v1/{ownerNo}/split-authorizations/{authorizationId}/captures**(%%) (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%)
1121 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Host(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) -
1122 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Authorization(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) Bearer<Token>
1123 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
1124 +\\{
1125 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"captureId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"123456"(%%),
1126 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"sellerTransactionId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"654789312"(%%),
1127 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"currency"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SEK"(%%),
1128 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"monthlyBillingAmount"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)300(%%),
1129 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"months"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)12(%%),
1130 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"totalAmount"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)3600.00(%%),
1131 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"productName"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"Purchase ref: 233445"(%%)
1132 +}
1133 +)))
1134 +)))
1135 +
1136 +
1137 +**Request object specification**
1138 +
1139 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
1140 +|=Property |=Data type|=Format|=Required|=Description
1141 +|captureId |string |Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9#_:@.\-åäöÅÄÖ]{1,}$ |Yes |Identifier of the capture, must be unique for all types of captures within the ledger
1142 +|sellerTransactionId |string |Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9#_:@.\-åäöÅÄÖ]{1,}$ |Yes |The sellers identifier of the capture/transaction, usually the receipt reference
1143 +|currency |string |(((
1144 +* SEK
1145 +* NOK
1146 +* DKK
1147 +* EUR
1148 +)))|Yes |
1149 +|monthlyBillingAmount |number |Type: double
1150 +Max: 100000000
1151 +Min: 10 |Yes |The amount the customer should be billed each month for this product, [MonthlyBilledAmount] x [Months] must be equal to or greater than [TotalAmount]. [TotalAmount] divided by [MonthlyBilledAmount] must be in the range between [Months]-1 and [Months]
1152 +|months |number |Type: int32
1153 +Pattern: ^(6~|12~|24~|36)$ |Yes |Number of monthly payments the [TotalAmount] should be split into
1154 +|totalAmount |number |Type: double
1155 +Max: 100000000
1156 +Min: 10 |Yes |The total amount/cost of the product, must be evenly dividable with part payment terms in the account offer
1157 +|productName |string | |Yes |To the consumer meaningful reference to the purchase/delivery receipt.
1158 +Part of what is presented to the consumer on the bills
1159 +
1160 +Capture created
1161 +
1162 +(% class="box" %)
1163 +(((
1164 +**Response**
1165 +
1166 +(% class="code" %)
1167 +(((
1168 +(% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%) (% style="color:#666666" %)201(%%) (% style="color:#d2413a; font-weight:bold" %)**Created**(%%)
1169 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
1170 +\\{
1171 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"captureId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"123456"(%%),
1172 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"operations"**(%%): []
1173 +}
1174 +)))
1175 +)))
1176 +
1177 +
1178 +**Possible problems**
1179 +
1180 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
1181 +|=Http status |=Problem type |=Description
1182 +|400 |validation |occurs if any of the input validation fails, it is described in the problem which parameter that failed the validation
1183 +|404 |not-found |Found no authorization for provided id on this ledger
1184 +|409 |authorization-expired |ValidToDate on this authorize has expired, see details for more information
1185 +|409 |invalid-amount |See details to get more information about the error
1186 +|409 |currency-not-supported |Currency not valid for this Capture, see details for more information
1187 +|409 |identifier-already-in-use |CaptureId given is already used, provide a new one and try again
1188 +|500 |fatal |Unexpected error, logs may give details about the problem
1189 +
1190 +**Response object specification**
1191 +
1192 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
1193 +|=Property |=Data type|=Format|=Description
1194 +|@id |string | |Uri identifier of the current resource
1195 +|captureId |string | |Identifier of the capture, must be unique for all types of captures within the ledger
1196 +|operations |array | |List of operations that is possible to perform on the current resource, read more about the [[hypermedia part of the response>>]]
1197 +
1198 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
1199 +== 10. Cancellations ==
1200 +
1201 +
1202 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
1203 +==== 10.1 Create Cancellation ====
1204 +
1205 +This operation will cancel the specified split-authorization
1206 +
1207 +(% class="box" %)
1208 +(((
1209 +**Request**
1210 +
1211 +(% class="code" %)
1212 +(((
1213 +(% style="color:#0000ff" %)POST(%%) (% style="color:#0000ff; font-weight:bold" %)**/ledger/account-transaction/v1/{ownerNo}/split-authorizations/{authorizationId}/cancellations**(%%) (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%)
1214 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Host(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) -
1215 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Authorization(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) Bearer<Token>
1216 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
1217 +\\{
1218 +}
1219 +)))
1220 +)))
1221 +
1222 +
1223 +
1224 +(% class="box" %)
1225 +(((
1226 +**Response**
1227 +
1228 +(% class="code" %)
1229 +(((
1230 +(% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%) (% style="color:#666666" %)204(%%) (% style="color:#d2413a; font-weight:bold" %)**NO CONTENT**(%%)
1231 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
1232 +\\{}
1233 +)))
1234 +)))
1235 +
1236 +
1237 +**Possible problems**
1238 +
1239 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
1240 +|=Http status |=Problem type |=Description
1241 +|404 |not-found |Found no authorization for provided id on this ledger
1242 +|500 |fatal |Unexpected error, logs may give details about the problem
1243 +
1244 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
1245 +== 11. Reversals ==
1246 +
1247 +
1248 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
1249 +==== 11.1 Create Reversal ====
1250 +
1251 +For reversing a specific capture
1252 +
1253 +(% class="box" %)
1254 +(((
1255 +**Request**
1256 +
1257 +(% class="code" %)
1258 +(((
1259 +(% style="color:#0000ff" %)POST(%%) (% style="color:#0000ff; font-weight:bold" %)**/ledger/account-transaction/v1/{ownerNo}/split-authorizations/{authorizationId}/captures/{captureId}/reversals**(%%) (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%)
1260 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Host(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) -
1261 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Authorization(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) Bearer<Token>
1262 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
1263 +\\{
1264 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"reversalId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"abcdefg123"(%%),
1265 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"currency"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SEK"(%%),
1266 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"amount"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)512.00(%%),
1267 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"sellerTransactionId"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"123456"(%%)
1268 +}
1269 +)))
1270 +)))
1271 +
1272 +
1273 +**Request object specification**
1274 +
1275 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
1276 +|=Property |=Data type|=Format|=Required|=Description
1277 +|reversalId |string |Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9#_:@.\-åäöÅÄÖ]{1,}$ |Yes |Identifier of the reversal, must be unique for all types of captures within the ledger.
1278 +|currency |string |(((
1279 +* SEK
1280 +* NOK
1281 +* DKK
1282 +* EUR
1283 +)))|Yes |
1284 +|amount |number |Type: double
1285 +Max: 100000000
1286 +Min: 0 |Yes |Amount to reverse
1287 +|sellerTransactionId |string |Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9#_:@.\-åäöÅÄÖ]{1,}$ |Yes |The sellers identifier of the reversal transaction, usually the receipt reference
1288 +
1289 +(% class="box" %)
1290 +(((
1291 +**Response**
1292 +
1293 +(% class="code" %)
1294 +(((
1295 +(% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%) (% style="color:#666666" %)201(%%) (% style="color:#d2413a; font-weight:bold" %)**CREATED**(%%)
1296 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
1297 +\\{
1298 +}
1299 +)))
1300 +)))
1301 +
1302 +
1303 +**Possible problems**
1304 +
1305 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
1306 +|=Http status |=Problem type |=Description
1307 +|400 |validation |occurs if any of the input validation fails, it is described in the problem which parameter that failed the validation
1308 +|404 |not-found |Found no authorization for provided id on this ledger
1309 +|409 |invalid-amount |See details to get more information about the error
1310 +|409 |currency-not-supported |Currency not valid for this Reversal, see details for more information
1311 +|409 |identifier-already-in-use |ReversalId given is already used, provide a new one and try again
1312 +|500 |fatal |Unexpected error, logs may give details about the problem
1313 +
1314 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
1315 +== 12. Account-applications ==
1316 +
1317 +
1318 +Get an existing account-application. The account - application, is used when applying for new account.
1319 +
1320 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
1321 +==== 12.1 Get specific Account-application ====
1322 +
1323 +(% class="box" %)
1324 +(((
1325 +**Request**
1326 +
1327 +(% class="code" %)
1328 +(((
1329 +(% style="color:#0000ff" %)GET(%%) (% style="color:#0000ff; font-weight:bold" %)**/ledger/account-transaction/v1/{ownerNo}/account-applications/{accountApplicationId}**(%%) (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%)
1330 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Host(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) -
1331 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Authorization(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) Bearer<Token>
1332 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
1333 +)))
1334 +)))
1335 +
1336 +(% class="box" %)
1337 +(((
1338 +**Response**
1339 +
1340 +(% class="code" %)
1341 +(((
1342 +(% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%) (% style="color:#666666" %)200(%%) (% style="color:#d2413a; font-weight:bold" %)**OK**(%%)
1343 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
1344 +\\{
1345 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"redirectUrl"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"https:~/~/"(%%),
1346 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"customer"**(%%): {
1347 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"nationalConsumerIdentifier"**(%%): {
1348 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"value"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"19101010-1010"(%%),
1349 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"countryCode"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SE"(%%)
1350 + },
1351 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"email"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"a@b.c"(%%),
1352 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"msisdn"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"46123456"(%%),
1353 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"customerNo"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"1234"(%%)
1354 + },
1355 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"profileName"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"myProfileName"(%%),
1356 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"creditLimit"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)5000.00(%%),
1357 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"currency"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SEK"(%%),
1358 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"returnUrl"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"https:~/~/"(%%),
1359 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"redirectOptions"**(%%): {
1360 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"nativeAppSwitchingUrl"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"myApp"(%%),
1361 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"languageCode"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"sv"(%%)
1362 + },
1363 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"operations"**(%%): []
1364 +}
1365 +)))
1366 +)))
1367 +
1368 +
1369 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
1370 +==== 12.2 Create Account-application ====
1371 +
1372 +Create account-application is used when applying for new account. the application process may include signing and credit check
1373 +
1374 +(% class="box" %)
1375 +(((
1376 +**Request**
1377 +
1378 +(% class="code" %)
1379 +(((
1380 +(% style="color:#0000ff" %)POST(%%) (% style="color:#0000ff; font-weight:bold" %)**/ledger/account-transaction/v1/{ownerNo}/account-applications**(%%) (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%)
1381 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Host(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) -
1382 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Authorization(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) Bearer<Token>
1383 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
1384 +\\{
1385 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"customer"**(%%): {
1386 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"nationalConsumerIdentifier"**(%%): {
1387 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"value"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"19101010-1010"(%%),
1388 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"countryCode"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SE"(%%)
1389 + },
1390 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"email"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"a@b.c"(%%),
1391 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"msisdn"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"46123456"(%%),
1392 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"customerNo"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"1234"(%%)
1393 + },
1394 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"profileName"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"myProfileName"(%%),
1395 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"creditLimit"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)5000.00(%%),
1396 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"currency"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SEK"(%%),
1397 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"returnUrl"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"https:~/~/"(%%),
1398 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"redirectOptions"**(%%): {
1399 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"nativeAppSwitchingUrl"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"myApp"(%%),
1400 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"languageCode"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"sv"(%%)
1401 + }
1402 +}
1403 +)))
1404 +)))
1405 +
1406 +
1407 +**Request object specification**
1408 +
1409 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
1410 +|=Property |=Data type|=Format|=Required|=Description
1411 +|=customer |object | |Yes |
1412 +|= nationalConsumerIdentifier |object | |Yes |
1413 +| value |string | |Yes |The identifier - SSN, Personnummer, CPR, d-nummer, temporary identification number etc. Uniquely identifies the consumer. Visit for information about supported national identifier format
1414 +| countryCode |string |Pattern: SE~|NO~|DK~|FI |No |The country code for the identifier value property, value 'None' is not allowed, [[ISO 3166-1 alpha-2>>url:]]
1415 +| email |string |Pattern: [^@]+@[^\.]+\..+ |No |The customers Email. Only used for creating new customer
1416 +| msisdn |string |Pattern: [0-9, +, (, ), -]{5,15} |No |'Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Digital Network Number', ie. Cellphone number. Countrycode is always required as the example '46720000000'. Only used for creating new customer
1417 +| customerNo |string |Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,}$ |No |Provide the customer identifier. If customer does not yet exist in our ledger and ledger is configured to generate new customers CustomerNo then don't set this property. Ledger generated CustomerNo will be set after customer is created
1418 +|profileName |string | |Yes |The profilename of the account to create
1419 +|creditLimit |number |Type: double
1420 +Max: 100000000
1421 +Min: 0 |Yes |The amount of the credit limit on the account applied for, can't have more than 2 decimal places
1422 +|currency |string |(((
1423 +* SEK
1424 +* NOK
1425 +* DKK
1426 +* EUR
1427 +)))|Yes |
1428 +|returnUrl |string | |Yes |Url to return the end user to after process is completed
1429 +|=redirectOptions |object | |Yes |
1430 +| nativeAppSwitchingUrl |string | |No |Uri pointing to app, used to switch back to app from bankId
1431 +| autostartAction |string | |No |Used to automatically start bankId application. Possible actions (null~|se-bankid-this-device)
1432 +| languageCode |string | |Yes |Used to set desired language in the authenticate/onboarding web. Possible languageCodes (SV~|EN)
1433 +
1434 +(% class="box" %)
1435 +(((
1436 +**Response**
1437 +
1438 +(% class="code" %)
1439 +(((
1440 +(% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%) (% style="color:#666666" %)201(%%) (% style="color:#d2413a; font-weight:bold" %)**Created**(%%)
1441 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
1442 +\\{
1443 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"redirectUrl"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"https:~/~/"(%%),
1444 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"customer"**(%%): {
1445 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"nationalConsumerIdentifier"**(%%): {
1446 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"value"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"19101010-1010"(%%),
1447 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"countryCode"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SE"(%%)
1448 + },
1449 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"email"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"a@b.c"(%%),
1450 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"msisdn"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"46123456"(%%),
1451 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"customerNo"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"1234"(%%)
1452 + },
1453 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"profileName"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"myProfileName"(%%),
1454 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"creditLimit"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)5000.00(%%),
1455 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"currency"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SEK"(%%),
1456 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"returnUrl"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"https:~/~/"(%%),
1457 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"redirectOptions"**(%%): {
1458 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"nativeAppSwitchingUrl"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"myApp"(%%),
1459 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"languageCode"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"sv"(%%)
1460 + },
1461 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"operations"**(%%): []
1462 +}
1463 +)))
1464 +)))
1465 +
1466 +
1467 +**Possible problems**
1468 +
1469 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
1470 +|=Http status |=Problem type |=Description
1471 +|409 |account-already-exist |Occurs if a account already exists.
1472 +
1473 +**Response object specification**
1474 +
1475 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
1476 +|=Property |=Data type|=Format|=Description
1477 +|@id |string | |Uri identifier of the current resource
1478 +|=customer |object | |
1479 +|= nationalConsumerIdentifier |object | |
1480 +| value |string | |The identifier - SSN, Personnummer, CPR, d-nummer, temporary identification number etc. Uniquely identifies the consumer. Visit for information about supported national identifier format
1481 +| countryCode |string |Pattern: SE~|NO~|DK~|FI |The country code for the identifier value property, value 'None' is not allowed, [[ISO 3166-1 alpha-2>>url:]]
1482 +| email |string |Pattern: [^@]+@[^\.]+\..+ |The customers Email. Only used for creating new customer
1483 +| msisdn |string |Pattern: [0-9, +, (, ), -]{5,15} |'Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Digital Network Number', ie. Cellphone number. Countrycode is always required as the example '46720000000'. Only used for creating new customer
1484 +| customerNo |string |Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,}$ |Provide the customer identifier. If customer does not yet exist in our ledger and ledger is configured to generate new customers CustomerNo then don't set this property. Ledger generated CustomerNo will be set after customer is created
1485 +|profileName |string | |The profilename of the account to create
1486 +|creditLimit |number |Type: double
1487 +Max: 100000000
1488 +Min: 0 |The amount of the credit limit on the account applied for, can't have more than 2 decimal places
1489 +|currency |string |(((
1490 +* SEK
1491 +* NOK
1492 +* DKK
1493 +* EUR
1494 +)))|
1495 +|returnUrl |string | |Url to return the end user to after process is completed
1496 +|=redirectOptions |object | |
1497 +| nativeAppSwitchingUrl |string | |Uri pointing to app, used to switch back to app from bankId
1498 +| autostartAction |string | |Used to automatically start bankId application. Possible actions (null~|se-bankid-this-device)
1499 +| languageCode |string | |Used to set desired language in the authenticate/onboarding web. Possible languageCodes (SV~|EN)
1500 +|accountApplicationId |string | |Unique identifier of the account-application.
1501 +|redirectUrl |string | |Web uri pointing to the application flow that the user should be redirected to.
1502 +|operations |array | |List of operations that is possible to perform on the current resource, read more about the [[hypermedia part of the response>>]]
1503 +
1504 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
1505 +== 13. Limit-upgrade-applications ==
1506 +
1507 +
1508 +Get an existing limit-upgrade-application. The limit - upgrade - application, is used for upgrading limit on existing credit account.
1509 +
1510 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
1511 +==== 13.1 Get specific Limit-upgrade-application ====
1512 +
1513 +(% class="box" %)
1514 +(((
1515 +**Request**
1516 +
1517 +(% class="code" %)
1518 +(((
1519 +(% style="color:#0000ff" %)GET(%%) (% style="color:#0000ff; font-weight:bold" %)**/ledger/account-transaction/v1/{ownerNo}/limit-upgrade-applications/{limitUpgradeApplicationId}**(%%) (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%)
1520 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Host(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) -
1521 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Authorization(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) Bearer<Token>
1522 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
1523 +)))
1524 +)))
1525 +
1526 +(% class="box" %)
1527 +(((
1528 +**Response**
1529 +
1530 +(% class="code" %)
1531 +(((
1532 +(% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%) (% style="color:#666666" %)200(%%) (% style="color:#d2413a; font-weight:bold" %)**OK**(%%)
1533 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
1534 +\\{
1535 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"redirectUrl"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"https:~/~/"(%%),
1536 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"accountNo"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"12345"(%%),
1537 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"customerNo"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"54321"(%%),
1538 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"creditLimit"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)5000.00(%%),
1539 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"currency"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SEK"(%%),
1540 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"returnUrl"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"https:~/~/"(%%),
1541 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"redirectOptions"**(%%): {
1542 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"nativeAppSwitchingUrl"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"myApp"(%%),
1543 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"languageCode"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"sv"(%%)
1544 + },
1545 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"operations"**(%%): []
1546 +}
1547 +)))
1548 +)))
1549 +
1550 +
1551 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
1552 +==== 13.2 Create Limit-upgrade-application ====
1553 +
1554 +Create limit-upgrade-application is used when applying for upgrading limit on existing credit account. The application process may include signing and credit check
1555 +
1556 +(% class="box" %)
1557 +(((
1558 +**Request**
1559 +
1560 +(% class="code" %)
1561 +(((
1562 +(% style="color:#0000ff" %)POST(%%) (% style="color:#0000ff; font-weight:bold" %)**/ledger/account-transaction/v1/{ownerNo}/limit-upgrade-applications**(%%) (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%)
1563 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Host(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) -
1564 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Authorization(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) Bearer<Token>
1565 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
1566 +\\{
1567 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"accountNo"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"12345"(%%),
1568 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"customerNo"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"54321"(%%),
1569 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"creditLimit"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)5000.00(%%),
1570 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"currency"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SEK"(%%),
1571 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"returnUrl"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"https:~/~/"(%%),
1572 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"redirectOptions"**(%%): {
1573 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"nativeAppSwitchingUrl"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"myApp"(%%),
1574 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"languageCode"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"sv"(%%)
1575 + }
1576 +}
1577 +)))
1578 +)))
1579 +
1580 +
1581 +**Request object specification**
1582 +
1583 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
1584 +|=Property |=Data type|=Format|=Required|=Description
1585 +|accountNo |string | |Yes |The identifier of the account
1586 +|customerNo |string |Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,}$ |Yes |The identifier of the customer.
1587 +|creditLimit |number |Type: double
1588 +Max: 100000000
1589 +Min: 0 |Yes |The amount of the credit limit on the account applied for, can't have more than 2 decimal places
1590 +|currency |string |(((
1591 +* SEK
1592 +* NOK
1593 +* DKK
1594 +* EUR
1595 +)))|Yes |
1596 +|returnUrl |string | |Yes |Url to return the end user to after process is completed
1597 +|=redirectOptions |object | |Yes |
1598 +| nativeAppSwitchingUrl |string | |No |Uri pointing to app, used to switch back to app from bankId
1599 +| autostartAction |string | |No |Used to automatically start bankId application. Possible actions (null~|se-bankid-this-device)
1600 +| languageCode |string | |Yes |Used to set desired language in the authenticate/onboarding web. Possible languageCodes (SV~|EN)
1601 +
1602 +(% class="box" %)
1603 +(((
1604 +**Response**
1605 +
1606 +(% class="code" %)
1607 +(((
1608 +(% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%) (% style="color:#666666" %)201(%%) (% style="color:#d2413a; font-weight:bold" %)**Created**(%%)
1609 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/json
1610 +\\{
1611 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"redirectUrl"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"https:~/~/"(%%),
1612 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"accountNo"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"12345"(%%),
1613 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"customerNo"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"54321"(%%),
1614 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"creditLimit"**(%%): (% style="color:#666666" %)5000.00(%%),
1615 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"currency"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"SEK"(%%),
1616 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"returnUrl"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"https:~/~/"(%%),
1617 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"redirectOptions"**(%%): {
1618 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"nativeAppSwitchingUrl"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"myApp"(%%),
1619 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"languageCode"**(%%): (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"sv"(%%)
1620 + },
1621 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"operations"**(%%): []
1622 +}
1623 +)))
1624 +)))
1625 +
1626 +
1627 +**Possible problems**
1628 +
1629 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
1630 +|=Http status |=Problem type |=Description
1631 +|404 |account-not-found |Occurs if the account is not found.
1632 +
1633 +**Response object specification**
1634 +
1635 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
1636 +|=Property |=Data type|=Format|=Description
1637 +|@id |string | |Uri identifier of the current resource
1638 +|accountNo |string | |The identifier of the account
1639 +|customerNo |string |Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,}$ |The identifier of the customer.
1640 +|creditLimit |number |Type: double
1641 +Max: 100000000
1642 +Min: 0 |The amount of the credit limit on the account applied for, can't have more than 2 decimal places
1643 +|currency |string |(((
1644 +* SEK
1645 +* NOK
1646 +* DKK
1647 +* EUR
1648 +)))|
1649 +|returnUrl |string | |Url to return the end user to after process is completed
1650 +|=redirectOptions |object | |
1651 +| nativeAppSwitchingUrl |string | |Uri pointing to app, used to switch back to app from bankId
1652 +| autostartAction |string | |Used to automatically start bankId application. Possible actions (null~|se-bankid-this-device)
1653 +| languageCode |string | |Used to set desired language in the authenticate/onboarding web. Possible languageCodes (SV~|EN)
1654 +|limitUpgradeApplicationId |string | |Unique identifier of the account-application.
1655 +|redirectUrl |string | |Web uri pointing to the application flow that the user should be redirected to.
1656 +|operations |array | |List of operations that is possible to perform on the current resource, read more about the [[hypermedia part of the response>>]]
1657 +
1658 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
1659 +== Problems ==
1660 +
1661 +All errors from the api are returned in the form of "problems" (response body), except for the http status code itself.
1662 +The problem object contain more detailed info on what the error is. The "type" property can be used to programmatically interpret the error as it contains a code definition of the problem.
1663 +Other properties can be useful for logging and subsequent troubleshooting. Some problems are extended with additional parameters so it may be a good idea to log response body as raw data to include these.
1664 +
1665 +Problems of type validation does contain an additional list ("Problems") that describes exactly which parameter that failed the validation
1666 +
1667 +(% class=" wikigeneratedheader" %)
1668 +=== Example ===
1669 +
1670 +(% class="box" %)
1671 +(((
1672 +**Response**
1673 +
1674 +(% class="code" %)
1675 +(((
1676 +(% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**HTTP**(% style="color:#666666" %)/1.1(%%) (% style="color:#666666" %)400(%%) (% style="color:#d2413a; font-weight:bold" %)**Error**(%%)
1677 +(% style="color:#7d9029" %)Content-Type(% style="color:#666666" %):(%%) application/problem+json
1678 +\\{
1679 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"Type"**(%%) : (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"ledger/{domain}/v1/problems/validation"(%%),
1680 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"Title"**(%%) : (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"A validation error occurred"(%%),
1681 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"Status"**(%%) : (% style="color:#666666" %)400(%%),
1682 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"Instance"**(%%) : (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"215d4206-ca35-4f43-85ad-169c8f6d4ec1"(%%),
1683 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"Detail"**(%%) : (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"A validation error occurred. Please fix the problems mentioned in the 'problems' property below."(%%),
1684 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"Problems"**(%%) :
1685 + {
1686 + (% style="color:#008000; font-weight:bold" %)**"amount"**(%%) : [
1687 + (% style="color:#ba2121" %)"Expected value between [0,01]-[79228162514264337593543950335] actual [0]"(%%)
1688 + ]
1689 + }
1690 +}
1691 +)))
1692 +)))
1693 +
1694 +
1695 +