From empty
To version 45.1
edited by David Persson
on 2020/03/02 10:18
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
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1 +../credit-account-onboarding
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1 -XWiki.XWikiGuest
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Default language
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1 +en
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1 +px-custom-page-content
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1 +(% class="jumbotron" %)
2 +(((
3 +(% class="container" %)
4 +(((
5 +Integrate to **PayEx Credit Account Onboarding API **
6 +)))
7 +)))
8 +
9 +(% id="HChangelog" %)
10 += Changelog =
11 +
12 +2020-02-28
13 +
14 +* minor changes in kyc object structure
15 +
16 +2020-02-14
17 +
18 +* changed KYC object in ApplicationResource
19 +
20 +(% class="lead" id="HThisAPIisusedtolistcurrentlyavailablecreditaccountoffersaswellastheassociatedonboardingprocess" %)
21 +This API is used to list currently available credit account offers as well as the associated onboarding process
22 +
23 +== [[image:1581023587369-139.png||height="253" width="461"]] ==
24 +
25 +== Offers ==
26 +
27 +==== List all offers ====
28 +
29 +{{code language="http" title="**Response**"}}
30 +GET /ledger/credit-account-onboarding/v1/XXX/offers HTTP/1.1
31 +Host: -
32 +Authorization: Bearer <Token>
33 +Content-Type: application/json
34 +
35 +{
36 + "operations": null,
37 + "items": [
38 + {
39 + "accountProfile" : "kontotyp-1",
40 + "title" : "kontotyp 1",
41 + "currency" : "SEK",
42 + "maxCreditLimit" : 50000.00,
43 + "interestFreePurchaseMonth" : true|false,
44 + "monthlyAdminFee" : 35.00,
45 + "reminderFee" : 35.00,
46 + "interest" : 35.00,
47 + "termsAndConditions" :
48 + {
49 + "standardEuropeeanAgreements" : "",
50 + "accountTerms" : ""
51 + },
52 + "@id" : "/ledger/credit-account-onboarding/v1/XXX/offers/kontotyp-1",
53 + },
54 + {
55 + "accountProfile" : "kontotyp-2",
56 + "title" : "kontotyp 2",
57 + "currency" : "SEK",
58 + "maxCreditLimit" : 0.00,
59 + "interestFreePurchaseMonth" : true|false,
60 + "monthlyAdminFee" : 35.00,
61 + "reminderFee" : 35.00,
62 + "interest" : 35.00,
63 + "termsAndConditions" :
64 + {
65 + "standardEuropeeanAgreements" : "",
66 + "accountTerms" : ""
67 + },
68 + "@id" : "/ledger/credit-account-onboarding/v1/XXX/offers/kontotyp-2",
69 + }
70 + ],
71 + "@id": "/ledger/credit-account-onboarding/v1/XXX/offers",
72 + "view": {
73 + "@id": "/ledger/credit-account-onboarding/v1/XXX/offers?$top=2&$skip=0",
74 + "next": "/ledger/credit-account-onboarding/v1/XXX/offers?$top=2&$skip=2"
75 + }
76 +}
77 +{{/code}}
78 +
79 +==== Offers Resource ====
80 +
81 +{{code language="http" title="**Response**"}}
82 +HTTP/1.1 200 OK
83 +Content-Type: application/json
84 +
85 +{
86 + "accountProfile" : "kontotyp-1000",
87 + "title" : "kontotyp 1,000",
88 + "currency" : "NOK",
89 + "maxCreditLimit" : 50000.00,
90 + "interestFreePurchaseMonth" : true|false,
91 + "monthlyAdminFee" : 35.00,
92 + "reminderFee" : 35.00,
93 + "interest" : 35.00,
94 + "termsAndConditions" :
95 + {
96 + "standardEuropeeanAgreements" : "",
97 + "accountTerms" : ""
98 + },
99 + "@id" : "/ledger/credit-account-onboarding/v1/XXX/offers/kontotyp-1000",
100 + "operations" :
101 + [
102 + {
103 + "rel" : "apply-for-account",
104 + "href" : "/ledger/credit-account-onboarding/v1/XXX/offers/kontotyp-1000/applications",
105 + "method" : "POST"
106 + }
107 + ]
108 +}
109 +{{/code}}
110 +
111 +
112 +**Resource properties**
113 +
114 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
115 +|=(% style="width: 215px;" %)Property|=(% style="width: 114px;" %)Data type|=(% style="width: 118px;" %)Format|=(% style="width: 586px;" %)Description
116 +|(% style="width:215px" %)@id |(% style="width:114px" %)string|(% style="width:118px" %)Uri|(% style="width:586px" %)
117 +|(% style="width:215px" %)accountProfile|(% style="width:114px" %)string|(% style="width:118px" %)Maxlength: 50|(% style="width:586px" %)
118 +|(% style="width:215px" %)title|(% style="width:114px" %)string|(% style="width:118px" %)Maxlength: 50|(% style="width:586px" %)
119 +|(% style="width:215px" %)currency|(% style="width:114px" %)string|(% style="width:118px" %)[[ISO 4217>>url:]]|(% style="width:586px" %)
120 +|(% style="width:215px" %)maxCreditLimit|(% style="width:114px" %)decimal|(% style="width:118px" %) |(% style="width:586px" %)
121 +|(% style="width:215px" %)interestFreePurchaseMonth|(% style="width:114px" %)bool|(% style="width:118px" %)[[ISO 8601>>url:||rel="noreferrer" title="ISO8601 on Wikipedia"]]|(% style="width:586px" %)
122 +|(% style="width:215px" %)monthlyAdminFee|(% style="width:114px" %)decimal|(% style="width:118px" %) |(% style="width:586px" %)
123 +|(% style="width:215px" %)reminderFee|(% style="width:114px" %)decimal|(% style="width:118px" %) |(% style="width:586px" %)
124 +|(% style="width:215px" %)termsAndConditions.standardEuropeeanAgreements|(% style="width:114px" %)string|(% style="width:118px" %)Uri|(% style="width:586px" %)
125 +|(% style="width:215px" %)termsAndConditions.accountTerms|(% style="width:114px" %)string|(% style="width:118px" %)Uri|(% style="width:586px" %)
126 +
127 +== Applications ==
128 +
129 +==== Add application to offer ====
130 +
131 +{{code language="http" title="**Request**"}}
132 +POST /ledger/credit-account-onboarding/v1/XXX/offers/YYY/applications HTTP/1.1
133 +Host: -
134 +Authorization: Bearer <Token>
135 +Content-Type: application/json
136 +
137 +{
138 + "nationalConsumerIdentifier" : {
139 + "value" : "19101010-1010",
140 + "countryCode" : "SE"
141 + },
142 + "creditLimit": 5000.00,
143 + "customerNo" : "951753456",
144 + "emailAddress" : "",
145 + "cellPhone" : "+46701234456",
146 + "ipAddress": "",
147 + "legalAddress" : {
148 + "name" : "John Smith",
149 + "streetAddress" : "Teststreet",
150 + "city" : "Testcity",
151 + "coAddress" : "",
152 + "zipCode" : "12345",
153 + "countryCode" : "SE"
154 + },
155 + "kyc": {
156 + "questions":[
157 + {
158 + "code": "employment",
159 + "text": "Vad är din sysselsättning?",
160 + "answer" : {
161 + "code": "self-employed",
162 + "text": "Egen företagare"
163 + }
164 + },
165 + {
166 + "code": "employment-since",
167 + "text": "Hur länge har du haft denna sysselsättning?",
168 + "answer" : {
169 + "code": "2016-09",
170 + "text": "2016-09"
171 + }
172 + },
173 + {
174 + "code": "monthlyIncome",
175 + "text": "Månadsinkomst före skatt",
176 + "answer" : {
177 + "code": "10000.00",
178 + "text": "10000"
179 + }
180 + },
181 + {
182 + "code": "monthlyPurchaseAmount",
183 + "text": "Hur mycket kommer du genomsnitt att handla på ditt kort?",
184 + "answer" : {
185 + "code": "3000.00",
186 + "text": "3000"
187 + }
188 + },
189 + {
190 + "code": "monthlyNumberOfDeposits",
191 + "text": "Hur många inbetalningar kommer du att göra per månad?",
192 + "answer" : {
193 + "code": "1-2",
194 + "text": "1-2"
195 + }
196 + },
197 + {
198 + "code": "IsPep",
199 + "text": "Är du en person i politiskt utsatt ställning (PEP), det vill säga.....",
200 + "answer" : {
201 + "code" : "true",
202 + "text" : "Ja"
203 + }
204 + }
205 + ]
206 + }
207 +}
208 +{{/code}}
209 +
210 +==== List all applications ====
211 +
212 +{{code language="http" title="**Request**"}}
213 +GET /ledger/credit-account-onboarding/v1/XXX/offers/YYY/applications HTTP/1.1
214 +Host: -
215 +Authorization: Bearer <Token>
216 +Content-Type: application/json
217 +
218 +{{/code}}
219 +
220 +==== Get a single application ====
221 +
222 +{{code language="http" title="**Request**"}}
223 +GET /ledger/credit-account-onboarding/v1/XXX/offers/YYY/applications/NNN HTTP/1.1
224 +Host: -
225 +Authorization: Bearer <Token>
226 +Content-Type: application/json
227 +
228 +{{/code}}
229 +
230 +==== Applications Resource ====
231 +
232 +{{code language="http" title="**Response**"}}
233 +HTTP/1.1 200 OK
234 +Content-Type: application/json
235 +
236 +{
237 + "nationalConsumerIdentifier" : {
238 + "value" : "19101010-1010",
239 + "countryCode" : "SE"
240 + },
241 + "status" : "awaiting-sign",
242 + "customerNo" : "951753456",
243 + "emailAddress" : "",
244 + "cellPhone" : "+46701234456",
245 + "ipAddress": "",
246 + "legalAddress" : {
247 + "name" : "John Smith",
248 + "streetAddress" : "Teststreet",
249 + "city" : "Testcity",
250 + "coAddress" : "",
251 + "zipCode" : "12345",
252 + "countryCode" : "SE"
253 + },
254 + "kyc": {
255 + "questions":[
256 + {
257 + "code": "employment",
258 + "text": "Vad är din sysselsättning?",
259 + "answer" : {
260 + "code": "self-employed",
261 + "text": "Egen företagare"
262 + }
263 + },
264 + {
265 + "code": "employment-since",
266 + "text": "Hur länge har du haft denna sysselsättning?",
267 + "answer" : {
268 + "code": "2016-09",
269 + "text": "2016-09"
270 + }
271 + },
272 + {
273 + "code": "monthlyIncome",
274 + "text": "Månadsinkomst före skatt",
275 + "answer" : {
276 + "code": "10000.00",
277 + "text": "10000"
278 + }
279 + },
280 + {
281 + "code": "monthlyPurchaseAmount",
282 + "text": "Hur mycket kommer du genomsnitt att handla på ditt kort?",
283 + "answer" : {
284 + "code": "3000.00",
285 + "text": "3000"
286 + }
287 + },
288 + {
289 + "code": "monthlyNumberOfDeposits",
290 + "text": "Hur många inbetalningar kommer du att göra per månad?",
291 + "answer" : {
292 + "code": "1-2",
293 + "text": "1-2"
294 + }
295 + },
296 + {
297 + "code": "IsPep",
298 + "text": "Är du en person i politiskt utsatt ställning (PEP), det vill säga.....",
299 + "answer" : {
300 + "code" : "true",
301 + "text" : "Ja"
302 + }
303 + }
304 + ]
305 + },
306 + "account" : null,
307 + "@id" : "/ledger/credit-account-onboardings/v1/501/offers/kontotyp-10000/applications/1561561-54641515-56456",
308 + "parentHREF" : "/ledger/credit-account-onboardings/v1/XXX/offers/kontotyp-10000",
309 + "operations" : [
310 + {
311 + "rel" : "sign-agreement",
312 + "href" : "/ledger/credit-account-onboardings/v1/XXX/offers/kontotyp-10000/applications/1561561-54641515-56456/sign-agreement",
313 + "method" : "POST"
314 + }
315 + ]
316 +}
317 +{{/code}}
318 +
319 +**Resource properties**
320 +
321 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
322 +|=(% style="width: 215px;" %)Property|=(% style="width: 114px;" %)Data type|=(% style="width: 118px;" %)Format|=(% style="width: 586px;" %)Description
323 +|(% style="width:215px" %)@id |(% style="width:114px" %)string|(% style="width:118px" %)Maxlength: |(% style="width:586px" %)
324 +|(% style="width:215px" %)nationalConsumerIdentifier.value|(% style="width:114px" %)string|(% style="width:118px" %)YYYYMMDD-NNNC|(% style="width:586px" %)A valid swedish "personnummer"
325 +|(% style="width:215px" %)nationalConsumerIdentifier.countryCode|(% style="width:114px" %)string|(% style="width:118px" %)[[ISO 3166-1 alpha-2>>url:]]|(% style="width:586px" %)
326 +|(% style="width:215px" %)status|(% style="width:114px" %)string|(% style="width:118px" %)Maxlength: 25|(% style="width:586px" %)(((
327 +* AwaitingSign
328 +* InitializedSigning
329 +* Approved
330 +* Rejected
331 +* SigningFailed
332 +)))
333 +|(% style="width:215px" %)customerNo|(% style="width:114px" %)string|(% style="width:118px" %)Maxlength: 50|(% style="width:586px" %)
334 +|(% style="width:215px" %)emailAddress|(% style="width:114px" %)string|(% style="width:118px" %)Maxlength: 254
335 +Regex pattern: [^@]+@[^\.]+\..+|(% style="width:586px" %)
336 +|(% style="width:215px" %)cellPhone|(% style="width:114px" %)string|(% style="width:118px" %)Maxlength: 15|(% style="width:586px" %)
337 +|(% style="width:215px" %)ipAddress|(% style="width:114px" %)string|(% style="width:118px" %)Maxlength: 43
338 +Regex pattern: [a-z0-9.:/]*|(% style="width:586px" %)
339 +|(% style="width:215px" %)|(% style="width:114px" %)string|(% style="width:118px" %)Maxlength: 72|(% style="width:586px" %)end-customer fullname
340 +|(% style="width:215px" %)legalAddress.streetAddress|(% style="width:114px" %)string|(% style="width:118px" %)Maxlength: 35|(% style="width:586px" %)
341 +|(% style="width:215px" %)|(% style="width:114px" %)string|(% style="width:118px" %)Maxlength: 30|(% style="width:586px" %)
342 +|(% style="width:215px" %)legalAddress.coAddress|(% style="width:114px" %)string|(% style="width:118px" %)Maxlength: 35|(% style="width:586px" %)
343 +|(% style="width:215px" %)legalAddress.zipCode|(% style="width:114px" %)string|(% style="width:118px" %)Maxlength: 15|(% style="width:586px" %)
344 +|(% style="width:215px" %)legalAddress.countryCode|(% style="width:114px" %)string|(% style="width:118px" %)[[ISO 3166-1 alpha-2>>url:]]|(% style="width:586px" %)
345 +|(% style="width:215px" %)account|(% style="width:114px" %)string|(% style="width:118px" %)Uri|(% style="width:586px" %)Reference to created account
346 +|(% style="width:215px" %)kyc|(% style="width:114px" %)object|(% style="width:118px" %) |(% style="width:586px" %)kyc (know your customer). The questions and answers in the above example are just examples of what it might look like. This API does not validate that "correct" questions are asked
347 +|(% style="width:215px" %)kyc.questions|(% style="width:114px" %)list of objects|(% style="width:118px" %) |(% style="width:586px" %)
348 +|(% style="width:215px" %)kyc.questions.code|(% style="width:114px" %)string|(% style="width:118px" %) |(% style="width:586px" %)The code definition of the question
349 +|(% style="width:215px" %)kyc.questions.text|(% style="width:114px" %)string|(% style="width:118px" %) |(% style="width:586px" %)The actual question text that was presented to the end-customer
350 +|(% style="width:215px" %)kyc.questions.aswer.code|(% style="width:114px" %)string|(% style="width:118px" %) |(% style="width:586px" %)The answered code definition from the end-customer
351 +|(% style="width:215px" %)kyc.questions.aswer.text|(% style="width:114px" %)string|(% style="width:118px" %) |(% style="width:586px" %)The actual displayed answertext that was presented to the customer
352 +
353 +== Sign-agreement (Operation) ==
354 +
355 +==== Request ====
356 +
357 +{{code language="http" title="**Request**"}}
358 +POST /ledger/credit-account-onboarding/v1/XXX/offers/YYY/applications/NNN/sign-agreement HTTP/1.1
359 +Host: -
360 +Authorization: Bearer <Token>
361 +Content-Type: application/json
362 +
363 +{{/code}}
364 +
365 +==== Response ====
366 +
367 +{{code language="http" title="**Request**"}}
368 +HTTP/1.1 201 Created
369 +Content-Type: application/json
370 +
371 +{
372 + "createdAccount" : "",
373 +}
374 +{{/code}}
375 +
376 +**Resource properties**
377 +
378 +(% class="table-bordered table-striped" %)
379 +|=(% style="width: 215px;" %)Property|=(% style="width: 114px;" %)Data type|=(% style="width: 118px;" %)Format|=(% style="width: 586px;" %)Description
380 +|(% style="width:215px" %)createdAccount|(% style="width:114px" %)string|(% style="width:118px" %)Uri|(% style="width:586px" %)
381 +
382 +== Problems ==
383 +
384 +If an error occur or any validation failed, a "problem" response will be returned.
385 +Below is a list of problems that can occur:
386 +
387 +**HttpStatus 401 Unauthorized**
388 +
389 +* Token expired
390 +* Token invalid
391 +* SellerNumber does not match token
392 +* CompanyNumber does not match token
393 +
394 +**HttpStatus 400 Error**
395 +
396 +* Validation: Argument required
397 +* Validation: Invalid value
398 +
399 +**HttpStatus 422 Unprocessable entity**
400 +
401 +* Authorization declined
402 +
403 +**HttpStatus 409 Conflict**
404 +
405 +* Invoice already authorized
406 +* Duplicate InvoiceNumber
407 +* Authorization is cancelled
408 +* Authorization already captured
409 +* Authorization has expired
410 +* Insufficient debited amount XXX
411 +
412 +**HttpStatus 501 NotImplemented**
413 +
414 +* CompanyNumber XXX not configured
415 +* SellerNumber XXX not configured at PayEx
416 +* CompanyNumber XXX missing configuration
417 +
418 +**HttpStatus 404 NotFound**
419 +
420 +* Authorization not found
421 +
422 +Below is an example of a problem that will be returned if buyer##.nationalConsumerIdentifier.value## is not valid in the authorization post request.
423 +
424 +{{code language="http" title="**Response**"}}
425 +HTTP/1.1 400 Error
426 +Content-Type: application/problem+json
427 +
428 +{
429 + "Type": "http://[DNS]/ledger/invoice-purchase/problems/validation",
430 + "Title": "A validation error occurred",
431 + "Status": 400,
432 + "Instance": null,
433 + "Detail": "A validation error occurred. Please fix the problems mentioned in the 'problems' property below.",
434 + "Problems": [
435 + {
436 + "buyer.nationalConsumerIdentifier.value": "Not a valid SE nationalConsumerIdentifier"
437 + }
438 + ]
439 +}
440 +{{/code}}
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