From version 60.1
edited by Asbjørn Ulsberg
on 2018/07/05 12:48
To version 61.1
edited by Asbjørn Ulsberg
on 2018/07/05 12:48
Change comment: Renamed back-links.



Page properties
... ... @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
22 22  (% style="width:100%" %)
23 23  |=(% style="width: 20%;" %)Resource|=(% style="width: 80%;" %)Usage
24 24  |[[Home>>Sandbox.payex-checkout-v1.Introduction.Home.WebHome]]|Used to retrieve information about the PayEx Checkout API and to discover the URL of the Payment Session resource.
25 -|[[Payment Session>>Main.ecommerce.payex-checkout-v1.Introduction.Payment-session.WebHome]]|Used to create a Payment Session and to retrieve status about the associated Payment and Payer.
25 +|[[Payment Session>>Sandbox.payex-checkout-v1.Introduction.Payment-session.WebHome]]|Used to create a Payment Session and to retrieve status about the associated Payment and Payer.
26 26  |[[Payment>>Sandbox.payex-checkout-v1.Introduction.Payment.WebHome]]|Used to retrieve information about the payment and to perform additional operations on the payment, such as Capture.
27 27  |[[Addressee>>Sandbox.payex-checkout-v1.Introduction.Payer.WebHome]]|Used to retrieve adressee information (physical or digital delivery address) about the person who paid for the goods or service.
28 28  |[[Callbacks>>Sandbox.payex-checkout-v1.Introduction.Callbacks.WebHome]]|Used to retrieve information about the payment when payment changes status.


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