Wiki source code of Home Resource

Last modified by Asbjørn Ulsberg on 2018/07/05 12:48
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Asbjørn Ulsberg 21.1 1 The Home resource of PayEx Checkout contains the links to the [[Payment Session resource>>Sandbox.payex-checkout-v1.Introduction.Payment-session.WebHome]] resource. It can be used to verify that the authentication works and to discover the resources that can be manipulated through the PayEx Checkout REST API.
Helge Dahl 9.1 2
3 = Retrieve Home resource =
Asbjørn Ulsberg 22.1 5 To retrieve the Home resource, just perform an HTTP {{code}}GET{{/code}} request towards the PayEx Checkout API base URL for the environment you want to communicate with. The different base URLs can be found in the [[Backend API Introduction>>doc:Sandbox.payex-checkout-v1.Introduction.WebHome]].
Helge Dahl 9.1 6
7 == Example ==
9 === Request ===
11 {{code language="JavaScript"}}
12 GET HTTP/1.1
13 Accept: application/json
14 Authorization: Bearer merchantToken==
15 {{/code}}
17 === Response ===
19 {{code language="JavaScript"}}
20 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
21 Content-Type: application/json
23 {
24 "paymentSession": "<payment_session_url>"
25 }
26 {{/code}}