XWiki Syntax Guide
Last modified by superadmin on 2017/11/28 14:52
XWiki Syntax 2.1 » Programming » Macros
XWiki Syntax 2.1: Macros
2.0 Macros
There is only one kind of macro in XWiki Syntax 2.1, which is called by the syntax: {{macroname param1="value1" ... paramN="valueN"}}...{{/macroname}}. For macros without content there's a short notation: {{macroname param1="value1" ... paramN="valueN"/}}
Feature | XWiki Syntax 2.1 | Result |
Rendering Macro with a content | {{code language="java"}} System.out.println("Hello World!"); {{/code} | System.out.println("Hello World!"); |
Rendering Macro without content | {{include reference="Space.Page"/}} | The referenced page is included in the current page |
Macros in this wiki
Id | Name | Category | Description | Visibility |
rss | RSS | Content | Output latest feed entries from a RSS feed. | Global |
groovy | Groovy | Development | Execute a groovy script. | Global |
script | Script | Development | Execute script in provided script language. | Global |
footnote | Footnote | Content | Generates a footnote to display at the end of the page. | Global |
html | HTML | Development | Inserts HTML or XHTML code into the page. | Global |
id | Id | Navigation | Allows putting a reference/location in a page. In HTML for example this is called an Anchor. It allows pointing to that location, for example in links. | Global |
useravatar | User Avatar | Content | Allows displaying the avatar for a specific user. | Global |
template | Template | Internal | Insert a template. | Global |
attachmentSelector | Attachment Selector | Development | A control to be used for object properties of the current document that are supposed to contain the name of an attachment from the current (or target) document. Allows uploading new attachments, and deleting attachments from the target document. If no target document is specified, the current document will be used. Object properties are only saved to the current document. | Current Wiki |
tabs | Tabbed view renderer | Content | Creates tabbed view for content areas wrapped into <div /> with unique id (see macro home for details) | Current Wiki |
warning | Warning Message | Formatting | Displays a warning message note. | Global |
velocity | Velocity | Development | Executes a Velocity script. | Global |
info | Info Message | Formatting | Displays an info message note. | Global |
python | Python | Development | Executes a python script. | Global |
spaceindex | Space Index | Deprecated | Lists documents in a space. | Current Wiki |
plantuml | PlantUML | content | Generate Diagrams using PlantUML. | Current Wiki |
iconPicker | Icon Picker | Development | Select an icon within the XWiki icon set. | Current Wiki |
spaces | Spaces | Deprecated | Displays all the spaces in this wiki. | Current Wiki |
activity | Activity | Content | The Activity Macro provides information about recent activities done by the users inside the XWiki instance. It lists the create, edit and delete events for pages, as well as comments, attachments and annotations. | Current Wiki |
messageSender | Message Sender | Social | A control that allows users to enter messages that are handled by the MessageStream module. | Current Wiki |
xslt | xslt | XSLT Macro help to transform XML document with XSLT style-sheet. Macro is able to retrieve XML document or style sheet from attachment or URL XML document or else style sheet could be the content of the macro. Parameters could be pass to the XSLT style-sheet. | Global | |
sequence | Sequence Diagram | content | Draws a sequence diagram using http://www.websequencediagrams.com/ | Global |
office | Office Document Viewer | Content | View office attachments (doc, ppt, xls, odt, odp, ods etc.) inside wiki pages without downloading or importing them. | Global |
display | Display | Content | Display other pages into the current page. | Global |
numberedheadings | numberedheadings | Navigation | Automatically add numbers to headings | Global |
tagcloud | Tag Cloud | Content | Displays the cloud of tags in this wiki or in the specified space, if any. | Current Wiki |
content | Content | Content | Allows writing content in any wiki markup | Global |
translation | Translation | Content | Display a translation message. | Global |
watchlist | Watchlist | Content | Show the content of your current watchlist. | Current Wiki |
children | Children | Navigation | Displays a tree of children pages of the current page | Current Wiki |
toc | Table Of Contents | Navigation | Generates a Table Of Contents. | Global |
container | Container | Layout | A macro to enclose multiple groups and add decoration, such as layout. | Global |
success | Success Message | Formatting | Displays a success message note. | Global |
context | Context | Development | Executes content in the context of the passed document | Global |
ServiceArea | Service Area | PayEx | Create a list item for a service area. Intended for the front page. | Current Wiki |
code | Code | Formatting | Highlights code snippets of various programming languages | Global |
comment | Comment | Development | Allows putting comments in the source content. This macro doesn't output anything. | Global |
dashboard | Dashboard | Layout | A macro to define a dashboard. | Global |
putFootnotes | Put Footnote | Content | Displays the footnotes defined so far. If missing, all footnotes are displayed by default at the end of the page. | Global |
ServiceBox | Service Box | PayEx | Service box intended for service and products | Global |
documents | Documents | Content | Displays a list of documents in a Livetable | Current Wiki |
menu | Menu | Navigation | Displays a menu created using simple wiki syntax (nested lists and links). | Global |
error | Error Message | Formatting | Displays an error message note. | Global |
documentTree | Document Tree | Navigation | Displays the tree of XWiki documents. | Current Wiki |
formula | Formula | Content | Displays a mathematical formula. | Global |
showhide | showhide | content | Show Hide Macro | Current Wiki |
cache | Cache | Development | Caches content. | Global |
tree | Tree | Navigation | Displays a tree hierarchy defined by the macro content or the source parameter. | Current Wiki |
box | Box | Formatting | Draw a box around provided content. | Global |
gallery | Gallery | Layout | Displays the images found in the provided content using a slide-show view. | Global |
include | Include | Content | Include other pages into the current page. | Global |
chart | Chart | Content | Displays a graphical chart generated from miscellaneous data sources | Global |