NRPStat (BRPT024)

Name convention


CompanyNumberThe company number in PayEx ledger system
DateTimeDate created in format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
Info”Billed” or “Unbilled”
BatchIdBilling processId

Two examples of report files:

Change log

VersionDateDescriptionCreated by

Created document

Tomas Kristoffersson

General information and explanation of records

The BRPT024-report contains information about non-recurring products send in by a Product file. The report is based on either billed or unbilled products and can be ordered for a specified billrun (BatchId) or a specified billmonth.

The report contains two different records:

  • D1 product information which includes subscriber number and products on subscriber level,
  • D2 product information on customer level.

Record description

H - Header record

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Record type1HReq.Header record.
Company Number2N(5)Req.The company number you receive from PayEx.
Company Name3X(40)Req.Your company name
Billing cycle4X(10) YYYY-MM-DD – Billing cycle
BatchID5N(10) BatchID
Creation date6N(6)Req.YYMMDD – Date when generated
Creation time7N(4)Req.HHM – Time when generated

I1 - Headline record

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Record type1I1Req.Information record
CustomerId2CustomerIdReq.Customer number
SubscriberId3SubscriberIdReq.The customer subscription number
Description4DescriptionReq.Text from productfile
Quantity5QuantityReq.The number of products of the product.
Amount6AmountReq.The total amount for the product
VAT rate7VAT rateReq.VAT rate
ProductGroupId8ProductGroupIdReq.Produc tGroup Id
StartPeriod9StartPeriodReq.Start Period
EndPeriod10EndPeriodReq.End Period
CompanyId11CompanyIdReq.CompanyId 1 – 99999 if sent in productfile
ProductId12ProduktIdReq.(unique) product id if sent in productfile

D1 - Data Record

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Record type1D1Req.Data record
CustomerId2X(15)Req.Customer number
SubscriberId3X(34)Req.The customer subscription number
Description4X(74)Req.Text from productfile
Quantity5N(5)Req.The number of products of the product.
Amount6N(7).N(2-3)Req.The total amount for the product
VAT rate7N(2),N(2)Req.VAT rate
ProductGroupId8N(5) Product Group Id
StartPeriod9YYYY-MM-DD Start Period
EndPeriod10YYYY-MM-DD End Period
CompanyId11N(5) A description of the Id-number
ProductId12N(10) (unique) product id if sent in productfile

I2 - Headline record

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Record type1I2Req.Information record
CustomerId2CustomerIdReq.Customer number
Description3DescriptionReq.Text from productfile
Quantity4QuantityReq.The number of products of the product
Amount5AmountReq.The total amount for the product
VAT rate6VAT rateReq.VAT rate
ProductGroupId7ProductGroupIdReq.Product Group Id
StartPeriod8StartPeriodReq.Start Period
EndPeriod9EndPeriodReq.End Period
CompanyId10CompanyIdReq.CompanyId 1 – 99999 if sent in productfile
ProductId11ProduktIdReq.(unique) product id if sent in productfile

D2 - Data Record

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Record type1D2Req.Data record
CustomerId2X(15)Req.Customer number.
Description3X(74)Req.Text from productfile
Quantity4N(5)Req.The number of products of the product.
Amount5N(7).N(2-3)Req.The total amount for the product.
VAT rate6N(2),N(2)Req.VAT rate
ProductGroupId7N(5) Product Group Id
StartPeriod8YYYY-MM-DD Start Period
EndPeriod9YYYY-MM-DD End Period
CompanyId10N(5) A description of the Id-number .
ProductId11N(10) (unique) product id if sent in productfile

T - Trailer record

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Record type1TReq.Trailer record
Number of records2N(8)Req.Total number of records inclusive header and trailer record.

Example BRPT024

H;99999;Company name;;;191010;1538
I1;CustomerId;SubscriberId;Description;Quantity;Amount;VAT rate;ProductGroupId;StartPeriod;EndPeriod;CompanyId;ProductId
D1;123456;Bredband;Rabatt 180601-180630;1;-30.00;25.00;140;2019-09-01;2019-09-30;43;
I2;CustomerId;Description;Quantity;Amount;VAT rate;ProductGroupId;StartPeriod;EndPeriod;CompanyId;ProductId


Created by Anders Göthberg on 2021/04/09 07:57