Changes for page Record description

Last modified by Anders Göthberg on 2024/01/29 15:32
From empty
To version 49.1
edited by Anders Göthberg
on 2021/04/09 10:41
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
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1 +Record description
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1 +developer:Main.Invoicing.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.WebHome
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1 -XWiki.XWikiGuest
1 +xwiki:XWiki.ang
Default language
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1 +en
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1 +px-custom-page-content
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1 += Records =
2 +
3 +== H - Header ==
4 +
5 +(% border="1" %)
6 +|=**Field name**|=**Field no**|=**Format**|=**Type**|=**Description**|=**Character check**
7 +|Transaction type|1|H|Obl.|First record in the file|
8 +|Company number|2|N(5)|Obl.|Company number issued by PayEx. Equal with Owner code in file name|Number
9 +|Company name|3|X(1-40)|Obl.|Your company’s name.|[[PXString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXString"]]
10 +|Date of creation|4|N(6)|Obl.|YYMMDD – The same date as in the file name.|[[Date>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDate"]]
11 +|Time of creation|5|N(4)|Obl.|HHMM – Time when the file was created.|[[Time>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HTime"]]
12 +
13 +Example of the record appearance:
14 +
15 +**H;1234;Company;161213;1220**
16 +
17 +== K - Customer record ==
18 +
19 +(% border="1" %)
20 +|=**Field name**|=**Field no**|=**Format**|=**Type**|=**Description**|=**Character check**
21 +|Transaction type|1|K|Obl.|Customer record. First record per customer.|
22 +|Customer number|2|X(1-15)|Obl.|Customer number. The customer number must be unique. If the customer has direct debit as payment method, the customer number format cannot start with more than 5 zeros.|[[Identifier>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HIdentifier"]]
23 +|Name|3|X(1-72)|Obl.|The customer’s name.|[[PXNameAddressString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXNameAddressString"]]
24 +|Registration number|4|N(6)-N(4)|*Obl|(((
25 +The customer’s **S**ocial **S**ecurity **N**umber /Corporate registration number
26 +
27 +Validation of the SSN will be completed if country code has been set in field 7.
28 +
29 +If field 7 is not used, validation will be done on the ledgers country code.
30 +
31 +*If mediadistibutioncode is set to value 52 in combination with E-invoice B2B
32 +)))|[[PXString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXString"]]
33 +|Telno.|5|X(1-15)| |The customer’s contact telephone number.|[[PXString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXString"]]
34 +|Language|6|X(2)| |The customer’s language on invoice. Contact PayEx for possibilities.|[[PXString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXString"]]
35 +|Country code for Registration number|7|X(2)| |Country code for customer with a registration number that not is equal to the country code for the ledger. Used for validation of the registration number in each nordic country.|[[CountryCode>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HCountryCode"]]
36 +
37 +Example of the record appearance:
38 +
39 +**K;1234567;Jan Berg;121212-1212;08-1234567**
40 +
41 +== A - Address record ==
42 +
43 +(% border="1" %)
44 +|=**Field name**|=**Field no**|=**Format**|=**Type**|=**Description**|=**Character check**
45 +|Transaction type|1|A|Obl.|The address record follows the customer record (K).|
46 +|C/O address|2|X(1-35)| |“Care-of address”.|[[PXNameAddressString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXNameAddressString"]]
47 +|Street address|3|X(1-35)| |The customer’s street address.|[[PXNameAddressString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXNameAddressString"]]
48 +|ZIP code|4|X(4-9)|Obl.|(((
49 +The customer’s ZIP code.
50 +
51 +For a Zip code outside Sweden requires a country code according to ISO-1366 standard. E.g. NO-3445
52 +
53 +Nordic countries validation is done if it is a valid zip code
54 +)))|[[ZipCode>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HZipCode"]]
55 +|Postal address|5|X(1-27)|Obl.|The customer’s postal address.|[[PXNameAddressString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXNameAddressString"]]
56 +|E-mail address|6|X(6-60)|*Obl.|(((
57 +The customer’s e-mail address.
58 +
59 +*If “Media distribution” = 11 (C1 -record, field 9)
60 +
61 +or “ENoteDistributionMethod” = 81 (N record, field 2)
62 +)))|[[Email>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HEmail"]]
63 +
64 +Example of the record appearance:
65 +
66 +**A;;Gatan 9;SE-12345;Svedala;**
67 +
68 +== MB - VAT-exemption record ==
69 +
70 +(% border="1" %)
71 +|=**Field name**|=**Field no**|=**Format**|=**Type**|=**Description**|=**Character check**
72 +|Transaction type|1|MB| |(((
73 +Billing method concerning tax regulations
74 +
75 +Max one per customer
76 +)))|
77 +|VAT type|2|N(1)| |Type of VAT reporting, 0 = normal, 1 = reverse tax liability, 2 = No VAT (inside EU), 3 = No VAT (outside EU)|[[PXVatExemptionCode>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXVatExemptionCode"]]
78 +|VAT number|3|X(7-14)|Obl.|Used for reverse tax liability (VATNO).|[[VatNumberType>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HVatNumberType"]]
79 +|Authorisation code|4|X(1-35)| |The authorisation code can be shown on the invoice as the approved VAT type.|[[PXString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXString"]]
80 +
81 +Example of the record appearance:
82 +
83 +**MB;1;SE556677234501;**
84 +
85 +== E - Extra record ==
86 +
87 +(% border="1" %)
88 +|=**Field name**|=**Field no**|=**Format**|=**Type**|=**Description**|=**Character check**
89 +|Transaction type|1|E| |Extra record. Max one per customer.|
90 +|Terms of payment|2|N(2)| |Number of days. For Sweden the minimum number of days is according Swedish law for now 7 days.|[[Interval:0-99>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HInterval:0-99"]]
91 +|//Not used//|3| | | |
92 +|Payment Method|4|X(2)| |Only Payment Method PG or BG available for new customers|[[PaymentMethod>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPaymentMethod"]]
93 +|//Not used//|5| | | |
94 +|//Not used//|6| | | |
95 +|Verified payment|7|N(1)| |(((
96 +Not direct debit = 0 (default), direct debit = 1.
97 +
98 +Contact PayEx for possibilities.
99 +)))|[[VerifiedPayment>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HVerifiedPayment"]]
100 +
101 +Example of the record appearance:
102 +
103 +**E;14;;BG;;;0**
104 +
105 +The extra record is used if some of its values deviate from the company’s default values. The company’s default values are stored in PayEx database.
106 +
107 +== AL - Alias record ==
108 +
109 +(% border="1" %)
110 +|=**Field name**|=**Field no**|=**Format**|=**Type**|=**Description**|=**Character check**
111 +|Transaction type|1|AL| |Alias record|
112 +|Alias Type|2|X(2)|Obl.|(((
113 +1 = Subscription number + Alias
114 +
115 +2 = Cost centre grouping, Alias replaces subscription no.
116 +
117 +3 = Alias replaces subscription Number, also applies for specification files
118 +)))|[[AliasType>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HAliasType"]]
119 +|Subscriber number|3|X(1-15)|Obl.|The customer’s subscription number from C2 -record, field 2 or MO -record, field 3|[[Identifier>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HIdentifier"]]
120 +|Alias|4|X(1-40)|Obl.|For Alias Type = 3, empty is permitted|[[PXNameAddressString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXNameAddressString"]]
121 +
122 +Examples of the record appearance:
123 +
124 +**AL;1;0812345678;Bengt Bengtsson**
125 +
126 +**AL;2;0887654321;Accounts Department**
127 +
128 +**AL;3;0707011000;Self service**
129 +
130 +Only one alias record (AL) is permitted per subscription number.
131 +
132 +== C1 - Billing record ==
133 +
134 +(% border="1" %)
135 +|=**Field name**|=**Field no**|=**Format**|=**Type**|=**Description**|=**Character check**
136 +|Transaction type|1|C1|Obl.|Billing information. One record per customer.|
137 +|Billing cycle|2|N(1)| |(((
138 +Billing frequency determines how often the invoice is sent.
139 +
140 +1,2,3,6 = every 1,2,3,6 month
141 +
142 +8 = every 12 months
143 +
144 +9 = Stop, no invoice.
145 +
146 +If no value is entered, the company’s default value will be applied.
147 +)))|[[BillingCycle>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HBillingCycle"]]
148 +|Discount rate|3|N(2).N(2)| |Total discount on the invoice in percent, e.g. 23.00|[[DiscountRate>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDiscountRate"]]
149 +|Bill type|4|N(1)|Obl.|(((
150 +Invoice type describes the level of detail on the invoice.
151 +
152 +1 = Invoice
153 +
154 +2 = Invoice and summary
155 +
156 +3 = Invoice and specification
157 +
158 +4 = Invoice, summary and specification
159 +)))|[[BillType>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HBillType"]]
160 +|Customer type|5|X(1)| |(((
161 +Customer type can be used to define different customer groups.
162 +
163 +F=Corporate legal entity
164 +
165 +I=Has active subscription
166 +
167 +O=Unspecified
168 +
169 +P=Private
170 +
171 +U=No active subscription
172 +)))|[[PXString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXString"]]
173 +|Retailer number|6|X(1-35)| |Retailer number can be used to generate billing statistics.|[[PXString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXString"]]
174 +|//Not used//|7| | | |
175 +|Customer status|8|X(2)| |(((
176 +1 = Inactive customer
177 +
178 +2 or empty (default) = Active customer.
179 +)))|[[CustomerStatus>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HCustomerStatus"]]
180 +|Media distribution|9|X(2)| |(((
181 +Electronic billing = code issued by PayEx.
182 +
183 +1 = Paper
184 +
185 +11 = E-mail
186 +
187 +52 = E-invoice B2B, = true : then [[EDI-post>>path:#_Electronic_invoice_distribution]] = Obl.
188 +
189 +74 = Archiving only. Ex: company with a customer portal and/or my pages
190 +
191 +94 = E-invoice private. Can only be updated by end customer through its bank
192 +)))|[[InvoiceDistributionCode>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HInvoiceDistributionCode"]]
193 +|//Not used//|10| | | |
194 +|Chain number|11|X(1-15)| |Connects customers on customer number level. Used for internal rating.|[[PXString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXString"]]
195 +|//Not used//|12|X(1-50)| | |
196 +|Product group discount|13|X(2)|*Obl.|Code that relates to PayEx discount structure. Contact PayEx for possibilities|[[Interval:0-99>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HInterval:0-99"]]
197 +|Product group discount rate|14|N(2).N(2)|*Obl.|Discount rate for the product group discount in percent, e.g. 25.00.|[[DiscountRate>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDiscountRate"]]
198 +|(((
199 +Inter Company
200 +
201 +Code
202 +)))|15|X(1-50)| |Company group code|[[PXString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXString"]]
203 +|Departments|16|N(2)| |Enables statistics at department level.|[[Interval:0-99>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HInterval:0-99"]]
204 +
205 +Example of the record appearance:
206 +
207 +**C1;;23.00;4;P;af-123;;2;11;;;;;;;**
208 +
209 +**C1;;23.00;4;P;af-123;;2;11;;;B123;;;666;**
210 +
211 +Billing frequency is only used when invoices are issued on a regular basis. If the queue limits are applicable, leave this field empty.
212 +
213 +*Obl. If one is used, the other is obligatory.
214 +
215 +== C2 - Fixed Telephone record ==
216 +
217 +(% border="1" %)
218 +|=**Field name**|=**Field no**|=**Format**|=**Type**|=**Description**|=**Character check**
219 +|Transaction type|1|C2| |(((
220 +Fixed telephone information at subscription level.
221 +
222 +Max one per subscriber number.
223 +)))|
224 +|Subscriber number|2|X(1-15)|Obl.|One of the customer’s active subscriber numbers.|[[Identifier>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HIdentifier"]]
225 +|CLI code|3|X(1-15)| |Possible other identifier.|[[Identifier>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HIdentifier"]]
226 +|Price list|4|X(1-10)| |Current pricelist for current subscriber number.|[[PXString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXString"]]
227 +|//Not used//|5| | | |
228 +|Start date subscription|6|N(6)|Obl.|Date from when the subscription is active YYMMDD.|[[Date>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDate"]]
229 +|End date subscription|7|N(6)| |Date when the subscription ends YYMMDD.|[[Date>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDate"]]
230 +|First product|8|X(1-5)| |Code for the first product for current subscriber number.|[[Identifier>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HIdentifier"]]
231 +|Start date P1|9|N(6)|1)|Date from when product1 should be billed.|[[Date>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDate"]]
232 +|End date P1|10|N(6)|2)|Date when product1 ends.|[[Date>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDate"]]
233 +|Second product|11|X(1-5)| |Code for the second product for current subscriber number|[[Identifier>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HIdentifier"]]
234 +|Start date P2|12|N(6)|1)|Date from when product2 should be billed.|[[Date>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDate"]]
235 +|End date P2|13|N(6)|2)|Date when product2 ends.|[[Date>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDate"]]
236 +|Next product …| | | |Up to 35 products can be entered.|
237 +
238 +Examples of the record appearance:
239 +
240 +//C2 record with product without end date~://
241 +
242 +**C2;0812345678;;A1;;160212;;P1;160215;;P2;160210;**
243 +
244 +//C2 record with price list product~://
245 +
246 +**C2;0812345678;;;;160212;;P1;160215;;P2;160210;**
247 +
248 +//C2 record with end date for product~://
249 +
250 +**C2;0812345679;;A2;;150502;160205;P1;150215;160205;P2;150210;160205**
251 +
252 +1) If there are products, start date is obligatory.
253 +
254 +2) If the subscription has an end date, the products must also have an end date, no later than the subscriptions end date.
255 +
256 +Subscription details can occur for different customers if the subscription periods (controlled with start and end date, position 6 and 7) do not overlap.
257 +
258 +== MO - Mobile Telephone record ==
259 +
260 +(% border="1" %)
261 +|=**Field name**|=**Field no**|=**Format**|=**Type**|=**Description**|=**Character check**
262 +|Transaction type|1|MO| |Mobile telephone information about a subscription. Max one per IMSI number.|
263 +|IMSI number|2|N(1-15)|Obl|The subscription’s IMSI number, which identifies the subscription in the CDR files.|[[Identifier>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HIdentifier"]]
264 +|Subscriber number|3|X(1-15)|Obl|The customer’s mobile subscription number.|[[Identifier>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HIdentifier"]]
265 +|//Not used//|4| | | |
266 +|Start date subscription|5|N(6)|Obl|Date when the subscription starts. Format: YYMMDD.|[[Date>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDate"]]
267 +|End date subscription|6|N(6)| |Date when the subscription ends. Format: YYMMDD.|[[Date>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDate"]]
268 +|Price list|7|X(10)| |Current mobile price list for subscriber number in field 3.|[[PXString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXString"]]
269 +|First product|8|X(1-5)| |Code for the first product for current subscriber number.|[[Identifier>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HIdentifier"]]
270 +|Start date P1|9|N(6)|1)|Date from when product1 should be billed.|[[Date>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDate"]]
271 +|End date P1|10|N(6)|2)|Date when product1 ends.|[[Date>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDate"]]
272 +|Second product|11|X(1-5)| |Code for the second product for current subscriber number.|[[Identifier>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HIdentifier"]]
273 +|Start date P2|12|N(6)|1)|Date from when product2 should be billed.|[[Date>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDate"]]
274 +|End date P2|13|N(6)|2)|Date when product2 ends.|[[Date>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDate"]]
275 +|Next product.| | | |Up to 35 products can be entered.|
276 +
277 +Examples of the record appearance:
278 +
279 +//MO record with product without end date~://
280 +
281 +**MO;12345678901235;070123123;;160201;;A1;P1;160215;;P2;160810;**
282 +
283 +//MO //record// with end date for product~://
284 +
285 +**MO;12345678901234;07092345678;;160501;;A1;P1;160215;;P2;160210;160831**
286 +
287 +//MO //record// without product~://
288 +
289 +**MO;12345678901234;07092345678;;160501;;A1**
290 +
291 +1) If there are products, a start date is obligatory.
292 +
293 +2) If the subscription has an end date, the products must also have an end date.
294 +
295 +== ==
296 +
297 +== C3 - Special price record ==
298 +
299 +(% border="1" %)
300 +|=**Field name**|=**Field no**|=**Format**|=**Type**|=**Description**|=**Character check**
301 +|Transaction type|1|C3| |Special price information at customer level.|
302 +|Destination code|2|X(1-15)|Obl.|Destination code must be found in the DP file.|[[DestinationCode>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDestinationCode"]]
303 +|Special price|3|N(3).N(3)|Obl.|The special price for mentioned destination in field 2|[[SpecialPrice>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HSpecialPrice"]]
304 +|Start date|4|N(6)|Obl.|Date from when the special price will be valid.|[[Date>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDate"]]
305 +|End date|5|N(6)| |Date until the special price will be valid.|[[Date>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDate"]]
306 +
307 +Example of the record appearance:
308 +
309 +**C3;45;1.035;160601;**
310 +
311 +If the end date is empty, the price is considered to apply until further notice.
312 +
313 +The start date must be (earlier) than the end date.
314 +
315 +The same destination code can only occur once per customer.
316 +
317 +== C6 - Call type price record ==
318 +
319 +(% border="1" %)
320 +|=**Field name**|=**Field no**|=**Format**|=**Type**|=**Description**|=**Character check**
321 +|Transaction type|1|C6| |Call type price info at customer level.|
322 +|Call type|2|N(3)|Obl.|Relates to the call types which have been set up for the company|[[CallType>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HCallType"]]
323 +|Prices|3|N(4).N(3)|Obl.|Price for all calls belonging to call types mentioned in field 2.|[[Price>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPrice"]]
324 +|Start date|4|N(6)|Obl.|Date from when the price will applied|[[Date>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDate"]]
325 +|End date|5|N(6)| |Date until the special price will be applied..|[[Date>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDate"]]
326 +
327 +Example of the record appearance:
328 +
329 +**C6;19;10.000;160601;**
330 +
331 +If no date is given, the price will apply until further notice.
332 +
333 +The start date must be (earlier) than the end date.
334 +
335 +== C7 - Family and friends record ==
336 +
337 +(% border="1" %)
338 +|=**Field name**|=**Field no**|=**Format**|=**Type**|=**Description**|=**Character check**
339 +|Transaction type|1|C7| |Information about family and friends’ number.|
340 +|Subscriber number|2|X(1-15)|Obl.|The customer’s subscription number.|[[Identifier>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HIdentifier"]]
341 +|B number 1|3|X(1-15)|Obl.|Family and friends no 1.|[[PXNameAddressString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXNameAddressString"]]
342 +|B number 2-10|4-12|X(1-15)| |Family and friends no 2-10.|[[PXNameAddressString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXNameAddressString"]]
343 +
344 +Example of the record appearance:
345 +
346 +**C7;08123456;070112233;073112233**
347 +
348 +An MO record or C2 record must contain the subscriber number mentioned in field 2.
349 +
350 +== PR - Product record ==
351 +
352 +(% border="1" %)
353 +|=**Field name**|=**Field no**|=**Format**|=**Type**|=**Description**|=**Character check**
354 +|Transaction type|1|PR| |Information about recurring products at customer level. Max one record per customer.|
355 +|Product 1|2|X(1-5)|Obl.|Code for product 1.|[[Identifier>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HIdentifier"]]
356 +|Start date|3|N(6)|Obl.|Date from when the product will be valid.|[[Date>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDate"]]
357 +|End date|4|N(6)| |Date when the product ends.|[[Date>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDate"]]
358 +|Product 2|5|X(1-5)| |Code for product 2.|[[Identifier>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HIdentifier"]]
359 +|Start date|6|N(6)|**1)**|Date from when the product will be valid.|[[Date>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDate"]]
360 +|End date|7|N(6)| |Date when the product ends.|[[Date>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDate"]]
361 +|Product n| | | |up to a maximum of 35 products per customer.|
362 +
363 +Example of the record appearance:
364 +
365 +**PR;A39;160601;160815;A40;160615;**
366 +
367 +**1)** If there are products, the start date is obligatory.
368 +
369 +The start date must be (earlier) than the end date.
370 +
371 +No more separators are permitted after the position for the end date on the last product. See the example above.
372 +
373 +== B3 - Special discount record ==
374 +
375 +(% border="1" %)
376 +|=**Field name**|=**Field no**|=**Format**|=**Type**|=**Description**|=**Character check**
377 +|Transaction type|1|B3| |Special discount information at customer level. Max one per destination code and customer.|
378 +|Destination code|2|X(1-15)|Obl.|Destination code must be found in the DP file.|[[DestinationCode>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDestinationCode"]]
379 +|Special discount|3|N(3).N(2)|Obl.|Discount in percent e.g. 23.00.|[[Discount>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDiscount"]]
380 +|Start date|4|N(6)|Obl.|Date from when the special discount will be valid.|[[Date>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDate"]]
381 +|End date|5|N(6)| |Date until the special discount will be valid.|[[Date>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDate"]]
382 +
383 +Example of the record appearance:
384 +
385 +**B3;45;23.00;160601;**
386 +
387 +If the end date is empty, the discount is considered to apply until further notice.
388 +
389 +The start date must be (earlier) than the end date.
390 +
391 +The discount can be calculated on minute price, or minute price plus the start fee for the given destination.
392 +
393 +== B4 - Call type discount record ==
394 +
395 +(% border="1" %)
396 +|=**Field name**|=**Field no**|=**Format**|=**Type**|=**Description**|=**Character check**
397 +|Transaction type|1|B4| |Call type discount information at customer level. Max one per call type and customer.|
398 +|Call type|2|N(3)|Obl.|Relates to the call types which have been set up for the company|[[CallType>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HCallType"]]
399 +|Discount|3|N(3).N(2)|Obl.|Discount in percent e.g. 23.29.|[[Discount>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDiscount"]]
400 +|Start date|4|N(6)|Obl.|Date from when the discount will be valid.|[[Date>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDate"]]
401 +|End date|5|N(6)| |Date until the discount will be valid.|[[Date>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HDate"]]
402 +
403 +Examples of the record appearance:
404 +**B4;35;5.00;161004
405 +B4;40;15.00;161004;161101**
406 +
407 +Different discount rates are permitted for the same call types if the periods do not overlap.
408 +
409 +== N - Electronic-message record ==
410 +
411 +(% border="1" %)
412 +|=**Field name**|=**Field no**|=**Format**|=**Type**|=**Description**|=**Character check**
413 +|Transaction type|1|N| |E-message information at customer level. Max one per customer.|
414 +|Enote|2|N(2)| |Distribution method for message, code issued by PayEx.|[[ENoteDistributionCode>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HENoteDistributionCode"]]
415 +|Choice of text|3|N(2)| |Default = 1|[[Interval:0-99>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HInterval:0-99"]]
416 +
417 +Example of the record appearance:
418 +
419 +**N;81;1**
420 +
421 +== EDI - Electronic invoice distribution B2B ==
422 +
423 +(% border="1" %)
424 +|=**Field name**|=**Field no**|=**Format**|=**Type**|=**Description**|=**Character check**
425 +|Transaction type|1|EDI| |Electronic distribution details. Max one record per customer.|
426 +|Van|2|X(1-255)| |Name of VAN -Company|[[PXString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXString"]]
427 +|InterChangeRecipient|3|X(1-13)| |General buyers GLN-number (EAN)|[[PXString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXString"]]
428 +|SellerId|4|X(1-13)|Obl.|The Seller´s GLN -number (EAN)|[[PXString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXString"]]
429 +|BuyerId|5|X(1-13)|Obl.|The Buyers GLN -number (EAN)|[[PXString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXString"]]
430 +|InvoiceAddressee|6|X(1-255)| |Invoice Addressee|[[PXString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXString"]]
431 +|InvoiceRecipient|7|X(1-255)| |Invoice Recipient|[[PXString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXString"]]
432 +|DeliveryAddressee|8|X(1-255)| |Delivery Addressee|[[PXString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXString"]]
433 +|DeliveryRecipient|9|X(1-255)| |Delivery Recipient|[[PXString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXString"]]
434 +|InvoiceReference|10|X(1-255)| |Invoice Reference|[[PXString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXString"]]
435 +|AgreementReference|11|X(1-255)| |Agreement Reference|[[PXString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXString"]]
436 +|BuyerReference1|12|X(1-255)| |Buyer Reference 1|[[PXString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXString"]]
437 +|BuyerReference2|13|X(1-255)| |Buyer Reference 2|[[PXString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXString"]]
438 +
439 +Example of the record appearance:
440 +
441 +**EDI;INEXCHANGE;7369167123;73500042123;736556123;;Company Ltd;;;54550123;54550002;;**
442 +
443 +== SI – Subscription Information record ==
444 +
445 +Note: This record type should not be combined with AL record
446 +
447 +(% border="1" %)
448 +|=**Field name**|=**Field no**|=**Format**|=**Type**|=**Description**|=**Character check**
449 +|Transaction type|1|SI| |Subscription Information record type|
450 +|Subscriber number|2|X(1-15)|Obl.|Subscription number/identifier|[[Identifier>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HIdentifier"]]
451 +|Alias|3|X(1-100)|Obl.|Alias replaces subscriber number on invoice|[[PXNameAddressString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXNameAddressString"]]
452 +|Current subscription/price plan description|4|X(1-100)| |To be used only for presentation on invoice|[[PXString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXString"]]
453 +|Sort order|5|N(2)|Obl.|Sort order value, used for ordering subscriptions on the invoice if there are multiple subscriptions|[[Interval:0-99>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HInterval:0-99"]]
454 +
455 +Only one record (SI) is permitted per subscription number.
456 +
457 +Examples of the record appearance:
458 +
459 +**SI;070123456;070-123456 - Bengt Bengtsson;Subscription ABC;1**
460 +
461 +**SI;070123457;070-123457 - Blenda Bengtsson;Subscription CDE;2**
462 +
463 +== S - Trailer ==
464 +
465 +(% border="1" %)
466 +|=**Field name**|=**Field no**|=**Format**|=**Type**|=**Description**|=**Character check**
467 +|Transaction type|1|S|Obl.|Final record. The last record in the file|
468 +|Number of records|2|N(1-15)|Obl.|The total of number of records in the file including the header and the trailer record.|Number
469 +|Number of customers|3|N(1-10)|Obl.|The total of number of customer records in the file.|Number
470 +
471 +Example of the record appearance:
472 +
473 +**S;13;3**
474 +
475 += Explanations / other =
476 +
477 +== Examples of appearance ==
478 +
479 +H;1234;Company;161213;1220
480 +K;123456789;Nils Nilsson;121212-1212;08-12345678
481 +A;;Street 9;123 45;Svedala;
482 +E;14;;PG;;
483 +C1;;23.59;4;;af-123;;;;;;;;
484 +C2;0812345678;;A1;--;--160212;;P1;160215;;P2;160210;
485 +C2;0812345679;;A2;;160102;160205;P1;160215;160805;P2;160210;160805
486 +MO;12345678901234;07092345678;;160501;;A1;P1;160215;;P2;160210;
487 +MO;12345678901235;070123123;;160201;;A2;P1;160215;;P2;160210;
488 +C3;4523;1.035;160601;
489 +C3;4599;1.035;160601;160801
490 +C6;19;1.035;160601;
491 +C7;08123456;070112233;073112233;
492 +PR;A39;160101;160215;A40;160115;
493 +B3;45;23.29;160601;
494 +B3;46;23.30;160801;
495 +B4;19;10.00;160801;
496 +EDI;INEXCHANGE;7369167123;73500042123;736556123;;Company Ltd;;;54550123;54550002;;
497 +SI;070123456;070-123456 - Bengt Bengtsson;Subscription ABC;1
498 +SI;070123457;070-123457 - Blenda Bengtsson;Subscription CDE;2
499 +S;21;1
500 +
501 += Regular Expressions =
502 +
503 +== Identifier ==
504 +
505 +* [a-zA-Z0-9]*
506 +
507 +== PXString ==
508 +
509 +* [a-zA-Z0-9_:!"#<>=?\[\]@{}´ %-/À-ÖØ-öø-ú]*
510 +
511 +== PXNameAddressString ==
512 +
513 +* [a-zA-Z0-9_:!"#<>=?\[\]@{}´ %-/À-ÖØ-öø-úü]*
514 +
515 +== ZipCode ==
516 +
517 +* [A-Z0-9\-]+
518 +
519 +== Email ==
520 +
521 +* [^@]+@[^\.]+\..+
522 +** [[PXString>>doc:Main.billing.technical-reference.Costumer information.2 KUB xml.Record description.WebHome||anchor="HPXString"]]
523 +
524 +== VatNumberType ==
525 +
526 +* [A-Z]{2}.*
527 +
528 +== DestinationCode ==
529 +
530 +* ^[a-zA-Z0-9@$]*$
531 +
532 +== CountryCode ==
533 +
534 +* ISO-3166 standard
535 +
536 += Enums and intervals =
537 +
538 +== PXVatExemptionCode ==
539 +
540 +”0”,”1”,”2”,”3”
541 +
542 +== Interval:0-99 ==
543 +
544 +”0” – ”99” (Number)
545 +
546 +== CallType ==
547 +
548 +”1” – ”999”
549 +
550 +== SpecialPrice ==
551 +
552 +“0.000 – 999.999”
553 +
554 +== Price ==
555 +
556 +“0.000 – 9999.999”
557 +
558 +== PaymentMethod ==
559 +
560 +“PG”, "BG", "BA”
561 +
562 +== VerifiedPayment ==
563 +
564 +”0”,”1”
565 +
566 +== AliasType ==
567 +
568 +”1”,”2”,”3”
569 +
570 +== CustomerStatus ==
571 +
572 +”1”,”2”
573 +
574 +== BillingCycle ==
575 +
576 +”1”,”2”,”3”,”6”,”8”,”9”
577 +
578 +== DiscountRate ==
579 +
580 +Range from ”0.01” to ”99.99” with two decimal
581 +
582 +== Discount ==
583 +
584 +Range from ”0.00” to ”100.00” with two decimal
585 +
586 +== BillType ==
587 +
588 +”1”,”2”,”3”,”4”
589 +
590 +== InvoiceDistributionCode ==
591 +
592 +”1”,”11”,”52”,”74”,”94”
593 +
594 +== Date ==
595 +
596 +Valid date in format “YYMMDD” between date “700101” and date “371231”
597 +
598 +== Time ==
599 +
600 +Valid time in format “HHMM”
601 +
602 +== ENoteDistributionCode ==
603 +
604 +”81”
605 +
606 +
607 +
608 += =
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