RETC report (BRPT045)

Name convention


CompanyNrThe company number in PayEx ledger system
DateTimeDate created in format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
DeletedProductsReport type
BatchIdBilling processId

Examples of report files.


Change log

VersionDateDescriptionCreated by

Created document

Jacob de Boer

General information and explanation of records

Removal of uncharged non recurring products (ETC) can be done by using an RETC01 file.

The BRPT045 report describes which ETC products what has been deleted with the RETC01 file.

Format description

The file is semicolon separated and starts with a header record and ends with a trailer record.

The format field is written so that numerical values are written as N and alphanumerical values are written as X. ”n” represents the maximum number of numbers/characters or in some instances the required number pf numbers/characters. Decimal separator is represented by a dot ”.”. Some of the s are not required, but are they present other field will also be required. Required field as marked with a ”Req.” in the Type column Header record ”H and Trailer record ”T” must be present in the file.

Record description

H - Header record

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Record type1HReq.Header record
CompanyNumber2N(4)Req.The company number you receive from PayEx
CompanyName3X(40)Req.Your company name
Created date4N(6)Req.YYYY-MM-DD – Same date as in filename
Created time5N(4)Req.HH:MM:SS – Time when the file was created

I1 - Delete Information record summarized

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Record type1I1Req.Information regarding delete criteria
CustomerNo2X(15)Req.Customer Number
SubscriberNo3X(34)Req.Subscriber Number
ProductGroup4N(5)Req.Product group from Billing System
Quantity5N(5)Req.Number of removed products
TotalAmount6N(7).N(2)Req.Total amount

D1 - Delete record summarized

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Record type1D1Req.Information regarding delete criteria
CustomerNo2X(15)Req.Customer Number
SubscriberNo3X(34) Subscriber Number
ProductGroup4N(5) Product group from Billing System
Quantity5N(5)Req.Number of removed products
TotalAmount6N(7).N(2)Req.Total amount

I2 - Delete Information record detailed

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Record type1I2Req.Information regarding delete criteria
CustomerNo2X(15)Req.Customer Number
SubscriberNo3X(34)Req.Subscriber Number
ProductGroup4N(5)Req.Product group
Quantity6N(5)Req.Number of removed products

D2 - Delete record detailed

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Record type1D2Req.Information regarding delete criteria
CustomerNo2X(15)Req.Customer Number
SubscriberNo3X(34) Subscriber Number
ProductGroup4N(5) Product group
Quantity6N(5)Req.Number of removed products

T - Trailer record

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Record type1TReq.Trailer record
Number of records2NReq.Total number of records inclusive header and trailer record.


D2;K11;0498202000;161;Bredband 181001-181130;1;139.00


Created by Anders Göthberg on 2021/04/12 07:54