Name convention


Names ComponentDescription
CompanyNumberThe company number in PayEx ledger system
DateTimeDate created in format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
SEQNOUnbroken serial number sequence.
[LABEL]If label is used

For example: 

Example without [<LABEL>]: CDRF5_9999_200101124405_00001.DAT

Example with [<LABEL>]: CDRF5_9999_200101124405_00001[GSM].DAT

<label> is used in order to give the files a describing text according to [<text>] (text within []) where <text> can be maximum 20 characters. This is not obligatory but notice that <label> is set up per company so then all product files delivered from company must have <label>.

Change log

VersionDateDescriptionCreated by

Created document

Daniel Olsson

General information and explanation of records

CDRF5 format is used to send rated usage to the Payex Billing System.

This file is used in combination with a destination file (DP without pricelists) with corresponding usage codes to connect the rated CDRs to a usage type defined in the PayEx Billing system.

If the call scenarios in CDR file (CPI) contains content services or roaming, additional information must be provided in separate files.

Format description

The file is semicolon-separated.

The format field is written in the way that numerical values are written as N and alphanumerical characters are written as X. where ”n” is the maximum number of characters/digits or in certain cases number of characters that must exist.

Maximum nr of records in file, excluding header and trailer, are 9 999 999 or maximum size of CDR-file is 100 Mb.

Use the first occurrence of the above limits.

Header- and Trailer-record are allowed only once. Multiple usage-records are allowed.

H - Header record

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Transaction type1HReqHeader record
Company number2N(15)ReqThe company number you receive from PayEx
Company name3X(40)ReqYour company name
Created date4N(10)ReqYYYY-MM-DD
Created time5N(8)ReqHH:MM:SS

Example on the records appearance.


U - Usage record

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Recordtype1UReq.U for usage record
Customer-number2N(15)Req.Same as in the customer-file
A-number3N(15)Req.The subscribers telephone number (MSISDN)
Specification text4X(60)Req.Text for presentation on the detailed specification.
Date of service5N(8)Req.Timestamp. YYYYMMDD
Start time6N(6)Req.Timestamp. HHMMSS
Charged volume8N(14)Req.Charged duration
Volume code9X(3)Req.See table “Volume code
Total charge10N(7).(3)Req.Total charge including start fee
Start fee11N(7).(3)Req. 
Tax Rate12N(2).(2)Req.Only positive values are allowed.
Usage code13X(15)Req.Same as in the BDP01-file
Network prefix code14X(5) Number portability code
Charge per charging unit code15N(7).(3) Only positive values are allowed
Charging unit code16X(3) See table “Charging unit code
Charging interval17N(7) If charging interval is other than 1s or 1Kb. Otherwise leave empty.
Content provider ID18X(30) See separate comment
Orig/Term Network19X(5) The PLMN-code if roaming. See separate comment
Free text20X(40)  
Tariff21N(1)Req.Unknown/Not applicable = 0, OffPeak = 1, Peak = 3
CDRID22N(20)ReqUnique cdrid Maximum value 263
Reserved23Reserved Reserved for future use
Reserved24Reserved Reserved for future use
Reserved25Reserved Reserved for future use



T - Trailer record

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Recordtype1TReq..Trailer record
Number of records2N(8)Req..Total number of records including header and trailer


Example on appearance


Additional information Volume code -field

Describes the Volume code for the column “Volume”, column “Charge volume” and column “Charging interval”

Volume codeDescription

Additional information Charging unit code -field

Describes the Charging unit code for the column Charge per charging unit code.

Charging unit codeDescription
N/AUnknown unit

Additional information Content provider ID -field

This field is used when there is a content service scenario. For example pay call scenario or number inquiry scenario, where presentation of content provider information is required on invoice.

The id provided should refer to a service access which is provided to the PayEx Billing system in separate content provider information files.

If sent in content provider id is missing in content provider information collection, the CDR will be retained until valid content provider information has been processed.

Example CDR:

Example from external content provider information file:
H;SOME_SOURCE_CPI;2019-08-22 14:33:00;1
P;P0000677;165592056930;042-4990444;;;SE55920569301;Willmax AB;;;;;
A;P0000677;E0067426;09391119169;2019-07-11 00:00:00;;Tarotcoachen;

Additional information Orig/Term Network -field

This field is used when there is a roaming call scenario. The PLMN code submitted, will be matched towards existing billing system collection of roaming operators.

If PLMN code is missing in the PayEx Billing system collection, the CDR will be retained until collection is updated. Therefore a parallel process where continuous update of the collection is needed when new roaming operators are added in network.


Created by Anders Göthberg on 2021/04/14 10:55