Name convention


Names ComponentDescription
CompanyNumberThe company number in PayEx ledger system
DateTimeDate created in format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
SEQNOUnbroken serial number sequence.
InfoProvider specific code supplied by Payex

For example: CPITP_99999_210102132603_1[XXXXXX].DAT

Change log

VersionDateDescriptionCreated by

Created document

Daniel Olsson

General information and explanation of records

Content Provider Information (CPI)

Due to regulations, premium services are obligated to present name and contact information of the service provider on the invoice.

The purpose of the CPI file is to provide content provider information to the PayEx Billing system.

The content provider information data is an addition to the data sent in the CDRs.

In the CDR, the ID to a service provider is expected for premium services.

The data will be stored in one single source in the PayEx Billing system and may be used by all usage groups within a ledger.

Multiple ledgers can use information from this single source. The file should always be completed and contain all entries ever made for a certain provider code.

Format description

All fields are separated with semicolons ā€;ā€.

The format field is written in the way that numerical values are written as N and alphanumerical characters are written as X. where ā€nā€ is the maximum number of characters/digits or in certain cases number of characters that must exist.

Record description

H - Header record

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Record type1HReq.Header record
File provider code2X(15)Req.File provider specific code supplied by Payex
File creation date3X(19)Req.Date on format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
Version4N(2)Req.File format version, currently 1

P - Provider record

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Record type1PReq.Provider
Content provider id2X(15)Req.Unique identifier for a specific content provider
Organization number3X(12) Organization number for the content provider
Contact phone4X(60) Phone number to the content provider help center
Contact email5X(30) Email address to the content provider help center
Contact url6X(30) URL to the content provider help center
VAT number7X(15) Swedish VAT registration number
Legal name8X(50) Content provider company name
Address line 19X(55) Address
Address line 210X(55) Address cont.
Zip code11X(16) Postal zip code
City12X(30) City
Country13X(30) Country

A - Access record

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Record type1AReq.Access
Content provider id2X(15)Req.Must be present in the provider section of the file
Access Id3X(8) Unique identifier for a specific access
B number4X(32) Phone number connected to the access
Start date5X(19)Req.Valid-from date for the access, format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
End date6X(19) Valid-to date for the access, format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
Description7X(50) Textual description of the content
Destination code8X(5) Destination Code for mapping to Payex DP-file

T - Trailer record

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Record type1TReq.Trailer record
Number of
provider records
2N(8)Req.Number of provider records
Number of
access records
3N(8)Req.Number of access records

Record constraints

Header- and Trailer-record are allowed only once.

Provider records are allowed any number of times and should be written directly after the header record. All Provider records should be written before any Access record.

Access records are allowed any number of times and should be written after the provider records. Please note that all access records must reference a valid provider record.

Complete file example

Please note that this is a very simple example using a one-to-one relationship between provider and access where Content Provider Id is the reference between the two

File name: CPITP_210101120000_1[XXXXXX].DAT

H;XXXXX;2021-02-01 12:00:00;1
P;P00234;5770523124;08-123456;;;12378944;The Company;;;;;
A;P00234;;;2008-01-01 00:00:00;;Ringtones;
A;P00235;;;2007-01-01 00:00:00;;Tunes;


Created by ang on 2021/04/14 13:03