DP without pricelists

Name convention


Names ComponentDescription
CompanyNumberThe company number in PayEx ledger system
DateTimeDate created in format YYMMDDHHMMSS
SEQNOUnbroken serial number sequence.
tagWhich sub group of configuration this DP setup will be used for

For example:
Without <tag>: DP_9999_210323124421_1.DAT
With <tag>: DP_9999_210323124421_1[10009999].DAT

The <tag> is used to identify which sub group of configuration this DP setup will be used for.
Each sub group has their own sequence number sequence.

Change log

VersionDateDescriptionCreated by

Created document

Daniel Olsson

General information and explanation of records

Destination and price list specification for pre -rated CDR:s. No pricelists in this document.  

Character encoding


Format description

Semi colons separate the file.

The format field is written in the way that numerical values are written as N there ”n” is the maximum number of characters or in certain cases number of characters that must exist. Alphanumerical characters are written as X. The decimal separator on amounts must be comma “,”. Certain records are not obligatory but if they exist may certain fields in the record be obligatory. Obligatory records are described with the abbreviation ”obl.” in the type column.

Record description

H - Header record

Field nameField noFormatTypeDescription
Type of transaction1HObl.Header record.
Text2X(20)Obl.Description text.
Valid from date3X(10)Obl.YYYY-MM-DD, The date from which the file is valid.

Example on the records appearance:

H;Valid from date;2000-12-15

Column description record

Field nameField noFormatTypeDescription
Destination code1X(15)Obl.Headline destination code column.
Destination plain text2X(30)Obl.Headline plain text column.
Type of call3X(15)Obl.Headline type of call column.

Example on the records appearance:

Destcode;Destination plain text;Type of call

Destprice record

Field nameField noFormatTypeDescription
Destination code1X(15)Obl.Headline destination code column
Destination plain text2XObl.Headline plain text column, see explanation
Type of call3N(3)Obl.According to the types of calls that you have received from PayEx.

Example on the records appearance:


Number of characters in “Destination plain text”

The text describing the destination might be used differently on the invoice. This causes the value of the length to vary. Maximum length can never exceed 30 characters.

The file isn’t accepted if

The numbers of semi colon separated columns aren’t the same for all rows!

Data contains of any of these characters:

;59Semi colon
|124Vertical line



Without commission column.
PayEx doesn’t do the rating. DP-file only used as a reference file to connect usage ID with PayEx predefined usage type.

H;Valid from date;2019-01-01
Destcode;Destination;Type of call
1850;Florida USA;5
3966982;Vatican state;5


Created by ang on 2021/04/14 13:26