The SIE4 file describes the accounting records on an aggregated level, that includes total amounts per book account. Data is exported from PayEx on a daily schedule.
The SIE format is an open standard for transferring accounting data and describes the accounting on a high level.
You can download the record description in swedish or english at
Current version used by PayEx is version SIE4I.
Name convention
SIE4I_<CompanyNumber>_<DateTime>_<SerialNumber>[SEK_Claimant_BAS 2000].SI
Name components | Description |
CompanyNumber | The company number in our ledger system |
DateTime | The date and time that the file was created. Uses ISO 8601 format, YYYYMMDDhhmmdd |
SerialNumber | Should follow an uninterrupted number series, 1, 2, 3 and so on. |
E.g. SIE4I_9999_20180923124422_1[SEK_Claimant_BAS 2000].SI
Book Accounts
Account | Swedish | English |
1510 | Kundfordringar PayEx | Accounts receivable PayEx |
1513 | Kundfordringar direktbetalda | Accounts receivable Direct payment |
1514 | Kundfordringar direktbetalda Swish | Accounts receivable Direct payment Swish |
1519 | Osäker fordran | Write down / Bad debt losses |
1684 | Kortfristig fordran PayEx | Short-term receivable from PayEx |
2490 | Skuld till kund (reglering kreditfaktura) | Liabilities to customer (credit invoice settlement) |
2499 | Transportkonto (reglering kreditfaktura) | Transport account (credit invoice settlement) |
3591 | Intäkter för påminnelseavgift | Revenue from Reminder fee |
3592 | Intäkter för inkassoavgift | Revenue from Debt collection fee |
3593 | Intäkter för förseningsavgift | Revenue from Business late fee |
3594 | Intäkter för inkassokostnader | Revenue from Debt Collection expenses |
3595 | Intäkter för inkassoarvoden | Revenue from Debt Collection expenses |
3710 | Rabatt, restbelopp efterskänks | Remaining amount to remission |
3740 | Godkänd öresdiff tillgodo | Rounding to whole units |
8313 | Dröjsmålsränta | Interest |
Account | Norwegian | English |
1500 | Kundefordringer PayEx | Accounts receivable PayEx |
1520 | Kundefordringer direktebetalte | Accounts receivable Direct payment |
1580 | Usikker fordring | Write down / Bad debt losses |
1390 | Kortsiktig fordring PayEx | Short-term receivable from PayEx |
2900 | Gjeld til kunde (regulering kreditfaktura) | Liabilities to customer (credit invoice settlement) |
2999 | Transportkonto (regulering kreditfaktura) | Transport account (credit invoice settlement) |
3900 | Inntekter fra purregebyr | Revenue from Reminder fee |
3180 | Rabatt, restbeløp at tilgi | Remaining amount to remission |
7745 | Godkjent øreavrunding til gode | Rounding |
8055 | Rente | Interest |
Account | Danish | English |
6310 | Kundefordringer PayEx | Accounts receivable PayEx |
6312 | Kundefordringer direktebetalte | Accounts receivable Direct payment |
6330 | Ubetalt gæld | Write down / Bad debt losses |
6490 | Kortfristet fordring PayEx | Short-term receivable from PayEx |
6311 | Gæld til kunde (regulering kreditfaktura) | Liabilities to customer (credit invoice settlement) |
6420 | Transportkonto (regulering kreditfaktura) | Transport account (credit invoice settlement) |
1551 | Indtægt for rykkergebyr | Revenue from Reminder fee |
1552 | Indtægt for inkassogeby | Revenue from Debt collection fee |
1553 | Indtægt for forsinkelsegebyr | Revenue from Business late fee |
1555 | Indtægt for inkassoomkostninger | Revenue from Debt Collection expenses |
1554 | Indtægt for inkassoomkostninger | Revenue from Debt Collection expenses |
2830 | Rabat, restbeløb eftergives | Remaining amount to remission |
1556 | Godkendte øresdiff til gode | Rounding to whole units |
3490 | Rente | Interest |
Account | Finnish | English |
1700 | Myyntireskontra | Accounts receivable PayEx |
1761 | Myyntireskontra Suorat Maksut | Accounts receivable Direct payment |
1762 | Luottotappiot | Write down / Bad debt losses |
1760 | Lyhytaikaiset saatavat Payexiltä | Short-term receivable from PayEx |
2941 | Velka asiakkaalle (säännön mukainen hyvityslasku) | Liabilities to customer (credit invoice settlement) |
2999 | Kuljetustili (säännön mukainen hyvityslasku) | Transport account (credit invoice settlement) |
3251 | Muistutuskulun tuotto | Revenue from Reminder fee |
3252 | Maksuvaatimuksen tuotto | Revenue from Debt collection fee |
3253 | Myöhästymiskulujen tulo | Revenue from Business late fee |
3255 | Perintäkulujen tuotto | Revenue from Debt Collection expenses |
3254 | Perintäkulujen tuotto | Revenue from Debt Collection expenses |
3999 | Jäljellä oleva peruutettava määrä | Remaining amount to remission |
3999 | Pyöristys kokonaisiksi yksiköiksi | Rounding to whole units |
9161 | Korko | Interest |
#PROGRAM PayEx.AR.Batch.SIE4I 2016.12.344.1
#GEN 20161214 1321557
#KPTYP "BAS 2000"
#FNAMN "TestFirma 10"
#ORGNR 556735-56710
#KONTO 1510 "Kundfordingar PayEx"
#KTYP 1510 O
#KONTO 1684 "Kortfristig fordran PayEx"
#KTYP 1684 O
#KONTO 3710 "Nedskrivningar av int„kter"
#KTYP 3710 I
#VER C 77002 20161213
#TRANS 1510 {} -250.00 20161213
#TRANS 1510 {} 250.00 20161213
#VER C 77003 20161213
#TRANS 1510 {} -2500.00 20161222
#TRANS 1684 {} 2499.50 20161222
#TRANS 3710 {} 0.50 20161222
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