The SIE4 file describes the accounting records on an aggregated level, that includes total amounts per book account. Data is exported from PayEx on a daily schedule.


The SIE format is an open standard for transferring accounting data and describes the accounting on a high level.

You can download the record description in swedish or english at

Current version used by PayEx is version SIE4I.

Name convention

SIE4I_<CompanyNumber>_<DateTime>_<SerialNumber>[SEK_Claimant_BAS 2000].SI

Names ComponentDescription
CompanyNumberThe company number in our ledger system
DateTimeThe date and time that the file was created. Uses ISO 8601 format, YYYYMMDDhhmmdd
SerialNumberShould follow an uninterupted  number series, 00001 and so on.

E.g. SIE4I_9999_20180923124422_1[SEK_Claimant_BAS 2000].SI

Failed to execute the [display] macro. Cause: [Cannot find section [HBookAccounts] in document [developer:Main.Invoicing.invoice-service.Technical reference.6\. ARAccountingDetail.WebHome]]. Click on this message for details.



#PROGRAM PayEx.AR.Batch.SIE4I 2016.12.344.1
#GEN 20161214 1321557
#KPTYP "BAS 2000"
#FNAMN "TestFirma 10"
#ORGNR 556735-56710
#KONTO 1510 "Kundfordingar PayEx"
#KTYP 1510 O
#KONTO 1684 "Kortfristig fordran PayEx"
#KTYP 1684 O
#KONTO 3710 "Nedskrivningar av int„kter"
#KTYP 3710 I
#VER C 77002 20161213
  #TRANS 1510 {} -250.00 20161213
  #TRANS 1510 {} 250.00 20161213
#VER C 77003 20161213
  #TRANS 1510 {} -2500.00 20161222
  #TRANS 1684 {} 2499.50 20161222
  #TRANS 3710 {} 0.50 20161222

Download sample file

SIE4I_10_20161214093949_0[SEK_Claimant_BAS 2000].SI

Created by dap on 2019/06/20 08:46