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Helge Dahl 8.1 1 The Payer resource contains information about the person that performed the PayEx Checkout user flow and eventually paid for the goods or service.
3 = Retrieve Addressee resource =
Asbjørn Ulsberg 16.1 5 To retrieve the Addressee resource, you first have to have created a [[Payment Session resource>>Sandbox.payex-checkout-v1.Introduction.Payment-session.WebHome]] and have the payer complete the PayEx Checkout user flow. Then, within the Payment Session resource, you will find a {{code}}Addressee{{/code}} property containing the URL of the Addressee resource. When you have discovered that URL, just perform an HTTP {{code}}GET{{/code}} request on it.
Helge Dahl 8.1 6
7 == Example ==
9 === Request ===
11 {{code language="JavaScript"}}
12 GET https://api.payex.com/psp/checkout/payment-sessions/123-456-789/addressee HTTP/1.1
13 Accept: application/json
14 Authorization: Bearer merchantToken==
15 {{/code}}
17 === Response ===
19 {{code language="JavaScript"}}
20 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
21 Content-Type: application/json
23 {
24 "id": "https://api.payex.com/psp/checkout/payment-sessions/123-456-789/addressee",
25 "email": "payer@example.com",
26 "mobilePhoneNumber": "+4712345678",
27 "fullName": "Bill Payson",
28 "address": {
29 "streetAddress": "Street 13",
30 "zipCode": "93837",
31 "city": "Billington",
32 "coAddress": "Cash Payson, Some Avenue 13",
33 "countryCode": "NO"
34 }
35 }
36 {{/code}}


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