Wiki source code of PlantUML Macro
Version 1.1 by Helge Dahl on 2018/01/23 13:01
1 | This macro enables you to include UML diagrams inside your wiki pages using **PlantUML** ([[]]). |
2 | |
3 | == Configuration == |
4 | |
5 | {{velocity}} |
6 | #if ($doc.getObject("XWiki.PlantUMLConfigurationClass").Server != '') |
7 | The configured active server is :** $doc.getObject("XWiki.PlantUMLConfigurationClass").Server ** |
8 | #else |
9 | **No server specified**, using the embedded PlantUML implementation. |
10 | #end |
11 | |
12 | To specify your own PlantUML server, {{html}}<a href="$xwiki.getURL( $doc.getFullName(), "edit", "editor=object&classname=XWiki.PlantUMLConfigurationClass&object=0")">edit this URL</a>{{/html}}. |
13 | The default value is {{html}}{{/html}} |
14 | Be careful, the server URL must end with a slash. |
15 | {{/velocity}} |
16 | |
17 | == Version information == |
18 | |
19 | {{plantuml}} |
20 | version |
21 | {{/plantuml}} |