Error log PRxx (BERR007)

Name convention


Names ComponentDescription
CompanyNumberThe company number in PayEx ledger system
DateTimeDate created in format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
SEQNOUnbroken serial number sequence.
ErrorlogProductfileFile description
BatchIdThe identification number from the creation of the FB01 creation process ID

For example: BERR007_99999_20220415093539_0[ErrorlogProcuctFile_1234567].DAT

The file is semicolon-separated.

Change log

VersionDateDescriptionCreated by

Errorlog in production

Daniel Olsson

General information and explanation of records

The non-recurring product file process supports selectable logic errors which will be returned in a response file. These selectable errors need to be set-up in cooperation with PayEx

In case of one or more selectable errors, all products for the entire customer within the same product file will be rejected. All rows which passes validation will be accepted and added to unbilled.

All fields in the mentioned report are separated with semicolons ”;”. Sort order is sequence number. The format field is written in the way that numerical values are written as N and alphanumerical characters are written as X. where ”n” is the maximum number of characters/digits or in certain cases number of characters that must exist.

Dot “.” is decimal separator on fields with amount. Some records are not obligatory but if they exist some fields in the record can be obligatory. Obligatory records are described with the abbreviation ” Req.” in the type column.

File name: BERR007_<firmno>_<datetime>_0[ErrorlogProductfile_<processId>].DAT

where <DateTime> (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) is the time of creation

Example: BERR007_99999_20220415093539_0[ErrorlogProcuctFile_1234567].DAT

Record description

H - Header record

Required record

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Record type1HReq.Record type
Firm number2N(5)Req.You receive the firm number from PayEx.
Firm name3X(40)Req.Your firm name.
Process Id4N(10)Req.Process Id from process
Created date6N(6)Req.YYMMDD – Same date as in the file name.
Created time7N(4)Req.HHMM – Time when the file was created.

I - Information record

Optional record

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Record type1IReq.Information record type
Code2N(15)Req.Information code
Type3X(50)Req.Category type
Description4X(1000)Req.Description of information code

W - Warning record

Optional record

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Record type1WReq.Warning record type
Code2N(15)Req.Warning code
Line3N(15) Corresponding line number in file
Type5X(50)Req.Category type
Headline5X(100)Req.Warning headline
Description6X(1000)Req.Warning description

E - Error record

Optional record

Field nameField no.FormatTypeDescription
Record type1EReq.Error record type
Code2N(15)Req.Error code
Line3N(15) Corresponding line number in file
Type5X(50)Req.Category type
Headline5X(100)Req.Error headline
Description6X(1000)Req.Error description

S - Trailer record

Required record

Field nameField noFormatTypeDescription
Record type1SReq.Record type
Total number of records2N(8)Req.Number of records, header record, description record and trailer record included.


H;99999;Company name;2808359;230502;1358

I;15317;Parameters;Name of processed file;PR01_12345_230109154010_0.DAT

W;190;3;Record;Error: missing customer;Customer [ABC123] not registred in database

W;190;4;Record;Error: missing customer;Customer [ABC123] not registred in database

W;190;5;Record;Error: missing customer;Customer [ABC123] not registred in database

W;190;6;Record;Error: missing customer;Customer [ABC123] not registred in database

W;190;7;Record;Error: missing customer;Customer [ABC123] not registred in database

E;520;;Logic;Error limit exceeded;Logic validation file percent limit 50% is exceeded. Actual [55%].S;9

Result codes

Information codes

CodeCategory typeDescription
15317ParametersName of processed file

Warning codes

Codes which can be used in the response file as warnings instead of errors

CodeCategory typeDescription
190RecordMissing customer
460RecordIncorrect value on IdNo
480RecordIncorrect value on product group
501RecordMissing product property in company config

Error codes

1001Error: FileformatValidation error
270Error: FileformatInvalid date
1240Error: FileformatInvalid record sequence
1241Error: FileformatInvalid field sequence
1243Error: FileformatError in filename or sequence
100Error: FileformatError: invalid fileformat
110Error: FileformatError: unknown transactiontype
140Error: FileformatError: incorrect length on value
1238Error: FileformatDuplicate record
1013Error: FileformatInvalid time
120Error: HeaderError: incorrect companynumber
130Error: HeaderError: missing value
150Error: HeaderError: not numeric value
160Error: HeaderError: incorrect number of fields
170Error: HeaderError: header missing
300Error: TrailerError: not numeric value
310Error: TrailerError: missing value
320Error: TrailerError: incorrect number of fields
330Error: TrailerError: trailer missing
340Error: TrailerError: incorrect no. of entries
370Error: TrailerError: incorrect no. of Product entries
380Error: TrailerError: incorrect no. of Customerno.Info entries
390Error: TrailerError: incorrect no. of SubscriberInfo entries
400Error: TrailerError: incorrect no. of SubscriberProduct entries
410Error: TrailerError: incorrect no. of DateProduct entries
420Error: TrailerError: incorrect no. of DateSubscriberProduct entries
350Error: Filename does not comply to standardError: missing file
360Error: Filename does not comply to standardError: filename format
1013Error: LogicCompanyNo Mismatch
520Error: LogicError limit exceeded:
180Error: RecordError: incorrect length on value
190Error: RecordError: missing customer
200Error: RecordError: missing value
210Error: RecordError: invalid productcode
220Error: RecordError: not numeric value
230Error: RecordError: negative value
240Error: RecordError: not comma separated value
250Error: RecordError: incorrect no. of decimals
260Error: RecordError: wrong no. of characters in value
270Error: RecordError: invalid date
280Error: RecordError: value larger than previous field
290Error: RecordError: incorrect no. of fields
430Error: RecordError: value is zero
440Error: RecordError: value is not integer
450Error: RecordError: Incorrect character
460Error: RecordError: Incorrect value on IdNo.
470Error: RecordError: value is larger than 60k
480Error: RecordError: incorrect value on productId
500Error: RecordError: duplicate of product property
510Error: RecordError: invalid value in product property
501Error: RecordError: missing product property in company config


Created by Anders Göthberg on 2023/06/08 14:30