Wiki source code of ProductCatalog XSD

Last modified by Anders Göthberg on 2024/03/28 10:24
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1 {{xslt syntax="html" xsl="attach:Main.Contract-financing.Technical-reference.WebHome@viewXSD.xsl"}}
3 <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns:vc="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" vc:minVersion="1.1">
4 <xs:element name="ProductCatalog">
5 <xs:annotation>
6 <xs:documentation>Contains general ledger product mapping of the entire product catalog </xs:documentation>
7 </xs:annotation>
8 <xs:complexType>
9 <xs:sequence>
10 <xs:element name="GLProducts" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
11 <xs:annotation>
12 <xs:documentation>Contains all general ledger products</xs:documentation>
13 </xs:annotation>
14 <xs:complexType>
15 <xs:sequence>
16 <xs:element name="GLProduct" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
17 <xs:annotation>
18 <xs:documentation>Contains products associated to on GLProduct</xs:documentation>
19 </xs:annotation>
20 <xs:complexType>
21 <xs:sequence>
22 <xs:element name="Products" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
23 <xs:annotation>
24 <xs:documentation>Contains products associated to the specific general ledger product</xs:documentation>
25 </xs:annotation>
26 <xs:complexType>
27 <xs:sequence>
28 <xs:element name="Product" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
29 <xs:annotation>
30 <xs:documentation>Contains information associatied to one product</xs:documentation>
31 </xs:annotation>
32 <xs:complexType>
33 <xs:attribute name="ProductId" type="fIdentifier" use="required">
34 <xs:annotation>
35 <xs:documentation>Unique identifier (preferably GTIN) of the product</xs:documentation>
36 </xs:annotation>
37 </xs:attribute>
38 <xs:attribute name="RevenueType" type="fIdentifier" use="required">
39 <xs:annotation>
40 <xs:documentation>Revenue type association. Affects GL VatCode and GL Acccount handling Example: PRODUCT, SERVICE, ....</xs:documentation>
41 </xs:annotation>
42 </xs:attribute>
43 <xs:attribute name="CostCenter" type="fIdentifier" use="optional">
44 <xs:annotation>
45 <xs:documentation>Costcenter associated to the product. Affects GL costcenter handling</xs:documentation>
46 </xs:annotation>
47 </xs:attribute>
48 <xs:attribute name="ProductType" type="fIdentifier" use="optional">
49 <xs:annotation>
50 <xs:documentation>Product type association. Only used in accounting Example: PERIODIC, USAGE, ONETIME etc ...</xs:documentation>
51 </xs:annotation>
52 </xs:attribute>
53 </xs:complexType>
54 </xs:element>
55 </xs:sequence>
56 </xs:complexType>
57 </xs:element>
58 </xs:sequence>
59 <xs:attribute name="GLProductCode" type="fIdentifier" use="required"/>
60 </xs:complexType>
61 </xs:element>
62 </xs:sequence>
63 </xs:complexType>
64 </xs:element>
65 </xs:sequence>
66 <xs:attribute name="Version" type="Version" use="required">
67 <xs:annotation>
68 <xs:documentation>The XSD version of the xml format. XML-file must be validated before sent to PayEx</xs:documentation>
69 </xs:annotation>
70 </xs:attribute>
71 <xs:attribute name="CreatedDateTime" type="xs:dateTime" use="required">
72 <xs:annotation>
73 <xs:documentation>Date and time when the file was created</xs:documentation>
74 </xs:annotation>
75 </xs:attribute>
76 <xs:attribute name="CompanyNo" type="CompanyNumber" use="required">
77 <xs:annotation>
78 <xs:documentation>Your billing/accountsreceivablenumber at PayEx</xs:documentation>
79 </xs:annotation>
80 </xs:attribute>
81 <xs:attribute name="CompanyName" type="xs:string" use="required">
82 <xs:annotation>
83 <xs:documentation>The name of your company</xs:documentation>
84 </xs:annotation>
85 </xs:attribute>
86 </xs:complexType>
87 </xs:element>
88 <xs:simpleType name="CompanyNumber">
89 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
90 <xs:minLength value="1"/>
91 <xs:maxLength value="15"/>
92 <xs:pattern value="[0-9]*"/>
93 </xs:restriction>
94 </xs:simpleType>
95 <xs:simpleType name="fIdentifier">
96 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
97 <xs:maxLength value="15"/>
98 <xs:pattern value="[A-Za-z0-9]*"/>
99 </xs:restriction>
100 </xs:simpleType>
101 <xs:simpleType name="Version">
102 <xs:annotation>
103 <xs:documentation>Versions supported by this schema</xs:documentation>
104 </xs:annotation>
105 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
106 <xs:enumeration value="1.0"/>
107 </xs:restriction>
108 </xs:simpleType>
109 </xs:schema>
110 {{/xslt}}