The ARFILEREPORT104 file contains Payments in transfer to debt collection system

Name convention


Names ComponentDescription
OwnerCodeThe company number in our ledger system
DateTimeThe date and time that the file was created. Uses ISO 8601 format, YYYYMMDDhhmmss
SeqNoShould follow an uninterupted  number series, 00001 and so on.

E.g. ARFILEREPORT104_666_20210127084304_2

Table Header 
ReportNameName of the report :Remaining collection payments, details
ReportTypeInternal name : ARFILEREPORT104
CompanyNoThe company number in our ledger system
CompanyNameThe company name in our ledger system
RegNoThe company regno in our ledger system
CreatedDateTimeDate and time of creation : YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
ReportDateReport data date : YYYY-MM-DD


H1;Remaining collectionpayments detailed;ARFILEREPORT104;666;Företaget Sverige AB;556421-0309;2021-01-27 12:51:25;2021-01-26;
H2;Company no.;Reference id;Customer name;Amount;Currency;Payment date;
D;666;5617056;Atlanta Gastonguay;568,00;SEK;2020-04-01;
D;666;5617018;Prudy Field;408,00;SEK;2020-04-01;

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Created by aha on 2021/01/27 12:55