Unbilled Accounts Receivable

This is an overview of UnbilledAccountsReceivable, The file is used to register and store amounts that are yet to be invoiced.


The file is used to send instructions to PayEx to register and store amounts that are yet to be invoiced. Only predefined risk participators (agreed with PayEx) can be used.

The instructions are stored at PayEx and executed according to the agreed schedule.

If several instructions are sent against the same credit account before they have been executed, the most recent one will be used.

Name Convention


Name componentsDescription
CompanyNumberThe company number in our ledger system
DateTimeThe date and time that the file was created. Uses ISO 8601 format, YYYYMMDDhhmmdd
SerialNumberShould follow an uninterrupted number series, 1, 2, 3 and so on.

E.g. UnbilledAccountsReceivable_9999_20080923124422_1.xml

Receipt file

When the file is processed, a receipt will be created showing numbers of processed instructions, failed instructions etc.

Detailed description of the file can be found here

Error handling

If any error occurs during the process of the XML file, an errorlog file will be produced and returned consisting of:

  • detailed description of all the errors that occured (ResponseItems file)
  • the elements of the original file that failed (OriginItems file)

Depending of the type of error you can choose to correct the invalid elements and transfer it again in a new file (using the next serial number in the number series).

Detailed description of the file can be found here

Current XML schema description

A detailed description of the elements in the current version of the XML schema definition file (XSD) can be found here

Download current XML schema file


Change Log

Version 1.0

January, 2024


 Initial version (latest documented version)

Download sample file



Created by David Persson on 2023/11/27 09:36