Receipt file

Last modified by Karl Holmbom on 2023/11/27 15:37

When a file, containing one or more activities, is processed a receipt will be created showing numbers of processed customers, numbers of processed invoices and total amount.

Receipt file


You can find the XSD and an example file below.

In addition to a verification that the file has been received and processed by PayEx the receiptfile also contains other summarized info about the processed file (activityparameters). Below is a list of the activityparameters that is present in the file:

FileName Name of proccesed fileString
PassedXSDValidation Wheter the file is valid accoring to the currently active XML Schema file (files is always validated by PayEx upon process)Boolean

Each type of receipt file has a "FileTypeId", the receipt file for the "unbilled accounts receivable" file import has the number "10", for example: ARRCP10_123_20231003133452_1.XML

Name convention

ARRCP<FileTypeId>_<CompanyNumber>_<DateTime>_<SerialNumber>[Original related filename].XML

Name componentsDescription
FileTypeIdId number of the receipt file
CompanyNumberThe company number in our ledger system
DateTimeDate created, Should be in the format  ISO 8601 format, YYYYMMDDhhmmdd
SerialNumberShould follow an uninterrupted number series, 1, 2, 3 and so on.

Current XML schema description

A detailed description of the elements in the current version of the XML schema definition file (XSD) can be found here

Download current XML schema file


Change Log

Version 1.0

September, 2016


 Initial version (latest documented version)

Download sample files


Created by Karl Holmbom on 2023/11/27 15:36
Translated into en by Karl Holmbom on 2023/11/27 15:36